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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 18
Comments 73

Where do you go when you want to talk or share?

I had an extraordinary experience today, but it didn't relate to a hobby or career or political topic. I tried to find an appropriate community but I guess I don't have the right terms. Where can one turn to share triumphs, defeats, and sacred moments?


What sandwich do you want your partner to make for you?

In some 2000-10s comedy, "bish, make me a sandwich" is a common punchline. It begs the question, what goes in the sandwich?

As a follow up, how does that differ from the sandwich you might make for yourself?

How I see myself sometimes when I'm feeling dysphoric
  • Heya, friend. I identified strongly with your inner monologue, if not from the same cause. I'm peri menopausal. I hope it brings you a bit of comfort to hear that many other women are having the same thoughts and feelings.

    If I can share what's helped me: I went back to a strategy I learned in my adolescent years... Sometimes confidence breeds confidence. I do my best to practice it until it becomes internalized and "exuded."

    As you move through your journey, know some old lady in Baltimore is rooting for you.

  • How I see myself sometimes when I'm feeling dysphoric
  • Heya, friend. I identified strongly with your inner monologue, if not from the same cause. I'm peri menopausal. I hope this brings you a bit of comfort to hear that many other women are having the same thoughts and feelings.

    If I can share what's helped me: I went back to a strategy I learned in my adolescent years... Sometimes confidence breeds confidence. I do my best to practice it until it becomes internalized and "exuded."

    As you move through your journey, know some old lady in Baltimore is rooting for you.

  • Some parents really suck

    TW: Homophobia, abuse

    I work at a children's foster care organization that specializes in caring for kids who have experienced significant trauma. I'm somewhat acclimated to terrible parents.

    As I walked by the front desk late this morning, the receptionist disgustedly thrust the phone towards me. On the other end was a woman asking if we are an orphanage, and if we can take her son. (This is not an unheard-of situation... Most of the time it's a stressed out parent using us as a threat to put their kid back on the straight and narrow.)

    I answered as I usually do, giving her the referral hotline for social services. She immediately went ballistic, screaming and jostling the phone so that I could only hear every third word. But it was clear that the reason she was so upset is that she just found out her son is gay. She kept using the f****t word.

    I had the receptionist, a resident, and a social worker all standing around watching, so I couldn't say what I wanted to. I was also in a bit of an adrenaline shock and nearly froze, but I gave the only answer I could muster... "Since you've chosen to use abusive language, I'm going to disconnect the call."

    My vent is this: it's so easy to not be an abusive asshole. I hate living in a world where this person's vote counts the same as mine. I hate living in a world where people can be this hateful and aren't completely shunned from society.

    My secondary vent is this: I wish I had a brain that didn't short circuit under stress, and that I would have thought to "play along" so that I could gather this woman's contact info and at least tried to help that poor boy.

    Thank you for letting me vent. I don't feel better, but at least I feel like I've shared.

    Movies and TV Shows WndyLady

    Need help finding a movie

    Tonight I turned on the movie Elf thinking it was another movie entirely. Now I can't, for the life of me, figure out what it was that I intended to watch.

    My clearest recollection is of a red car in a chase among an impossibly perfect green field, obviously on a sound stage. The movie was quirky, artful. I thought it featured Zooey Deschanel, but nothing on her IMDB list fits.

    I thought it was a movie about corporate actors taking over the North Pole, but maybe it was all a fever dream.

    Anyone have ideas what I am looking for?

    Looking for a YA book from my youth
  • This is a possibility, although the descriptions I can find are pretty limited. One mentions that the protagonist is a mall-rat. Any guess on when the book is set?

    Edit: This was written in 96, which would have been too late. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

  • Looking for a YA book from my youth

    It's not much to go on, but I'm hoping someone either remembers or has better Google-fu than I do.

    Some time in the late 80s or early 90s I read a YA book about a teen-ish girl in the Aluetian Islands. My most vivid memory is of her description of crabs, calling some "Jimmies," and going into extraordinary detail about the fishing process. I have the shadow of a memory that she was the first girl/woman to embark on fishing.

