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YungOnions YungOnions

Challenge defeatism.

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The world’s emotional status is actually pretty good, a new global report finds
  • You're bang on. Bad news is addictive and people on Lemmy etc are hooked:

    You only have to look at how people dog pile any positive news as being 'out of touch' or 'ignorant' to see how bad things have got. Hardly surprising, if all you're seeing online is bad news that's all you can imagine happening. Issue is 'news' sites prioritise bad news because it generates more engagement and so the cycle continues:

    That's why it's more important than ever to highlight the good news:

  • No, We Haven’t Run Out of Money
  • Well, that's a sobering read.

  • Rage (Xbox360)
  • Man, Brink had so much promise...

  • Durham Wildlife Trust seek to buy neighbouring land
  • Why the fuck the BBC ran this story but didn't bother putting in a link to the actual donation page is beyond me. It's here for anyone wanting to donate: they're at 37% at time of posting this.

  • You can’t nurse the Earth back to health with half-measures: Ecosia’s regeneration report
  • And those three points are:

    We dedicated 100% of our profits to climate action. Every cent. That way, we captured and prevented 10,000 times more CO2 than we emitted.

    We produced enough renewable energy to power all searches twice over. In 2023, we invested over €9 million into renewable energy systems, including loans. This means every search crowds out dirty energy from the electricity grid.

    We planted and protected 25 million trees. In 2023, we planted 500 different species around the world. We expect that these trees will capture 1,250,000 tons of CO2 over the next 20 years.

  • I like Nickelback
  • People just like to pile on the hate train because it's become on-trend to do so. I like their music as well. Some of their tracks are really quite good in my opinion.

  • Marks & Spencer to launch clothing repairs service - BBC News
  • Not clear on whether this is just on their own clothes, or any clothing from anywhere.

  • Sometimes it's just easier to let the players shop
  • Unrelated, but what is that black/dark grey thing on the desk?

  • [OC] Gravel path
  • Love the soft gold lighting.

  • Record numbers of rare butterfly seen at reserve in Essex
  • Interestingly enough, I've noticed more butterflies this year in my own garden. Different part of the country. Anyone else?

  • I like Bee buts (and I cannot lie)

    A bumble bee checks out a Cornflower in my garden.

    Some additional Bumble backsides for you:



    Xenophobia is only acceptable against ALIENS
  • Yeah, I thought it was a good read. Glad you enjoyed it.

  • It would get me too.
  • I hope whoever took this photo got to hold a baby lamb.

    Would that we could all hold a baby lamb this day.

  • Two thirds of UK renewables applications fail to get through planning stage
  • The low success rate of applications has been put down, in part, to an increasingly number of speculative applications being submitted. Industry reports show a rise in so called “phantom projects” in these cases, developers submit multiple applications for many sites, with the expectation being that very few will connect. These speculative and duplicate applications have seen the connections queue grow, increasing the work needed to progress projects.

    Seems like this is an issue that needs to be addressed.

  • *insert "bomb them" sound effect*
  • I get this is just a meme, but disruptive protests from the like of Just Stop Oil etc do work:

    Let's not demonised people who are doing whatever they can to try and drive up engagement and action on climate change, that's just what Exxon etc want.

  • Youth activists score huge climate win in Hawaii
  • Maybe, maybe not. I prefer to try and remain optimistic until evidence proves otherwise. Time will tell, I guess.

  • Heading Home

    A Red Mason Bee checks out a bug house in my garden.


    New Lincolnshire national nature reserve a 'landmark moment' - BBC News New Lincolnshire national nature reserve a 'landmark moment'

    Lincolnshire Coronation Coast National Nature Reserve will see the linking of two existing reserves.

    New Lincolnshire national nature reserve a 'landmark moment'

    A new national nature reserve on the Lincolnshire coast has been described as a "landmark moment for nature recovery".
