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acambronero Antonio Cambronero :wordpress:

Inform谩tico y especialista en #WordPress. Defensor del #minimalismo y el slow blogging. Adicto a la #productividad. Creo en vivir la vida con intenci贸n y prop贸sito. Desde #Spain

Computer scientist and WordPress specialist. Defender of #minimalism and #slowblogging. Addicted to #productivity. I believe in living life with intention and purpose. From #Spain

\#FediLink #fedi22

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This article by Rich Tabor

This article by Rich Tabor talks about the default #WordPress theme called Twenty Twenty-Four. Highlights the collaboration between designer Beatriz Fialho and coder Maggie Cabrera, who worked together to create the best WordPress experience yet. The article gives a behind-the-scenes look at how this theme was designed and developed.

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