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Whiskey_bottle Witchy Bottle

“I’m just a boy with a new haircut. And that’s a pretty nice haircut.” 40% reply guy nonsense, 30% useless music knowledge, 20% cat pics, 10% hot political takes, 5% failed attempts at humor. Also, I’m not so good at math.

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Comments 6
[DISCUSSION: WEEKLY ALBUM CLUB] The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (2002)
  • @kvn2 Only thing I would add is that I highly recommend catching them live if you haven’t.

  • I've forgotten an artist's name and it's driving me crazy...
  • @perishthethought Hmm…Jenny Lewis/Rilo Kiley was the first thing that popped into my head, but I’m guessing she’s more obscure- were they like indie rock or hard rock? Anything else to go on like a snippet of lyrics you remember?

  • Dry Cleaning - Scratchcard Lanyard [2020]
  • @kvn2 @Aesecakes Kinda the same for me- I thought the guitar work was some of the best I’ve heard on recent albums, and I enjoy her quirky deadpan delivery. I think maybe though a whole album of it is just a little much.

  • [30 Day Song Challenge: Alternative Nation Edition] Day 17 - An alternative song you'd sing a DUET with someone at KARAOKE 🎤
  • @ren
    Another Like You- Hayes Carll with Carey Ann Hearst (of Shovels & Rope).

    Alternative country, but it’s a fun song (also I can’t sing, and it’s easier to fake it with a country song 🤠

  • [30 Day Song Challenge: Alternative Nation Edition] Day 16 - A favorite CLASSIC alternative song!
  • @ren

    I Wanna Be Adored- The Stone Roses

    I was already into alternative like REM & The Cure when this came out, but this absolutely blew my mind Freshman year of college.

  • [30 Day Song Challenge: Alternative Nation Edition] Day 14 - An alternative song you'd want played at your WEDDING
  • @ren There are so many good ones, but this song has been on every Valentines/romance/unrequited love mixtape/playlist I have ever made.

    The Replacements- Valentine