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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 7
Comments 16
Did you try Mold?
    1. With a total build time of less than 2 minutes, my guess is that link time is fairly small. At work we have a c++ project that takes around 40 minutes to build. Only in the incremental case does link time dominate (upwards of 10 seconds with gold, haven't tried lld or mold).

    2. My understanding is that mold supposedly has more scalable data structures and algorithms (better complexity). Thus for small links there likely will be little difference. So you need to measure it on your actual use case to see if it makes a difference.

    3. mold supposedly can take more advantage of multi core. How many cores did you run on? Again this will likely not show for small links, since there is also overhead in splitting work across threads.

  • is now closed source
  • Some additional thoughts (responding to myself here):

    Say what I think with as neutral tone as possible and leave it at that

    A hypothetical person might respond to this "But I have strong feelings on subject X!"

    To which I respond: consider what effect your words will have. Inflammatory words will just entrench people's position more, in both camps. People on the fence are likely to walk away from the whole thing out of disgust (especially if both sides behave that way) or take the side of your opposition.

    Reasoned arguments in neutral tone however will rarely change the opinion of those who strongly disagree with you (there is a slim chance). But it might strike a chord with those who are on the fence.

    A tendency for debates to get polarised is a general problem in modern society in my opinion, not just in Rust. Not just politics. Not just media. Pretty much everywhere. I have seen it here on as well in the discussion of the drama around But I don't think calling out specific instances would do any good (rather the opposite in fact, as it might easily be interpreted as an attack on the posters person).

  • Ferrocene - ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 Qualified Rust Compiler
  • Well, Rust is MIT + Apache 2.0, so they can do this. It isn't copyleft.

    Personally I consider it a a shame that rust and it's ecosystem isn't at least weakly copyleft (e.g. LGPL or MPL) though there are some good reasons not to use those specifically. (LGPL isn't not well defined if you don't use dynamic linking, MPL is younger than rust, but would have been an excellent fit otherwise). And the ecosystem follows the leader for the most part.

    But that is neither here nor there, and I'm not interested in arguing about licenses on the Internet. :)

  • Status on Lemmy version updates?

    I have noticed there hasn't been any news or details on the issues with upgrading It has been a couple of weeks since the last post on that topic.

    Could we have a status update? What sort of error was it that you hit when upgrading? Do you have a link to a relevant upstream bug report?

    I would love a bit more transparency on this. Perhaps you just haven't had time to work on it (this is a side project for you as I understand it), which makes sense. But perhaps there is something the community could do to help then?(Though I admit that I personally have zero web dev experience, working mostly in embedded, and would be of limited use.)

    epage ( and many more) has requested the removal of all his packages from over misinformation
  • Disclaimer: I love the search and general UI. I don't like crypto currencies.

    I think the way to avoid drama is to be very clear and transparent in communication. In this case I think a way to do this would be to label data that synthesised. Maybe a asterix next to corrected categories that on mouse over (long press on phones) says something like "inferred by due to missing data"? Exact wording could certainly be improved, and might differ on context. Perhaps the synthesised data could be a different colour as well to stand out.

    Having a list of packages that were filtered out might also help. Here I'm thinking a simple text file (set to not be indexed in robots.txt) with all the package names that have filtered along with the reason listed (e.g. "auto detected name squat"). Anyone interested could download the file and take a look, as well as contact you for corrections.

    Ranking algorithms is harder to be transparent about (and it is not my field of expertise), so I can't offer any advise here. Perhaps nothing is needed?

  • Admarus - A Peer-to-Peer Search Engine for IPFS
  • That sounds potentially useful.

    I have wondered at times what ipfs was for. What can you find on it that isn't on the normal web? What is the killer application for it (and please don't answer anything related to crypto currency, I'm not a fan of those)?

    Maybe this can help answer that?

  • is now closed source
  • All this drama is sad. I like, it has better search results and easier to use UI than

    If it was me who ran it (and it isn't) I'd probably include crypto results but put a big banner on top of their pages (and small ones in their search results) about me distancing myself from that. The crucial thing I belive is to make it clear what is happening, and to communicate clearly and transparently.

    I wouldn't reuse "deprecated" tag, nor use derogatory wording in general. While i agree with the sentiment that crypto is a major problem and rather useless, some of the wording has used is rather loaded, and feels like it can be interpreted as akin to name calling.

