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Lemmy users across the world, what is your favourite local dish ?
  • 🇨🇦 I feel like I’m supposed to say poutine but honestly…

    Beef patty in coco bread! It definitely didn’t originate here but it’s a pretty common street food besides bratwursts.

    Now for a truly local pick, Beavertails! It’s like a big flattened donut you can put anything on, ranging from simple cinnamon and lemon, candy, or something savoury like cheese.


    This track is massive. Best part at 2:15;
  • 🗣️🔥B A N G E R🔥

  • Is there a way to stream 3DS to macOS computers?
  • So I’m going to preface that I have never done this before but here is what I could find on the topic:

    Hardware wise you could look into a Capture Card, has to be installed into the 3DS by opening it up. I see people offering this service on eBay for a fee. I’m not sure these offer audio capture on top of visual, I imagine you will need to use an aux cable with some extra steps.

    Actually accessing the capture is a different story, these cards don’t officially support macOS so you’ll have to use 3rd party software which may or may not be actively updated. Software I saw mentioned:

    cc3dsfs, CuteCapture, xx3dsfml, DualCapture. No idea on their status though, so if you go this route make sure to look into it!

    Software wise I found a tutorial on the Wiki Hacks Guide. TLDR you can stream visual only over wifi, audio being streamed via aux cable with some extra steps.

    Your cheapest option because it’s FREE!

    Hopefully someone experienced chimes in!

  • DJ Close Your Eyes To Find Me - Angel Trance Edits Volume Three


    Gamecube Racing Game Recommendations

    I finally managed to nab some OEM controllers for my old Gamecube and to be honest, I only ever played arcade racers on the PS2 back in the day so this is some unexplored territory for me. I’ve heard the Gamecube framerate was uncapped so apparently game performance was better?

    Any recommendations are welcome! I’m ganna indoctrinate my friends kiddos into racing games this way :P They’re like 3 and 4 so we’ll see how that goes.

    Your first arcade racer?
  • PS2 had some bangers didn’t it?

  • Your first arcade racer?
  • Honestly I was too young to read so I have no idea what it was called but I do remember it was at a Pizza Hut with an arcade machine.

    From what I CAN remember, my all time childhood favourite was Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition Remix. I had a pair of pimped out flower power pink and blue H1 Hummers with “Real Big - Mannie Fresh” blasting as I crashed into the gas station so it would explode XD

    I remember being a big fan of the Nissan 350Z and Dodge Viper GTS-R, refused to crash those on purpose.

  • Animation Discussion: What Are You Watching And Recommending This Week? (Mar 3, 2025)
  • Pretty Pretty Please I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl (Pilot Animatic)

    Watching it because my friends said it was very quotable, and I like supporting indie animations.

  • Favorite Racing Game Soundtrack?
  • Hmm, I can’t claim a favourite but I’ll share stuff off the top of my head.

    F1 Racing Championship OST

    Motorstorm Apocalypse OST

    Gran Turismo 2 OST: Cars - Fear Factory is a fave.

    Hot Wheels Turbo Racing: Cheater Slick - Mark Pistel

    Rage Racer OST: Lightning Luge, Silver Stream, and Volcano Vehicle being faves.

    Enthusia Professional Racing OST: Grid (The OST has some funky jazzy beats)

    Honourable mention: Ratchet & Clank 1 - Hoverboard Race (Rilgar)