    That's all I have to go on. Ring any bells?

    Scavengers Reign
  • I watched this over my Thanksgiving break and am so in love. There are so many themes and ideas to dissect. I wish I could find a viewing party or discussion group about it. That's how I found your post.

    I'm no great thinker, but I'd love to hear others thoughts on what I see this series positing. Are there always bigger predators? When can you trust your understanding? What does survival look like, and how do you know you have achieved it? What really drives us, biology or intelligence?

  • Texas cops arrest 11-year-old honors student and put him in solitary confinement for three days
  • I work in with traumatized teens. There are times where they need to be isolated from their peers, but I agree that solitary is not therapeutic. Research and experience easily demonstrate that.

    The reality is, though, that these systems are so underfunded and understaffed that these detrimental tactics are the only viable option.

    I'm not defending the practice. I would never work in a system that uses solitary confinement with adolescents, but I have the luxury of choice.

  • Amazon coupons: what's the story?

    Every third product I search for has a check box coupon. Is there any downside to accepting those offers? Why not just list the item at the cheaper price?


    Trouble posting pictures

    I've gone through the prompts to attach an image from my phone's gallery to this post. I suspect that it won't be there, just like my recent attempts to post to [email protected]. Is this an issue with the app or my instance?


    Viewing my own posts

    I can't see my own posts in my profile. I guess that's a side effect of my settings to hide all read posts. Still, this is confusing and causes challenges.


    Trying to thank my step-mom

    I'm trying to write a thank you letter to my step-mom. My Spanish is terrible, but I'd like to honor her. Can anyone point out changes I should make to the auto translation? I'm sure that the opening line is wrong.

    ENGLISH Dear Tere, I am so grateful for the loving care and kindness that you've shared with me over the years, but I'm especially grateful for your help in recovering from my surgery. I ate all of the meals you prepared, and loved them all (especially the enchiladas rojas). Thank you for counting me as one of your kids.

    SPANISH Estimado cliente, Estoy muy agradecida por el cuidado amoroso y la amabilidad que ha compartido conmigo a lo largo de los años, pero estoy especialmente agradecida por su ayuda para recuperarme de mi cirugía. Comí todas las comidas que preparaste y me encantaron todas (especialmente las enchiladas rojas). Gracias por contarme como uno de sus hijos.


    Help me thank my dad*

    Here's a low stakes question to start the community.

    My father adopted me when he married my mother forty years ago. Unfortunately, she died only seven years later. Together they had two of their own. He's not an overly affectionate person, but in my adulthood he's been incredibly supportive.

    Recently, he took a week off of work (a BFD for him) and flew halfway across the US to take care of me and my animals after a serious surgery. I'm trying to write a thank you note, but everything I write seems clinical or soppy. I've even tried chat GPT, but they're as awful and stilted as I am.

    So here's the thing I want advice on... How do I thank him for continously choosing to be my dad for the last ~40 years?


    Help needed. Google is failing me.

    I have an A53, running Android 13. I've recently noticed that if I uninstall an app and the reinstall it, it still has login credentials. That leads me to believe that uninstall isn't really deleting all the associated data.

    How do I truly purge all the data from these apps from my phone?

    I tried to Google the issue, but all the answers wanted me to download additional software, which seems antithetical to my goal.

    (Please keep it simple; I'm not so good with tech.)


    I'm a social worker, not IT

    I'm trying to keep up with the times, but I'm an over the hill social worker. I signed up for and linked it to the app Jerboa. Now, however, I'm supposed to tell the Admin that server 0.17.4 is too low. Who is the Admin? How do I fix it?


    Three Federal Hill residents arrested after standoff with BGE Three residents arrested after standoff with BGE

    Residents from various neighborhoods gathered around 7 a.m., standing between the machinery equipment set to drill the street in front of the rowhouses in the 400 block of Warren Avenue.

    Concerned about safety, accessibility, and aesthetics, residents protested and stopped BGE workers from installing external gas regulators. Three residents were arrested for blocking the work.
