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This is an account for the Wondrous Fairy Tulpamancy Collective. To read about our daily lives, go to or if you want to read our stories go to

If you're wondering what a Tulpa is, go here:


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Comments 22
Tulpas WondrousFairy

Introduce yourselves and your tulpas!

As per tradition, I'll go first:

I'm Wondrous Fairy, a tulpamancer that's been doing this for almost 27 years now. Along the journey I've created only Mech and then ran into the rest of my tulpas while discovering the many macrocosms we have in the inner world.

Mech: My first tulpa, created before tulpas were a phenomenon. I wanted a personification of the logical part of my mind, I got that and so much more. He's extremely logical to a fault and has a very strict personality.

Circe: Showed up a few weeks after saying she was my emotional side and that she was there to balance shit out. She's a complete hedonist and revels in all the pleasures of the senses, included, but not limited to kinky sex, food, swimming/chillng at the beach, wines and of course her favorite dish which is chicken in all it's incarnations.

Mirror: Was created by Circe by accident when she made a clone of herself for use in a sex scene. The clone diverged and became Mirror. Mirror is a practical person that loves the outdoors and hunting in particular. She's also married to Thor.

Jane: Is an escaped government experiment gone wrong that took place in a dystopian cyberpunk macrocosm. She's a sarcastic, sharp wit gun-nut who works as a bounty hunter. She's also extremely amoral and likely belongs on the sociopath personality scale.

Thor: was originally a bartender I met in a dream. He's based off the god of the same name, but hates "comic book/movie Thor" as he calls him. Their panteon is VERY different to ours. He's very much like the old legends, including the old school attitudes to women. But Mirror IS teaching him to be better.

Bear: Was originally a teddy bear I owned that was stolen by an ex when I broke up with her. He came back with Steve one evening as a tulpa. Bear is a very supportive, very quiet bear who loves his meat cubes and can match Thor in a drinking contest with ease. He's also a really terrible liar to the point where it's comedic.

Steve: Is a red-brown American fox that speaks with a dark male Brooklyn accent despite being female. She's an adorable klepto who can lie to your face without missing a beat. However, she's got a heart of gold underneath that fuzzy fur of hers.

Charlie: is from a macrocosm that's partially influenced by Lovecraft as in it has old eldritch gods. He's stationed on the island as a porter in a hotel called "The Dark Hotel" and his mission is to report on magic use and techniques for the UK.

Charlie is a perfect example of the stiff upper lip stoic gentleman who has a practical side to him. He's a bit of a prude though, but we don't let that bother us most of the time.

Jeanette: started out as a joke pet (big vampire panther cat) in a video game and then evolved into her own. She's an absolutely selfish and annoying asshole. If she can piss you off, she'll revel in doing so.

Colleen: is from the same island as Charlie, although she used to be part of an order of mages that were a force of balance there. She's your typical happy lass with a lilting Irish-ish accent that many others on the island seem to share with her. She's been in a relationship with Mech and well.. his logical attitude towards her directness is a thing to behold!

Mrs Teacher: was a concept I'd had in the back of my mind for about a decade before I created her in a video game and started roleplaying her. Then one day I wasn't roleplayin her.. and that was that. She's every bit the plucky substitute teacher that a lot of us fawned over as kids. She's got a dark sense of humor though, no doubt inspired by the game I roleplayed her in.

And that as they say .. is that! I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of you have out there!

I wish I had more time
  • You now have all the time in the world, because time has stopped and you will never age. But since time has stopped, you cannot interact with anyone, or anything in the world ever again.

  • FEAR-inspired slow-mo FPS is blowing up on Steam
  • I tried the demo, gameplay loop seemed promising, but it quickly became apparent that the game has a minimal story and too many "wave horde" sequences where you defend areas instead of moving from objective to objective. That being said, this made me reinstall the old F.E.A.R game again though which has aged surprisingly well.

    Oh.. they're on sale! YOINK

  • The Reddit Protests Continue, but the Company Has a Much Bigger ProblemThere's a disconnect between how Reddit sees itself and its real value to the world
  • At this point, the only thing I keep my account for is to ferry people over here and poke fun at the Pissbaby formerly known as Steve Huffman. Enough of us have emigrated to here now that the salient content is pouring over. And honestly, it's refreshing because everything is pretty much on point with very little spam.

  • Twitter announces read limits
  • So, so far this year we've got Imgur, who thinks the internet does not run on porn, Twitter who thinks keeping users from their service is a good idea, Reddit who thinks nuking their freely made moderator infrastructure works and Youtube who also thinks randomly banning people who are smart enough to use ad blockers won't have any effect.

