Sounds like I'll be doing psychedelics or phenethylamines possibly. Not a bad way to live.
"That's between you guys." - general response
So people wanted to avoid drama, but by taking that stance they sided by default.
And yeah, I'm in a much better place. Thanks for your kind words. I still struggle with the trauma of the whole thing, and probably will for a while, but I have much better people in my life and I'm reading philosophy and theory on love and self-love. It's helping for future relationships.
My wife of seven years divorced me for my (former) best friend after having an affair with him for a few months. And the entire social circle supported their actions so I was left alone and without any friends.
So, one of the shittiest years of my life.
However, I then found a whole crowd of neurodivergent people, and I am able to unmask fully and be accepted and loved for who I am for the first time in my life.
So, one of the best years of my life too.
I am very emotionally confused this year.