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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 7
Comments 68
Can I faraday cage my ISP-issued router in order to use my own?
  • You could probably buy another cheap router and connect it to the first one using an ethernet cable. Set the second router to access point mode, and disable wifi on the first router (some routers have a physical button for that). You'll be able to connect only to the second router using wifi, but still use the first router with a physical connection.

  • Je li propratio neko ovu priču oko Katarine Lazić koju dele po instagramu?

    Link: Koliko sam ja shvatio (nisam odgledao sve priče jer ih ima zaista previše) ona je pozvala hitnu pomoć jer je pronašla onesvešćenu majku, i oni kad su došli, nisu učinili ama baš ništa da joj pomognu, i kada je počela da viče na njih, pozvali su policiju, i sledeći put kad se desilo isto odbijali su da se uopšte pojave bez policijske pratnje. A kada je policija došla (ovaj video sam odgledao), jedan pandur ju je gurnuo par puta i izbacio iz rođenog stana.


    Humble Choice July 2023 Leak: The Outer Worlds Spacer's Choice Edition, Temtem Humble Choice : Voici un aperçu de la sélection de jeux pour juillet 2023 en avant-première

    Découvrez en exclusivité la sélection pour juillet 2023 de Humble Choice. Obtenez un aperçu des titres qui vous attendent ce mois-ci.

    Thanks to billbil_kun @ Twitter.

    NBA Free Agency Thread
  • Honestly feels like the Rockets massively overpaid for FVV... Blazers overpaid for Jerami Grant. We all knew Draymond wasn't getting a max but 4/100 is definitely lower than the sum I was thinking of - the Warriors got off great in this deal. Bruce Brown deservedly so got the bag. Good for him.

  • The Supreme Court rejects Biden's plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loan debt
  • $400 BILLION in student loan debt is a mind boggling amount. I'm finishing my undergrad studies and have paid perhaps around $300 in total for the past four years. After my masters degree the number will jump to a whooping... $400.

    Just for perspective, this is 4 million US students owing $100k each (on average). Crazy numbers.

  • Jeff Van Gundy let go as one of ESPN’s big-name layoffs
  • Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy almost single handedly ruined the entire NBA playoffs for me. I literally couldn't stand them the entire time. Unbiased? I'm not sure if we're talking about the same person.

  • Steam Summer Sale 2023 Recommendations Thread
  • Just by taking a glance at this list I can see I already have at least 80% of the games, if not 90%. I've been looking through the Steam shop and there just aren't many good deals this year, that haven't already been on a steep discount.

  • Reddit repost bots are spam, and that needs to be stopped.
  • There's a bot I've been seeing these past couple of days that is constantly reposting posts with the title cut off in half. Like, it'd just cut it off mid sentence and replace the rest with three dots. I think it's called @[email protected]

  • Two Sentence Horror adriator

    After I unintentionally used strange Voodoo dust to tamper with the cosmic seal and open a rift between our two dimensions, the magical trinket store seller promised to help us close it.

    Unfortunately for us, he was a fake and the sorceress from the other dimension was the real deal.


    Letovanje | Destinacije, agencije, troškovi

    Poslednjih nekoliko nedelja počeli smo u društvu da se dogovaramo o tome gde ćemo ići na more i pratimo akcije po turističkim agencijama.

    Gde vi idete ili ste išli prošle godine? Koje turističke agencije koristite? Ili idete privatno? Koliko vas izađe prevoz, prenoćište? Kakve su vaše preporuke za ekipu koja bi prvi put išla zajedno na more? Šta poneti, a šta ne? Gde su najbolje plaže, žurke, cene?

    Two Sentence Horror adriator

    With the advent of the widely embraced brain implant chip, humanity reveled in newfound artificial intelligence and unlimited potential.

    Yet, as a devastating solar flare engulfed the planet, the chip's glitched response transformed the masses into vacant-eyed zombies, forever trapped in a collective state of mindless drooling.


    Protest studenata medicine: Traže plaćeno stažiranje

    > Због обавезног, а неплаћеног стажирања младих лекара и увођења квота за Доситијеву стипендију, студенти завршне године Медицинског факултета у Београду, али и осталих медицинских факултета, протестовали су испред министарстава здравља и просвете.

    > Студенти од надлежних траже да са Министарством финасија договоре плаћен стаж лекарима, као што је то пракса у осталим земљама.

    > Студенти траже да се питање обавезног шестомесечног стажирања реши системски за све, уз новчану накнаду за тај рад.

    Meni lično je prosto neverovatno da je jedan od uslova da bi neko mogao da polaže državni ispit neplaćeni staž od šest meseci. Ako je već obavezno, neka bude plaćeno, ili kao praksa u srednjoj školi, a ne puno radno vreme punih šest meseci da osoba ne može da nađe neko drugo zaposlenje kako bi preživela u tom periodu.

    Dovoljno mi je da se prisetim situacije u kojoj se našla moja drugarica kada je završila srednju medicinsku, gde je šest meseci radila neplaćeno u jednoj laboratoriji (s obećanjem da će je primiti na kraju kad položi ispit), da bi je odmah po završetku staža nogirali i primili drugog nekog stažistu.
