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Fighting the surveillance capitalist project. All things open-source and commie

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Stop being elitist, spread Linux!
  • @jackpot Then they ask what's a bios? what's a product key? how do boot from USB? there is huge details your missing maybe for a Linux native 15 minutes seams reasonable but my first install took maybe 45 mins, and I'm tech competent.

    Also people will be asking how do they copy over their data already on windows. The other question for many is why would I want to? sadly the general population doesnt care about open source

  • What is Firefox's Use Case for Normies/Tech Illiterate People?
  • @DangerousInternet vivaldi is closed source though, brave I've found in my expirrence to be slow however do use their mobile browser. Fact is though V3 will become more prevalent as support for v2 drops from google it turns into a ticking time bomb. Overall relying on chromium is a ticking time bomb with all of googles web DRM bulshit.

    Idk i just find chromium browsers to be slower and fear the all chrome future

  • What is Firefox's Use Case for Normies/Tech Illiterate People?
  • @DangerousInternet what browsers are you referring to, the only chromium based browser that I know blocks ads without an extension is brave. apart from the rest need extensions and the major ones (chrome, edge etc) plan to end manifest v2 support

  • What is Firefox's Use Case for Normies/Tech Illiterate People?
  • @DangerousInternet @vrighter not with manifest v3 rolling out though. I can still block every ad and block ad blocker blockers meanwhile my chromium friends seem to be crippled in this regard.

  • Can I pre-install Ubuntu on an SSD?
  • @Hazmatastic @theredcaps I think it is a bandwidth concern, especially if multiple people will be streaming from the server. WiFi is unstable too its part in parcel, wired is just required if you need something that's stable

  • Canonical lifts lid on more Ubuntu Core Desktop details
  • @caseyweederman @makingStuffForFun the prediction imperative will come in before that. surveillance capitalism is how they will make their fortune

  • Raspberry Pi - Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5
  • @bappity its an independent search algorithm and yes the company itself is flawed... but the search is open source if I'm not mistaken

  • Raspberry Pi - Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5
  • @bappity no yeah totally I used it for ages it just sucks there is no truly independent privacy orientated browser. the closest thing to that is brave search

  • Raspberry Pi - Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5
  • @bappity @asexualchangeling sadly duck duck go is basically just a bing proxy

  • Trying Fedora. Never rebooted so often in my life
  • @danielfgom ah I see well either way even if fedora put a backdoor in it wouldnt exactly be a secret. maybe a compromised iso from their main website but people would quickly raise the alarm over the hashes

  • Trying Fedora. Never rebooted so often in my life
  • @danielfgom @cygnus fedora is as independent of red hat as Linux mint is independent of canonical. At least as far as I know

  • It either runs on Linux or refund
  • @flashgnash yeah they work in proton... that's not native linux. porting a windows game to native Linux is more trouble that its worth for most devs hence projects like proton

  • What distro to choose in parallel to steamos
  • @thethirdobject @iHUNTcriminals I would say its a no brainer if you mainly use a laptop with a trackpad. its feels like the de is setup for laptops and has great gesture support. the desktop experience is also good though once you install a handful of extensions and configure the keyboard shortcuts

  • It either runs on Linux or refund
  • @Rooty even 3 - 5% is not worth it for a lot of devs for the amount of time it would take. you must also consider every update also needing the same care taken to it. financially small devs don't have the resources and big devs know it would eat into their profits

  • It either runs on Linux or refund
  • @Rooty @Uluganda you mean apart from the extra work it takes for devs to give support to the platform, a platform where they will get less than 1% of sales.

    saying "theres no excuse" is just delusional

  • *Finally* found a decently priced laptop using AMD's 780m iGPU | Lenovo UK Laptop configurator
  • @phx @merthyr1831 no lenovo has the worst name conventions and worse names for the same laptop is different in different regions. my laptop here in Europe is: Lenovo yoga slim 7 pro x not to be confused with the yoga 7 pro or yoga slim 7. in north america they drop the yoga branding it's just lenovo slim 7 pro x

    I imagine this means getting replacement parts is a nightmare

  • Trying to get my partner to switch from Windows to Linux. Has anyone tried Scrivener with Wine?
  • @nottheengineer what do you suggest? problem is I'm limited since my home server is a raspberry pi so I'm limited to distros that support arm

    I should probably give Debian a try, but I never had a good experience with Debian desktop.

  • Trying to get my partner to switch from Windows to Linux. Has anyone tried Scrivener with Wine?
  • @nottheengineer well thanks for letting me know anyway, this probably explains a lot of the docker issues I have been encountering which are "snap only" problems, despite me installing through apt

  • Trying to get my partner to switch from Windows to Linux. Has anyone tried Scrivener with Wine?
  • @nottheengineer is this also the case with Ubuntu server? If so is there a way to turn that shit off,

  • It's not just Adobe. Now Logitech wants me to go to a random website in order to add peripherals to my computer, and I'm met with this when I go to the page they tell me to
  • @deweydecibel @Yoz don't blame the consumers people have busy lives and don't have the time or interest to spend their limited free time learning privacy or avoiding a certain company because of an obscure privacy reason they don't understand.

    this is why market pressure is essentially bullshit. If more aggressive action is taken towards these companies instead of just blindly believing in the free market we might actually make an impact.

    we have the free time let's use it to hurt them