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admin Chris Remington

@[email protected]

Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.

Posts 53
Comments 49
19 Republican Attorneys General Want Police to Investigate People for Abortions
  • There's been a segment of the GOP that have, over the past decade (?), taken this path of cheating-lying-etc because they feel it's the only way for their party to win a majority. On the other hand, there are perfectly sane and reasonable GOP party members out there. Most of the time we don't hear about them because they aren't causing controversies that news platforms love to cover for clicks-money-etc.

    All of this USA political bullshit and shitshow matters fuck all to me. When I learned about the 400 people that control everything on Earth, then all this shit just became 'smoke and mirrors'.

  • Atheist Neurologist Transformed by Near Death Experience (NDE)

    Such a fascinating story.


    Some unsolicited parenting advice

    I am a parent (stay-at-home dad) of two boys (10 and 14 years old). Best advice that I can give is 'attachment parenting' and teaching/encouraging 'emotional intelligence'. Those two were the most recommended by the top child psychologists on Earth.

    Both boys have been in gifted and talented programs (without any parental pressure) for many years and are on track to receive full scholarships.

    In short, we have talked to them about talk and more talk...encourage them to talk about their feelings/emotions...if they feel ashamed about talking to their parents about something, then find someone (friend, family member, school counselor, etc) to talk about it.

    From infancy until around the age of four, we would read to them. We'd sit in a chair, place them on our lap, hold the book open right in front of them and read. As they grew older we explained that there is a direct relationship between reading comprehension skills (critical thinking) and the amount of money one could earn in a career. Basically, we asked them: Do you want this type of mid-sized house/property, two cars, time off of work, pets, etc? -> Read and understand what you are reading.


    Parcels - Live from La Cigale, Paris 05.11.2021

    H/T to @[email protected] for introducing me to this band.

    I've seen a lot of live performances over several decades and this entire show is amazing.


    The Stone Roses - She Bangs the Drums (Official Video)


    Primus - "Tommy The Cat" - Bonnaroo 2011

    Have never tired of this band...fucking unreal!


    Morrissey - Wolverhampton - 1988 12 22 - Silas Remaster

    This is the only show, having exclusive access to, that I uploaded to YouTube.

    You can find the original ones here:


    Philosophical quotes that helped me as a young person grappling with existentialism.

    While I was attending university I was able to start the long process of recovering from the childhood abuse that I had suffered. There was a particular author that helped me tremendously in those early years.

    Namely, Abraham Joshua Heschel, who wrote a book entitled God in Search of Man - A Philosophy of Judaism

    Here are some quotes:

    > Theology starts with dogmas. Philosophy sees the problem first; theology has the answer in advance. Philosophy is a kind of thinking that has a beginning but no end; the problems outlive all solutions.

    > We teach children how to measure and weigh, but fail to teach them how to revere, how to sense wonder and awe. Modern man fell into the trap of believing all enigmas can be solved and wonder is a form of ignorance. Mankind will not perish for want of information, but for want of appreciation.

    > What is, is more than what you see; we are unable to attain insight into the ultimate meaning and purpose of things. We live on the fringe of reality and hardly know how to reach the core. Inaccessible to us are the insights into the nature of ultimate reality. Even what is revealed is incomplete and in disguise.

    > Awe is an act of insight into a meaning greater than ourselves. Knowledge is fostered by curiosity; wisdom is fostered by awe. Awe is the awareness of transcendent meaning; loss of awe is a great blockage to insight.

    > “The ineffable” is a synonym for hidden meaning rather than for absence of meaning, a dimension so real and sublime that it stuns our ability to adore it. All creative thinking comes out of an encounter with the unknown. It is a fact of profound significance that we can sense more than we can say.

    > The world as scrutinized and depicted by science is but a thin surface of the profoundly unknown.


    Looking for advice concerning e-commerce accounting

    My brother and I are speculating on a start-up in which we have almost all the bases covered.

    However, the wall that we've run into is accounting. To explain, e-commerce transactions and dealing with all the complex tax laws is outside of our expertise.

    One option that we've spit-balled is hiring an e-commerce accountant from Fiverr.

    Do you have any other recommendations or ideas?


    Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade (Official HD Video)

    This song was released 27 years ago and still hits so fucking hard! Truly a band before its time...absolutely amazing.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It is worth the wait.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I use Beeper to do this.

  • A few quick notes
  • There is, certainly, a memory leak somewhere in the Lemmy software. @[email protected] has been trying to identify the precise location(s).

  • Why I am here
  • Alas I have no faith as of 2012

    You may not have faith in religious circles understandably. However, you can have faith in your self as a new beginning.

  • four new Beehaw communities (and a word on new community creations)
  • That's being reserved for a special surprise further down the road.

  • Anyone else getting a lot of onlyfans bots following them on reddit?
  • Hey there! This would be more appropriately posted on /c/chat. Thanks.

  • I've done it - open water certified!
  • I don't scuba but congratulations!

  • Beehaw Community Icons
  • These are incredible!

  • Chronologically ordered list of every full Dave Matthews Band show available on YouTube

    I've been maintaining this list for many years and I hope that you enjoy it.


    The Jayhawks - Blue

    Is it possible to hide individual posts?
  • Not that I'm aware of. However, you could make a feature request here.

  • My cozy indoor garden spot
  • Looks good and thank you for tolerating my test comment here. If you are curious, then I am beta testing Mlem for iOS.

  • My cozy indoor garden spot
  • Testing a new iOS app. Please ignore.

  • My biological brother is the co-founder of Peppermint

    I am very proud of my brother in this endeavor.


    Old school Smiths and Morrissey shows


    Primitive Technology: New Brick Kiln Design


    boygenius - $20 (official audio)


    Goose - Hot Tea (feat. Neal Francis and The Horn Section) - 5/3/23 New Orleans, LA


    Goose - So Fresh, So Clean (feat. Big Boi - Outkast) - 10/8/22 Stubb's Late-Nite, Austin, TX


    Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer


    My body is ready
