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Zealous Zealous
Posts 3
Comments 37
I believe in you!
  • I haven't played the recent games, but isn't it impossible for a Pokémon to switch in cursed or confused?

  • Seoul vs. the rest: University pyramid crumbling at the bottom
  • Yeah, messed up the formatting. I've edited the original comment. Thanks.

  • Seoul vs. the rest: University pyramid crumbling at the bottom
  • If anyone is interested, here is a documentary about the centralisation of Korea which is related to this article.

    Edit: link formatting

  • Test Yourself: Which Faces Were Made by A.I.?
  • 2/10. Are there any giveaways that a face is AI generated?

  • Why do people keep asking where I'm from?
  • As a mixed third generation immigrant, I get this a lot. In my experience, most people want to know my ethnicity, but for some reason they never ask me that directly.

  • Thoughts when you fly back home?
  • OP has only only been here for 4.5 months on an exchange. He clearly has rose-tinted glasses on.

    I'm not denying what he is saying but I visited the UK back in February last year after 5 years here and I had a wonderful time. It felt so good to just talk to people in English and share banter, spend time with family, not have to overthink every interaction. Sure people can be loud and it can be a bit grim but it felt refreshing after being here so long. I don't really understand what these "conflicts" OP is referring to. I've only really had a bad encounter with some chavs before.

    I had a good think about what I wanted out of life after that trip, and decided to move back in April (especially for career reasons). I think being the only foreigner in a traditional Japanese company has really burnt me out. But I'm glad I got to spend some time in this country!

  • Self-Observation: Talking about being busy
  • 20 upvotes but no comments? Strange. Anyway, I think a big factor that you did not mention is that Japanese people generally don't complain. The concept of "shouganai" is so ingrained here that idea of complaining about something can be interpreted as "well what do you want me to do about it?". But in the scenario that you mentioned, they probably do think they are burdening you, otherwise you wouldn't say you are busy . Or it could be a case of 思いやり

    This was a big culture shock compared to the UK where people complain all the time, even just to vent their feelings.

  • Controversial U.S. livestreamer arrested over trespassing in Osaka
  • These nuisance streamers only come here because they know they'd get their ass beat if they went somewhere else.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Very similar situation down here in Okayama. Autumn is the best season!

  • Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?
  • No way. Imagine being stuck in complete darkness unable to move your body for that amount of time. I'd lose my mind and probably have a panic attack thinking to myself what if they don't dig me up?. The money isn't worth the mental trauma that would cause me.

  • How far would someone have to travel to be considered “Well traveled”?
  • I'm not sure if that would be considered well travelled from a European perspective. For example if you live in the Netherlands, you could drive to Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and France all within 3-5 hours. A quick Google says the average European visits 8 countries within their lifetime. Geographical proximity and culturally dissimilarity definitely need to be considered.

  • Where is this "strong wage growth" the article is talking about?
  • I read the article but they missed the point that higher inflation will cause consumers to spend less and ultimately slow the economy, increasing unemployment. Higher unemployment means more competition for jobs and lowball salaries. Now we might not see widespread layoffs here but the average person will be stuck earning peanuts.

  • Japan economy gets major boost from weak currency

    The weakness of the yen has helped Japanese exporters as it makes their products cheaper overseas.

    Japan economy gets major boost from weak currency

    6% is huge. The question is, who benefits?

    finding lotte blueberry gum for wife?
  • It's on Amazon. There's lots of different sizes but this one has prime delivery available

    You might even be able to order it using a US Amazon account and have it shipped over

  • Obon plans?
  • I'm in the car on my way to the deep inaka to spend time with my gf's family at her grandma's home. Last year we spent 8 hours there and my legs got so numb sitting on the tatami the whole time. There's also no WiFi or mobile signal. But they are nice people! I'll be back to work on Monday.

  • Scared
  • Ah I misread that, If I were you, I'd just make your GitHub look as professional as possible. So that in the extremely rare chance that someone does Google you, it's obvious that the the accounts aren't linked.

    That being said, your career is not over and the anxiety you have is all in your head.

  • Scared
  • Can't you just delete your Reddit account (delete all your comments/posts first), and the problem will be solved?

  • Amazon Prime: price increase
  • I've been trying to ween myself off Amazon, but it's far too convenient here, especially since I don't have a car. I'd use Rakuten ichiba more, but there's just too much information density and I like being able to pick some deliveries up at the konbini.

  • Italki experiences?
  • Thanks for sharing, did you stick with the same tutor throughout the 2 years?

  • Italki experiences?

    Has anyone used Italki or a similar platform to aid in their studies?

    I'm considering taking weekly lessons with a tutor, the main goal in specifically improving my speaking.

    I've lived in Japan for a few years and work in a Japanese company and while my comprehension is okay, my output is terrible and I always hesitate to speak.

    I'm hoping a tutor would give me some real-time feedback on my speaking and help build my confidence.

    I don't need a professional teacher / structured lessons and I guess my budget would be around ¥2000 for the hour (is it reasonable?)

    Please let me know your experiences.

    Day 186 “Point” from 365 Tao: Daily Meditations
  • Thanks for sharing this extract! I'll have to add this to my reading list.

  • Clean Tiny Home...
  • If it was a private secure carpark, I wonder if you could set up a tent there? Take showers at a nearby gym and use a pocket WiFi to stay online. But I guess cooking and electricity would be an issue though.