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enjoying my time here, floating around

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Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated
  • Alito: “Regulate us, I dare you!

    Congressional Dems: “Hold our beers..."

  • Elon Musk Plans to Remove Option to Block People on Twitter
  • saw this on mastodon just now…

  • YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • Ok so isn’t the issue at hand whether the sites are to blame?

    let’s break this down so I can answer you in what I think is an honest way:

    1. Are the sites legally responsible for the content they host, generally speaking and/or in this context of radicalization and such subsequent results as these?


    1. Do these sites bear any social/moral responsibility to moderate their more extreme content in good faith to try to prevent this sort of result?


    1. Is there an overlap of 1 and 2?

    1 - this is for a court to decide. I’m not familiar enough with the very specifics of case law or with the suits being brought to know exactly what is being alleged, etc. I can’t opine on this other that to say that, from what I do know, it’s unlikely that a court would hold these sites legally responsible.

    2 - I fully believe that, yes, sites like these, massive, general-use public sites have a social and moral responsibility to keep their platforms safe. How and what that means is a matter for much debate, and I’m sure people here will do just that.

    3 - is there overlap? again, legally, I’m not sure, but there might be, and in the near future, there might be much more. also, should there be more? another subject for debate.

  • YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • Ok so isn’t the issue at hand whether the sites are to blame?

    let’s break this down so I can answer you in what I think is an honest way:

    1. Are the sites legally responsible for the content they host, generally speaking and/or in this contact of radicalization and such subsequent results as these?


    1. Do these sites bear any social/moral responsibility to moderate their more extreme content in good faith to try to prevent this sort of result?


    1. Is there an overlap of 1 and 2?
  • YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • Trump and his supporters complained that the 2016 election was rigged even after he won.

    They’ll say anything to claim victimhood, most often when the opposite is true.

  • YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • right, but “everybody” aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time. that’s an alt-right crazies problem.

  • German government approves controlled legalization of cannabis use
  • eh… I believe you have your controlled substances mixed up...

  • YouTube Can Read All Text Inside Your Videos and Flag It for Violations
  • I think this is more of an official acknowledgment and them exploring how it works, not so much “breaking news” for those of us in the know. I’d imagine most people are probably unaware of this.

  • YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • yeah, but progressives and liberals and all other "crazies and normal people" aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time.

  • Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look
  • didn’t Parler have something like this, then their entire DB got hacked handed over to the FBI just after jan 6th, complete with hundreds of videos of the traitors committing crimes that they upload themselves? since Parler didn’t strip any metadata from uploaded media, the feds were able to use it all as evidence and use everyone’s IDs to tie it all to them.

    I bet they arrested hundreds of people this way and used tons more of it at the various trials

  • YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • interesting… whether the sites will be found liable…. it’s pretty unlikely, but it sure does shine a spotlight on how each are magnets for alt-right crazies. I wonder if that will have any effect on their moderation?

    I doubt it.

  • Statement from Linus Tech Tips about Madison's accusations
  • I’ve been under huge amounts of stress and have been mismanaged, but it never turned me into a grabass bully.

    systemic issues like this don’t just come from nowhere. likewise, they didn’t just appear, either. nor will they simply disappear now that they’ve been exposed or with some glib promise to “do better”.

    workplace atmospheres like this take time to develop and… fester. From what Madison described, it’s been this what from, at least, the time she started, which means these behaviors, these patterns, were existing, likely for some time.

    What Linus knew, when, etc. may important in a civil case, but it’s not to me— He failed at his job, and didn’t ask for help/hire help to fix the problems until faaaar too late. If it was this bad for Madison, it had to be at least as bad if not worse for others before her who simply did not (or could not) speak out, as well as other who are still there.

    Systemic issues do not affect only one person, and they don’t appear out of nowhere. Expect more bad news and expect that any resolution/fixes will take time and major change. If you don’t see any major changes over a reasonable amount of time, don’t trust claims that they’re “working on it."

  • Taliban's Massively Successful Opium Eradication Raises Questions About What US Was Doing All Along
  • aww, look at you, with your tantrums and your insults because you have no facts to back up your claims.

    and look! you even have a link that contains exactly nothing that backs up your claims. funny how you insult my reading comprehension, but if yours wasn’t so terrible, you’d see that for yourself. it’s cute how angry you are.

    sleep well.

  • Please do not defederate from Hexbear!
  • counterpoint: please do.

    one doesn’t have to go far to find posts of them comment-bombing in groups, trolling en-masse and generally being rude and abusive to other users. there’s a reason many other users are calling for defederation.

    it’s not a matter of their politics or beliefs. there’s just a high percentage of very rude people from that instance who enjoy trolling posts and which seems to have little or no moderation.

  • Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged
  • people can simply make a donation already, if they like. all of the extra work and resources required to run a coin and rewards system, track earning/spending and accounts, plus a secure payment system, etc… that would all cost a lot of time and resources. and that would require even more donations to pay for and maintain.

    you’re right: it’s not useless, it’s worse than useless.

    if you want to donate, just do that. if you want unconditional love, adopt a puppy.

  • Taliban's Massively Successful Opium Eradication Raises Questions About What US Was Doing All Along
  • So all those DEA guys, FDA folks teaching wheat farming,

    hilarious. you should do stand-up.

    so, you’re claiming, without evidence I might add, that people from the DEA and hehehe… the FDA were teaching wheat farming to the Afghani people? The DEA and FDA. And you expect anyone to take you seriously? lmao

    and all the reports we were fed about how we are responsible for eradicating Afghan opium

    what reports? let’s see these alleged “reports”

    What were we (and Myself, personally) doing there, again?

    I have no idea what you were doing there, and if you think this is what was happening, I seriously doubt you were ever there at all.

  • Taliban's Massively Successful Opium Eradication Raises Questions About What US Was Doing All Along
  • explain to me how, exactly, you believe the tackler family profited from afghani opium. I’m curious about your thought process.

  • Taliban's Massively Successful Opium Eradication Raises Questions About What US Was Doing All Along
  • the US didn’t go to Afghanistan to combat the opium trade. thanks for the false equivalence, though.

  • Timothy Olyphant Lost Captain Kirk Role in ‘Star Trek’ Trilogy, Says J.J. Abrams Told Him: ‘I Found a Guy, Younger, Who’s Really Good’

    Timothy Olyphant appeared on the most recent episode of the “Happy Sad Confused” podcast and looked back at his failed audition for J.J. Abrams’ 2009 “Star Trek” reviv…

    Timothy Olyphant Lost Captain Kirk Role in ‘Star Trek’ Trilogy, Says J.J. Abrams Told Him: ‘I Found a Guy, Younger, Who’s Really Good’