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Wiggle_Hard Wiggle Hard

Creator of Dank Microwave Taco. Probably the most hated person on Lemmy. Find me on Rdrama and X

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Comments 53
Grandmother Awarded Nearly $4 Million Over SWAT Raid Predicated On A Faulty ‘Find My Phone’ Ping
  • In other news, the local dollar store is now completely out of knickknacks and windchimes

  • The Future of Border Patrol: AI Is Always Watching
  • We are getting closer and closer to terminators patrolling the Mexican border

  • [Art] My attempt at a new icon for this community
  • Not that my opinion counts but I’ve always hated the Lemmy mouse logo

  • DEI Dies in Another Red State
  • Truth be told, most wars are for bs reasons, few wars are fought for valid reasons like liberation of oppressed people or fighting off aggressive nations. Hell Vikings raided Europe for centuries just for Catholic church gold and bad bitches lol

  • DEI Dies in Another Red State
  • Fuck the rnc and the dnc we need people that are willing to do what’s right for the people and the country, not dinners and ceos at mega corps, im a registered republican, yes. But im not a trump guy, romney guy, none of that. Its about what’s right. I’ve written my dem congressman in ma about certain things and they got help fii out r my dad when he needed it. Its about what’s right. If u asking me what’s wrong with the rnc in Michigan it’s that it’s run by establishment fools and scam artists who take peoples money and don’t deliver. Hopefully getting rhonna McDaniel out the rnc is a good start

  • DEI Dies in Another Red State
  • Wars are only fought for two reasons (usually) money and power

  • DEI Dies in Another Red State
  • Michigan should get its shit together end vote for new leadership, however they vote in the same bs every year expecting things to change, replacing one corrupt democrat with another corrupt democrat. Look at the last two governors, there is nothing they have done to fix it, just broken bs promises. Meanwhile we fund billion dollar satellites to take pictures of pluto, something’s broken here and it’s not opportunity systems, its government

  • DEI Dies in Another Red State
  • There in lies government corruption, not to harp on easy prey but how can the usa fund hundreds Of billions of dollars in ukraine but not fix a problem that would cost a fraction of that, same with the border wall, homelessness, rehabilitationof drug addicts ect……. Our government is run by fools and corrupt politicians along with intelligence agency deep state people that dgaf about poor people here cz that’s not what makes money

  • DEI Dies in Another Red State
  • The reality is, boomers and their offspring for various reasons felt really horrible about how minorities were treated in western nations and about colonialism and slavery. They sought equal rights for POC & That’s good, but to abandon merit based systems of promotion and success is ridiculous. The best people should move forward in every situation. If A POC is the better than his white counter-part then so be it, everything should be equal opportunity not forced outcome based on skin color, gender, sexuality ect.

  • DEI Dies in Another Red State
  • Anytime this woke bs dies the world becomes a better place

  • School principals faced with machetes, spears and knives as report reveals soaring classroom violence
  • I agree and disagree at same time, some will learn that way, others only know harsher methods imo. In reality some people really just fuckin suck & can’t be helped

  • School principals faced with machetes, spears and knives as report reveals soaring classroom violence
  • We never should’ve stopped beating children in the west as a form of punishment