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Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you?
  • If you worry that you may be a psychopath, you’re not one!

    You’d have framed this question differently. You’d be putting the blame on the other person

    “Why is he/she stupid enough to think I’m gaslighting? Can’t they grow up?”

  • What have you changed your mind about?
  • I’m in my late 20s and I’m on the same boat. Especially when it comes to politics. People are often much more than their politics. Unless they’re in the extreme horizontals of their beliefs.

    That nice barista at the coffee shop? Could be a liberal. The dude at the office who held the elevator for you? Could be conservative. That’s just the way it works

  • What music to do you listen to while working?
  • Recently started listening to Classical on Apple Music. If not, just Pink Floyd

  • Is RCS an open standard?
  • This seems to imply that you need a fork of Android, if you’re to build a messaging app that uses RCS.

    But my understanding is what you really need is essentially an RCS server.

  • How did you quit your addiction?
  • What I’ve often found is that even seemingly harmless addictive behaviours leave lasting impressions on my personality. My two addictions I’m trying to quit are porn and nicotine gums.

    Porn was just taking up too much of my time and energy. Especially since I was working from home. I’d be in meetings with my camera and mic off browsing some weird nsfw on reddit. Stopped cold turkey and it feels amazing tbh

    Nicotine gums stay on for now. This is one addiction which has actually provided me an unintended benefit. My jawline improved drastically over a year! But I hope one day I can be comfortable sitting with myself idle not wanting to compulsively do anything!

  • Android users switched less frequently to iPhones in 2023, report shows
  • My experience is directly the opposite. Bought an iPhone 12 Mini after Pixel 3XL died. Granted, I was already using a Macbook for a long time. Lotta things I’d been trying to get working, using things like KDE Connect instantly became automatic.

    I’ve seen people actually get job done on phones, but that’s never been the case to me. To me the phone should ideally be an extension of my desktop. I’d been doing that with Chrome+Pixel for a while. But iPhone unlocked much more of macOS for me

  • What's the dumbest nickname you've ever given one of your pets?
  • I live in Bangalore, India. The local language here is Kannada but I don’t speak it nor do I have many friends who speak it. I named my cat Bacardi and would call him Bacoo. Turns out the word for cat in the local language is also “Bacoo”. So for any local who saw me interact with my cat, it looked like I was calling my cat “cat”! I found out around a year later!

  • What are some cool things you can do with Shortcuts on iOS?
  • After trying multiple apps to sort my budgeting situation. I finally decided to create a solution that involves default Numbers + a shortcut to add row to the end of sheet. Now that shortcut lives on my homescreen. This is by far the best personal budgeting solution I’ve used. And I put it all together in 20 minutes!

  • Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.
  • it's part of their anti-adblock code. without going into too much details, they can instantly find out whether ad-block is trying to do anything on chrome, but on firefox they need a 5 sec delay

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I do. Especially compared to a company like Amazon. Google’s alternatives to Amazon’s are almost always better and has better UI/UX.

    But Amazon knows the market and whatever bs they stitch together ends up being the more popular option.

    What I have in mind are GCP vs AWS, Kindle vs. Play Books, etc

  • Android 14 will turn your phone into a webcam for your PC
  • I don’t know if Android users in here understand how flawless this works on iOS+mac. All I need to activate this is have my phone nearby and turn my locked phone to landscape mode. No need to even unlock my phone or connect it to my laptop.

    I was blown away by how “automatic” it felt!

  • Rahul Dravid blames four-fielder rule and use of two new balls for death of part-time bowlers

    India coach says allowing only four fielders outside the 30-yard circle in the second powerplay has reduced the number of part-time bowlers in international cricket.

    Rahul Dravid blames four-fielder rule and use of two new balls for death of part-time bowlers
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I’ve been on Internet too long that I still don’t know which side you stand on. And that’s exactly the issue.

    This is a very complicated problem. Not as straightforward as either side thinks.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Heavily politicised issue though. Imo, the whole trans issue should’ve never been politicised.

  • How can i know whether a website is a part of the fediverse?
  • it's up to them tbh. Things like Lemmy are ultimately ways to build your own forums. Whether they want to be part of the federation or keep it hidden is their choice. But I guess there'd be some way to build a browser extension to figure out if the website is using any popular fediverse platforms (mastodon, lemmy, etc.)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yes you can already do this on older watches. I have this on Series 6

  • Well, fuck you too.
  • To be fair, the founder of the business, Byju, used to be a very ordinary school teacher and then he built this whole thing. Not family-owned, nor born rich.

    Fuck their business practices though

  • What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?
  • Not really. 1896 was a leap year, but 1900 was not.

    The leap year after 2096 will be 2104.

    Edit: an interesting way to put this is, 2000 was the only year in 4 centuries where the year starting the century was a leap year. Next such occurrence will be in 2400

  • Updated Edge and it now seems to put a frame with rounded corners around every website
  • Here’s is something I don’t see a lot of people mention. Around the release of Pixel 3XL, Google kinda updated lot of their designs to make that hideous notch look intentional. Chrome Tab Headers were changed too. They got bigger with a lot more padding and rounded to look like the “notch”. They got rid of the notch in their phones, but the chrome tab header design somehow stuck

  • Why is the default setting for the startpage's feed "Local" and not "All"
  • To answer the last part of your question, they don’t need to think of Lemmy at all. “Lemmy” is a framework, not a social network. is the social network I’m on. I don’t need to know about Lemmy at all (most of us don’t know what powers Reddit). Here we discuss information security and I can also communicate with the wider fediverse.

    It doesn’t even have to be lemmy. I can connect to anything that uses activitypub. Mastodon, Kbin, Bookwyrm, Wordpress, etc. using my account.

    The lemmy code provided by lemmy team is cloned and then patched (if needed) by maintainers and then deployed to their servers. The code for all intent and purpose is owned and maintained by Lemmy doesn’t have any real control at that point.

    Same with the arsenal example. is a social network about Arsenal powered by lemmy framework. If uses another activitypub enabled protocol, the arsenal fan on can view that in their subscribed feed too.

  • Steve Smith: I lie in bed and picture Stuart Broad running in

    Cricket’s uniqueness, as many fans will appreciate, is that it is an individual sport within a team game. Especially in the Test format there have been so many memorable gladiatorial battles: James Anderson against Virat Kohli; Curtly Ambrose versus Steve Waugh; Glenn McGrath against Michael Atherto...
