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BBC: UK Election 2024: Exit poll results
  • It's a big deal because the Conservatives have been in power for the last 14 years and everyone is sick of the sight of them. Current projections show that this may be their worst showing ever.

    Their main rivals, Labour, are going to dominate on a centrist platform, even though they are not promising much in the way of reform or change.

    The biggest downside is that the Trumpish Reform party are looking like they'll do quite well with xenophobic, right-wing, ex-Conservatives.

  • BBC: UK Election 2024: Exit poll results
  • Labour is expected to win 410 seats, with the Conservatives on 131

    I think the phrase "landslide" is going to be putting it mildly.

  • Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • As someone married to a JW and who is friends with several others, I will say this: like any group of people, they can be a mixed bag. Some are more closeted and "in the truth" whereas others are more outgoing and " worldly".

    One the things that I actually admire about them (the individuals, mind you, not the Watchtower organization) is that they really seem to try and live by the teachings of the Bible and study it frequently. Much more so than, say, your average evangelical Protestant.

  • Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • As someone who is mostly agnostic, those who belive that absence of evidence equals evidence of absence belong in psychotherapy.

    This position is a straw man. Atheists generally do not argue that God categorically does not exist. Instead, we usually say that we don't believe in God because there is insufficient evidence. Much like the proverbial invisible unicorn in your backyard - since there is no evidence that it exists, there is no reason for it to affect how we go about our daily lives.

    When it comes to whether you're agnostic or atheist, I think it helps to answer the following question on a scale of 0 - 10: How confident are you that God exists? If you say around 5, then you're agnostic. If you say around 1 or 2, then you're an atheist.

  • why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Because

    • None of the above legally prevent him from running.
    • Republican voters will still vote for him en masse.

    It's that simple.

  • Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer
  • I think if substantial change is what you're expecting from a Labour/Starmer government, then you're going to be disappointed.

  • UN opens investigation into allegations its Palestine monitor took funds from pro-Hamas lobby groups - UN Watch
  • FYI, UN Watch is a right-wing organization that has been described as a "pro-Israeli monitor" and "lobby group" that has a history of attacking anyone in the UN who is openly critical of Israel vis-à-vis Palestine. (Source)

    This article should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

    Edit: I've had the time to read through the full article. What a joke.

    First off, it claims:

    The investigations division of the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services recently announced that it has opened a case into allegations of financial improprieties by Francesca Albanese

    Which sounds serious and official until you click through to the source and see that this "announcement" is literally just a private email response from the UN to the CEO of UN Watch (Hillel Neuer) who sent a report to them detailing Albanese's alleged malfeasance.

    Essentially, the response says "Thank you for your report. We have sent it to the High Commissioner so they can determine if it warrants any action". What a bombshell announcement! /s

    Reading further, we find out that the nefarious "pro-Hamas" group is actually the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, whose dastardly aim is to "advocate for Australian policy to support Palestinian human rights, justice, and equality." The bastards!

    Oh, and whereas the headline claims that Albanese "took funds" from these villainous Aussies, it turns out that the $20,000 figure is the estimated cost of the trip according to, yes you guessed it, Hillel Neuer himself. Albanese states her trip was funded by the UN. Neuer offers no other evidence to the contrary.

    The article then cites a laundry list of claims about Albanese being an anti-semite because of her public statements about the legality of Israel's war on Gaza that do not conform to the official line from the Israeli government.

    Hoo boy, what a load of horse manure.

  • It's painful to not be able to see everything at once.
  • Nobara may well use a non-stock configuration, but by default a three-finger swipe left or right on the trackpad will switch between workspaces. As for keyboard shortcuts, I believe they are disabled by default but you can always set your own by going to settings > keyboard shortcuts > navigation > switch to workspace on the left/right.

  • It's painful to not be able to see everything at once.
  • Stock Gnome has this too.

