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“Hire me”
  • Hell, I already sat down three times and tried to figure out what this React thing is. Couldn‘t make it. Using Svelte now and being happy.

  • Recommend me a stable Linux distro for gaming
  • Was a joke, but tbh, I use Arch myself and it runs pretty ok. The problem is rather that you are tempted to experiment and waste your time (because you can).

  • python < shell (for scripts)
  • Lua is weird, but I would rank it same as Python

  • python < shell (for scripts)
  • Bash is much better for doing file operations and piping the output across multiple commands

  • Sometimes there is a better choice than Javascript


    python < shell (for scripts)


    meanwhile electron


    web development

    Data structures…
  • Yea, I meant the last element as in the one at the bottom, but now I see that it‘s a little confusing…

  • Data structures…

    Which LaTeX editor do you use?
  • neovim+zathura+lualatex