CSW vs WK contempt hearing will go ahead on 6h July
Looks like attempt to avoid filling financial disclosure cause "private information" will ultimately fail.
Latest filling: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/6309656/990/kleiman-v-wright/
Appeal against McCormack: twitter commentary threads and video
Thread 1 (morning) : https://twitter.com/Twentynothing00/status/1669280442627792897
Thread 2 (afternoon) : https://twitter.com/Twentynothing00/status/1669329787716874242
YouTube stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/uKs-197sVHo
3 years ago, more than 100 addresses with unmoved Bitcoin mined in 2009 signed a message against Craig Wright
For context, Craig submitted a list of bitcoin addresses to the court case against Ira Kleiman, addresses that he claimed is from his 'Tulip Trust'.
>On that date, Wright also provided Plaintiffs with DEF_01586024, a list of 16404 public addresses he claimed were his list of bitcoin holdings (“CSW Filed List”). Ex. 6 (production email); Ex. 7 (list).
Source (page 8): https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.521536/gov.uscourts.flsd.521536.512.0.pdf
The Tulip Trust List he filed can be found in Exhibit 7 here: