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_Stalwart_ _Stalwart_

Environmental Scientist and tech enthusiast

Posts 3
Comments 41
A table carved with masterful craftsmanship
  • That's not masterful. It's god level.

  • Kid's shows/reality tv
  • Sorry but I sadly cannot send you an invite. I could get banned if you did something the tracker finds not acceptable. Also, buying invited costs a lot of points. Wish you the best though.

  • Kid's shows/reality tv
  • Best cartoon tracker is OldToons if you can get in.

  • As a first timer, please could I have some help?
  • No problem, take your time!

  • As a first timer, please could I have some help?
  • Gotcha my friend. If you need more help just reply to this comment and I'll guide you.

  • As a first timer, please could I have some help?
  • Use this website, it's far better :

    Also, get qBittorrent if you haven't yet. It is a torrent client, so if helps you download torrents. Imagine torrents like little files that lead to other files. If you download a torrent and double click it, it will open up on the client. Should you need any help please just ask!

  • As a first timer, please could I have some help?
  • Hey William! Welcome to the ship! Is this a game you are referring to?

  • Ten thousand crew mates!
  • The activity is pretty good so far though. Gotta have patience for good things!

  • Question - Best seed boxes? (cost/speed comparisons welcome)
  • I have been using Utracc for quite some months now. I pay 4.95€ a month for 1TB of storage. Speeds are blazing fast.

  • My /r/piracy troll post just hit reddit frontpage!
  • You are always welcome here!

  • Mates, today without warning, the reddit royal navy attacked. I've been demoded by the admins.
  • There are two problems with this :

    1. Nuking all this valuable info will waste years and years of people trying to share their knowledge.

    2. Reddit will probably un-delete it.

  • Mates, today without warning, the reddit royal navy attacked. I've been demoded by the admins.
  • Whatever happens rest assure we will keep the community alive and well here!

  • Steakhouse in Warsaw
  • Oh ok, gotcha!

  • oh thank god i found you guys
  • Glad to have you here!

  • Steakhouse in Warsaw
  • Looks incredibly juicy. What is polish steak by the way? I mean how is it different they normal steak?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Understandable!

  • We should have our own words for Upvote/Downvote

    Could be anything, maybe they could get popular and implemented into the app (Jerboa for example) as well?

    Perhaps : Upvote = uplem Downvote = downlem

    Or whatevers people like more. Waiting for ideas!


    My girlfriend in 40°C weather


    Ability to open links inside the app

    Could this feature be added please? I want to join some communities that are getting posted/suggested and then I press the links they open in my browser.

    It would be massively better to just tap a link and go to the community instantly inside the app so you can join it. There really isn't an easy way to search for communities yet so it would help immensely.

    Thanks in advance!
