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Whar Whar
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Comments 26
Which automation or factory builder games do you play?
  • Ooh, that's too bad. Then I'll keep enjoying KoS' let's poay series :)

  • Level 999
  • That's a great resource, thank you!

  • Good Factorio overhauls?
  • I enjoy the Omnimods, they change all resources you can extract for the same omniore you need to process into the rest of resources.

    Also, to give it a twist I like to add dangOreus which is a map where you are surrounded by resources but you can't step on them! The ores closer to the center end quickly and you need to rebuild slowly until you can get to a farther place where they last longer.

    It's not as complex as other suggestions, but it's fun!

  • Factorio got Controller Support in Experimental (1.1.84)
  • Wow, a Steam Controller user on the wild!

    Can you share the settings you used for Factorio?

  • Level 999
  • Did you follow any guide or are you just simply a genius? I don't think I could buy a MAM like... ever.

  • Which automation or factory builder games do you play?
  • I'm planning to finally get There Is No Spoon in Factorio, since I promised myself I wouldn't buy another game until I completed all achievements, haha.

    I got Mindustry in an offer recently but it doesn't click for me, might give it another chance.

    Many people here praise it, but I can't play Satisfactory since I get dizzy playing first person games 😭 I watched a Stream once and got sick in a minute.

    About games I want to buy I have my eyes on they are Timberborn, Against the Storm and the Pharaoh remake. Damn, I loved Pharaoh.

  • [HN] We Changed Our Lives Because of Our Remote Jobs. Now It’s All Crumbling
  • So the solution is the same as always... Less execs.

  • [HN] We Changed Our Lives Because of Our Remote Jobs. Now It’s All Crumbling
  • I don't get why in the US there is this big backlash against remote work. In my country tech companies are all for remote work because they have realized productivity is the same or better while they are saving tons of money on services and infrastructure.

  • Request to swap comment collapse interactions (single click vs hold)
  • I would like this too, I'm closing many comments without wanting to!

    Maybe make the option a toggle so anyone can choose which way they like it more?

  • On Politics and Forking
  • Thank you for creating a safe space! When I look at other communities many people are arguing about some content filling their feeds and I was wondering what their problem was until I discovered Beehaw did a great job avoiding instanciating (is that a word?) with problematic places, keeping my feed clean and safe ☺️

    And I agree about the forking not-issue. If we had to look at every item, service, or infrastructure we used every day to check for its origin we wouldn't leave our bed, and probably our bed could be part of the issue too!

  • another beehaw introduction thread
  • I'm an asexual tomboy that's studying web dev to give a turn to her career (I worked in OSHA) and I'm loving it!

    Doing formal studies and already passed my first year, now I'm going to complete some courses to prepare for the next and last year and hopefully get a job after the internship.

    I love strategy and building video games, I like K-pop (well, mostly I like Super Junior), writing, and language learning (currently learning Korean).

    I've seen some devs here, can you guide me to some places where I can find projects to build organized by concepts, tools, and/or difficulty?

  • Jerboa 0.0.33-alpha
  • How can we help with localization?

  • Any Language Learners Out There?
  • I started learning Korean as a hobby during the lockdown. I was able to get a TOPIK 2 but the jump from lower-intermediate to medium-upper intermediate is rough with adult (😅) life coming in the way.

    Still, I'm doing it just because I enjoy watching K-Shows and found that Korean was fun to learn!

    Plus, you never stop learning a language and even if I already achieved a C1 in English, I'm still discovering new words and grammar forms every day.

    PS: I'd like to be informed if a language-learning community is created or discovered!

  • Your Favorite foss Apps!
  • Oooh, Habits is great! I've been looking for a simple habit tracker for years!

  • What are your favorite gaming YouTubers?
  • She's great, I love listening to her even if I'm not actively watching the video. It'll be fiiiiiiiiiine.

  • I like this significantly better than Mastodon
  • Oh, I see! I may check it still, I won't marry to only one platform from now on. Thank you!

  • I just deleted my Reddit account.
  • I'm ready to delete my Reddit and Twitter accounts, but I need to find a K-pop community in Lemmy or Mastodon before since those places were where I used to get the news.

    The other things I'm interested in are already covered ☺️

  • What are your favorite gaming YouTubers?
  • Same!

    I was just watching Let's Game It Out, and clicked on another video thinking it was another video of his and it was Real Civil Engineer (both were pushing the limits on Hydroneer, so I didn't notice it was from another creator).

    Now I'm checking his old videos, especially those about Timberborn, at the same t ime I follow KoS Timberborn series. I'm a bit short on money now but I can't wait to buy it.

  • I like this significantly better than Mastodon
  • Oooh, I see! Then I'll think a bit before joining, I'm enjoying it now as it is.

  • Tips on writing non-fiction?
  • I already have some of the chapters planned, I'm afraid of the overall "interconnectivity", don't want them to feel completely independent even if you could read them in whatever order you want.

    An introduction should be needed too, so readers can know what they are getting into and, as you say, better to wait until most of the book is written.

    But I'll follow your method, it's like a non -fiction version of the snowflake method that I've used sometimes to write fiction!

    Thank younfor your tips!

  • Tips on writing non-fiction?

    I've been writing fiction for some years now, but there is a non-fiction project I'd wanted to start for a while but I keep postponing it. It's mostly related to my life experiences and I think letting them out would be cathartic and writing a guide that may help other people with the same struggles feels the best way to do it.

    For those of you that write non-fiction, what tips can you give? Which books or videos helped you transition from fiction to non-fiction?