  • Los Angeles Sees First Decline in Homelessness in Six Years
  • No, they're not. In the past couple of years new legislation has been passed which incentivizes new builds to be high density, but there's still a lot of pushback from home owners and cities against building them.

  • The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • It's not that simple; A court must rule that the action in question is an "official act". As the SCOTUS intentionally declined to elaborate further on how this is defined, it will be up for the courts to decide what is and what is not covered by immunity.

    Not that this couldn't become subject to abuse and partisan rulings, but it's more than just the presidental equivalent of

    Michael scott declaring bankruptcy

  • Los Angeles Sees First Decline in Homelessness in Six Years
  • California has a housing crisis across the board. NIMBYism and city zoning practices are artificially preserving neighborhoods with expensive, single family homes over what is actually needed: multi-family condos and apartments, combined with brand new social housing projects and homeless shelters.

    This is a good start, but a lot more needs to be done.

  • Ford CEO calls out America's love for 'monster vehicles'
  • Exactly. Ford invested heavily in promoting SUVs and pickups for years because they were more profitable for Ford than hatchbacks and sedans as far as ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles go, but the market shift to EVs flips that dynamic on its head.

    Talk about karma.

  • Ron DeSantis vetoes millions in arts grants to defund “sexual” theater festivals
  • “You have your tax dollars being given in grants to things like the Fringe Festival, which is like a sexual festival where they’re doing all this stuff,” DeSantis said during a Thursday press conference, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

    Hmm, I wonder what kinds of "sexual stuff" he's referring to.

    the Tampa Bay Times reports that the governor’s spokespeople did not respond to questions about specific events he found objectionable.


    Florida Rep. Anna Eskamani (D), who attended this year’s Orlando Fringe festival, told the Times that she saw nothing “sexual” at the festival.

    “It does feature drag queens and other forms of artistic expression that DeSantis has wanted to censor despite courts telling him otherwise!” Eskamani said.

    So a man dressing in women's clothes is an inherently sexual act, according to these sexually repressed freaks.

  • Protestation
  • I prefer the original version with the Rupert Murdoch allusion.

  • Ultra-Orthodox protest against order to enlist in Israeli military turns violent in Jerusalem
  • The first thing to understand is that Israel's parliamentary system of government is quite different from the US'. Instead of two main parties dominating the political landscape, i.e. Republicans vs Democrats, Israel has around a dozen main parties which work together to form coalition governments where more than one party is in power at one time. Under this fragmented landscape, if you have a religious or ethnic minority who all tend to vote for the same party, that can lead to a situation where one group in society may hold sway over others politically even though they are not as as large a population numerically.

    And yes, you're quite right - a lot has changed since 2016, and some Haredi (especially the young) have been increasingly drifting towards the far-right nationalist parties like Likud (Netanyahu's party) and the Religious Nationalists. However, as this AP article suggests, these recent converts moving away from the traditional Haredi parties are still a minority.

    While the majority of Haredim living outside Israel still do not identify as Zionists (as per this recent, post-Oct 7th survey), I admit I don't have any hard polling data for the current situation in Israel itself. If anyone else does, I would appreciate the info.

  • Ultra-Orthodox protest against order to enlist in Israeli military turns violent in Jerusalem
  • The vast majority of Hareidi Jews are Zionist.

    According to a recent survey, less than half of Haredi Jews outside of Israel identify as Zionists, post October 7th.

    In 2016, the percentage of Israeli Haredim who identified as Zionist was just 33%.

    Do you have any recent figures for within Israel itself that confirms a "vast majority"?

  • Ultra-Orthodox protest against order to enlist in Israeli military turns violent in Jerusalem
  • I didn't say they weren't politically powerful. The two main Haredi (Ultra-orthodox) parties are significant part of Netanyahu's coalition, and they have always had a disproportionate power compared to the Haredi population because almost all Haredi voters vote for them.

    Within the Haredi community there is still a wide range of opinions, of course. However, even within Israel most have not traditionally described themselves as Zionists (only 33% percent, according to a 2016 survey).