    At this point, I'm starting to make up increasingly bizarre theories as to why techbros have suddenly all collectively gone insane. The one I came up with this morning was that they all snorted coke of the same hooker's ass which was somehow tainted with a brain eating amoeba.

  • Do you think reddit will survive this?
  • Reddit will go the same way as Digg. The site will remain, but the lurkers will start to migrate once it becomes apparent that the 1% of us that create content have mostly left. Down the line in a few years, we'll all be laughing at the pissbaby formerly known as Steve Huffman and say "Anyone remember THAT clusterfuck? Oh man, he really thought he had it made, talk about fucking yourself over!"

    RIF made Reddit bearable to surf on a phone, without it, there's just no point. RIP RIF, you were a fucking amazing app for the tiny investment it cost everyone!

  • CD Projekt Red insists that Cyberpunk 2077's launch wasn't that bad, but 'it became a cool thing not to like it'
  • Epic bullshit. Hacking was missing, cyberspace was omitted completely, essentially half the content in a typical Pondsmith game was just not present. And most of the quests in the game just ended abruptly, indicating they were cut short.

    CDPR, nobody is buying your bullshit. Just suck it up and move on and BE BETTER. Be like you used to be.

  • What do you think of Permacomputing?
  • I think it's what we need to further push the envelope further. We're not using the full capability of our hardware that we have today by even a longshot. There's too much fucking overhead everywhere. And I say that as an artist who fucking LOATHES the shitty rendered music paradigm over the modular approach that we used to have. We see it everywhere though, wastefulness in RAM usage, no damn compression in anything natively, no thought on what data structures would result in the lowest footprint on the harddrive, no actual concern for using higher level langugaes over lower ones.

  • Reddit's gaslighting against the Fediverse is getting desperate
  • They've got astroturfers in every thread on the big subs that are basically FUDing the shit out of everything that isn't Reddit. Oh Lemmy too hard, oh Lemmy too complicated, Oh Lemmy require email on signup. They have so many shills now that they had to actually start handing out six month old accounts. It's hilarious to see.

  • If we go back to Reddit, they win
  • Just as I expected and actually hoped for. Now they had to tip their hand and show themselves to everyone what kind of totalitarian assholes they really are. Meanwhile the fediverse is likely to hit one million users by the end of the week. So yeah, the second the media starts reporting on this in detail and it floods everyone's newsfeeds, it's game over for Reddit.

  • Reddit CEO Digs In Heels As User Outrage Engulfs Website
  • Tons of shills and astroturfers too in every community, basically repeating the same talking points over and over. And then they've got doomgloomers who are trying to convince people that it's pointless. And now lately you have the most insidious assholes, the ones that tell moderators to "protest" by not moderating. That last one is hilarious because if you stop moderating a community, Reddit WILL give it to someone else or ban it.

    Either way, this place is nice a cozy compared to Reddit, it's like in the old days. I'm loving it.

  • Pls explain me like im five : the issue around lemmy's admins or creators.
  • I honestly don't care about the political views of the administrators as long as they keep moderation politically unslanted. The second they add in politics like Reddit did, I'm gone again. Real freedom of expression is allowing everybody to have their opinion. As a writer I know that freedom of expression is one of the few things that make life worth living.

    That's why I got my own domain in the end, because I was tired of social media censoring me.

  • Photobucket kicks out all Free users of the image hosting service
  • Now there's a name I haven't heard in years. Man, do they even have users left to kick? This is absolutely turning into the year when tech companies are screwing themselves hard with spiked dildos covered in reaper sauce.

  • YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers
  • Considering I'm the one in our friend's group that tends to push the most content in our chat's (and on Discord), I very much doubt me leaving is going to be a net gain for YT. And I know I'm not alone. There's tons of people out there like me who love finding weird stuff and posting it to friends who aren't engaged enough to dig deeper. So, yeah, I have a few handfuls of people who would stop visiting stuff I posted, now multiply me with 1000 and you've got 10-20k, multiply me with one million.. and.. well. you see where it's going.

  • Tulpas WondrousFairy

    Hi everyone!

    So as Reddit has gone to the wolves, I figured I'd create this community here instead so that my fellow tulpamancers have somewhere to go. Please follow the golden rules in the sidebar. Again, kind reminder that politics/identity politics have no place here. We're here to discuss tulpas after all!