    I found that the best way to reduce drama in my life is to not get sucked in. Say what I think with as neutral tone as possible and leave it at that. Not always easy, but I strive for it (which is what I'm attempting to do here, and why I rewrote some parts of this post after reading it and thinking about how it could be interpreted).

    Additionally, I hope the author will reconsider the move to closed source, because I dont think that will solve anything. Rather it risks adding fuel to the fire, since people wanting to argue will point to this and say "look, we have no idea how it works any more, you can't trust it" (or even worse things).

  • Rustc Trait System Refactor Initiative Update | Inside Rust Blog

    Want to follow along with Rust development? Curious how you might get involved? Take a look!

    Rustc Trait System Refactor Initiative Update | Inside Rust Blog
    0 ESP32 Standard Library Embedded Rust: GPIO Control

    Introduction Embedded programming can generally be classified into two areas; hosted and bare-metal. Bare-metal programming assumes a clean slate, meaning that the target hardware or environment includes no prior software. This is opposed to the conv...

    ESP32 Standard Library Embedded Rust: GPIO Control

    A look at embedded programming on ESP32 using STD. This is quite unusual, as I belive most other embedded targets only support no-std.

    Note: I'm not the author, I just find this interesting, as I have a personal project using std on ESP32 as well.

    Could we update this server to version 0.18.1 please?
  • Agreed, but I know there were complications:

    I don't know if they figured it out, reported the issue upstream, or how much they debugged it are all.

    But if it isn't resolved soon, it might indicate that it would be better to move to a better maintained server.

  • I'm not the author, and it isn't an exact fit to this embedded community, but it is related. We deal with many of the same issues.

    One thing in particular I found interesting was the section about the crate volatile.

    0 Unlocking Possibilities: 4 Reasons Why ESP32 and Rust Make a Winning Combination

    Rust has gained significant attention and popularity among developers due to its robustness, memory safety guarantees, and emphasis on performance. However, beyond being a language, Rust is also a thriving programming project with a vibrant community...


    I am not the author, but this interests me.

    2 ESP32 Embedded Rust at the HAL: Remote Control Peripheral

    This blog post is the tenth of a multi-part series of posts where I explore various peripherals in the ESP32C3 using embedded Rust at the HAL level. Please be aware that certain concepts in newer posts could depend on concepts in prior posts. Prior ...

    I'm not the author, but thought I should get the ball rolling in the embedded community.

    This is the latest post, from last week. However, this blog has a lot of useful tutorial style posts about embedded Rust.

    When to Use Arc Instead of Vec
  • I believe the video is somewhat incorrect: Arc (and Rc) need a reference count, which you missed in your description of the overhead. (EDIT: You mentioned this later in the video. )

    The downside of all of Arc or Rc is of course (as you pointed out towards the end of the video) that you need to do all that reference counting and store the reference count (as I mentioned above). A box of a slice would indeed be cheaper. But if the data is static (or will at least live for the rest of the program), you might consider just leaking it (Box::leak) to get a static lifetime reference. That can then be cheaply shared.

  • Whats the latest personal project youre working on?
  • I have done some small experiments (not much beyond a blinking light at this point) and I feel that the main issue right now for a beginner is that the documentation isn't there yet. By far.

    Also I have read that many of the crates that use the same bus don't play well with each other (e.g. two devices on the same i2c bus) even though that is what embedded-hal is supposed to be all about. Many early crates are also abandoned apparently, further compounding this problem. I don't have enough personal experience though to tell if this is true.

  • Potential mods and admin
  • Many of us probably don't need this enough that we pay for it. I could get by with just rust weekly newsletter for the news. Then there is the official forums if I need to ask a question. The main use I got out of r/rust (and now am hoping to get out of this) is reading and learning interesting things, perhaps answering a few questions along the way. Not critical enough to for me to pay for it.

    This is in a sense a sad state of affair. But you are probably never going to get enough critical mass to build a community if you paywall it. All websites that use some form of paywall that I can think of started out free to build that critical mass.

    An optional subscription though could be something. Maybe you get a special marker at your name as a bragging right that you are a supporter? A star next to threads you start? Something like that. Several sites pulled of that model (two comes to mind immediately: twitch, phornix (a linux news website)). (also a linux news website, more in-depth though) is an interesting example: it paywalls it main articles for a week, then they go open. Again, it didn't start out that way though.

    I don't know if the underlying software supports optional subs though, another option could be a simple paypal tipjar or patreon, but you likely wouldn't get as much that way.