  • Ultra-Orthodox protest against order to enlist in Israeli military turns violent in Jerusalem
  • Most ultra-orthodox Jews are actually anti-zionists. It's not uncommon to see them joining pro-palestine peace protests.

    Within Israel they are a minority, and their broadly anti-war stance combined with their dependence on the state for financial support (most of the men are unemployed) have made them quite unpopular in the eyes of the general population.

  • How Ukraine shattered Europe's balance of power
  • How so? I think it's quite an accurate summary. The German economy has been stagnating for a while, mainly due to its poorly handled transition towards an economy based on renewable energy. Their reliance on cheap Russian gas was shattered by the onset of the war in Ukraine, and their economic and political influence within the EU has been in steep decline ever since.

  • "Why are the Arabs so violent? Why do they hate Israel?"

    TIL that in 2018, thousands of Gazans peacefully demonstrated against Israel's siege of the territory.

    In response, IDF forces opened fire on the demonstrators with live ammunition. Some they shot to kill, others they shot in the leg, crippling them for life. Others they shot with rubber bullets and tear gas. They shot women, children, the elderly, paramedics, and journalists.

    A UN Commission found that Israeli soldiers likely committed war crimes or crimes against humanity. Investigating from March 30 to December 31, 2018, the Commission reported 183 Palestinian protester deaths from live ammunition, including children, medics, and journalists. Over 6,000 were injured by gunfire.


    Kaiju ft. Flowdan - Hunter [OSMUK029]

    An oldie but a goodie.

    1 House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war

    The House has passed legislation that would establish a broader definition of antisemitism for the Department of Education to enforce anti-discrimination laws.

    House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war

    'If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the bill would broaden the legal definition of antisemitism to include the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity.'"

    Pardon me, but what is this horseshit?

    52 Even Mentioning “Occupation” at the Oscars Is Antisemitic, Some Jewish Hollywood Figures Say

    “The Zone of Interest” director Jonathan Glazer’s Oscars speech was denounced by Jewish Hollywood figures for mentioning Israel’s occupation.

    Even Mentioning “Occupation” at the Oscars Is Antisemitic, Some Jewish Hollywood Figures Say

    “The use of words like ‘occupation’ to describe an indigenous Jewish people defending a homeland that dates back thousands of years and has been recognized as a state by the United Nations, distorts history” gets the prize for the most oblivious statement I've seen all week.


    Why are Mastodon's trending hashtags so ... dull?

    As a new user, I'm enjoying Mastodon's vibe so far but the one thing that is a letdown is the trending hashtags. I've been checking them regularly over the past couple of weeks and it seems like they're pretty much always like this.

    Even on days with big news stories, people on Mastodon are only talking about what day of the week it is like company employees on some internal message board?

    Is there anything that can be done to liven them up a bit?


    Why are Mastodon's trending hashtags like this?

    Every day, they seem to be pretty much the exact same.

    Coming from the bird site where you could actually get a gauge on what was happening in the world right now, Mastodon's trending hashtags seem so ... banal?

    6 Science activism is surging – which marks a culture shift among scientists

    Political mobilization among scientists has been growing in recent years. Two social scientists break down what this looks like and how it represents a culture shift among the scientific community.

    Science activism is surging – which marks a culture shift among scientists

    Debunk This: The Scientific Evidence for Gender Transition Therapies is Weak The media is spreading bad trans science

    Misleading studies are being taken as gospel

    Hi, everyone. The author here claims a couple of things I'd like people to check out:

    1. That European countries are generally reluctant to endorse gender reassignment treatments due to insufficient evidence

    2. That there are no large scale studies / reviews that find good evidence in favor of gender reassignment treatments

    Thanks in advance!

    7 What People Are Getting Wrong This Week: UFOs and the Government

    Maybe people are just really bad at identifying objects.

    It appears UFOs are flavor of the month again.
