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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 46
Malicious KDE theme can wipe out all your data
  • Stupid question maybe, but would your backups even be safe? Sure, it was mentioned that you had to enter your sudo password, but let's say you did that because you are careless, "rm -rf" would wipe all connected and mounted drives as well, so your backups would be gone, wouldn't they? Or does Timeshift mount and unmount on demand? If so, what would happen if you ran "rm -rf" while a backup is being saved?! It seems to me that a simple "make backups" isn't enough here.

  • Tens of thousands pack into a protest in Hamburg against Germany's far right
  • If I'm not mistaken Tagesschau reported that the organizers planned 10.000 people to attend. Let's say the 160k is a high estimate I think it's safe to say there were around 100k people so ten times more than originally planned. It's a huge win after the past few months and years where most protests in Germany were right wing protests.

  • When the Open Source developer had enough
  • You said:

    Building a commercial product on top of a free open source software is pretty awful practice

    But as @Deleted said, a lot of stuff you use daily is based in some form on FOSS. Linux was just one big example.

    I agree that building a commercial product on top of FOSS without giving back in some form is pretty awful practice. But the bold part is important. Simply taking something that's free and open source and using it for your commercial product is not bad, it's more common than you might think. But if you do that, you should give something in return.

  • Google Chrome "kuratiert" eure Bookmarks
  • Misleading. Es geht um Google Collections oder sowas. Dort kann man wohl Lesezeichen-Sammlungen anlegen und mit anderen teilen. Das da Zeug moderiert wird ist nachvollziehbar sonst könnte ein Bad-Actor nachträglich schädliche Links in eine Sammlung hinzufügen und alle würden den Link bekommen.

  • Hier kann jeder/jede nachschauen, wo Kiffen weiter verboten sein soll.
  • Wie sieht das eigentlich aus wenn man in einem der Bereiche wohnt in denen das Kiffen nicht erlaubt ist? Darf man dann nur in der Wohnung rauchen oder ist das dann egal? Was ist wenn ich DIREKT am Spielplatz wohne, drinnen einen rauche, aber dabei das Fenster offen habe?

  • [Guide] Everything you need to know about gaming on Linux
  • I see that you dedicated a paragraph to NTFS. There are quite a lot of people saying there are problems with gaming on Linux using an NTFS drive but I've rarely (never?!) seen anyone actually having problems with it. I myself have been dual booting for years and some games are on an NTFS drive shared between Linux and windows for convenience and I never had any issues besides the fact I had to disable fast reboot in Windows.

  • [2023] Thanks for joining!
  • imho the canvas was a bit too large for the userbase. Sure it's cool that everyone got a spot but I liked the thrill of the "fights" every time two projects tried to occupy the same space. But I guess the "friendly nature" of canvas kind of reflects the current state of lemmy so it's okay :)

  • Großer Deich wann??
  • Auf den ersten Blick: Niederländischer Nationalismus. Mit Kontext: Es ging damals um Deutsche, die in die Niederlande gefahren sind, weil die Niederlande die Coronamaßnahmen gelockert/aufgehoben hat. Also gar nicht mehr so dramatisch.