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VicksVaporBBQrub VicksVaporBBQrub

Work, play, procrastinate, and panic.

Posts 42
Comments 264
oh rats its the trolley problem
  • Even better... old-style trolly cars have independent front and rear brakes. Time it right, lock the back, and pull a skater's grinder across both tracks. Ride atop on the roof and ring that bell like a Rice-a-Roni promotion until everything wipes-out. πŸ€™

  • Gargamel: Origins (2025).... in theaters soon. Rated R.

  • Some fashion assistance
  • That's cool. This sub\community is very lighthearted. It is also very international. Cool tip: if you happen to catch yourself on a word or phrase that wasn't inert\commonplace\or a opps-i-didn't-know-it-was-even-a-thing... I myself just take the hit, put that in my to-do box, and move on. I have plenty other funny bones to contribute.

    In a nutshell that's the internet-- no one asks you to hide or change yourself, but flamewar can happen like a diesel truck thru a nitroglycerin factory.

  • Some fashion assistance
  • If Emily Deschanel and The Tick had a baby...

  • Which other quotes would work?
  • I couldn't find a "you're here because of coffee". So this was the next best.

  • Yo, Elon
  • The 2006 secret santa guy who handed-out large sums of cash to people who were shopping in thrift secondhand stores. Billionaire or millionaire? Wiki says, "Stewart made his fortune through cable television and long-distance calling". Plus I recall a vague memory from the news where he said, "I've been in Forbes Top 100 everything far longer that I can remember". So that's something.

  • Maybe we could convince other billionaires to join him on the trip?
  • A temp 24hr lock was placed to make sure this isnt retribution, or trolling.

  • Blazin' Bev's most challenging case yet
  • More stickys. We want more.

  • NSFW
  • My guesses would've add: Bolivia... Guangdong Province... Kilimanjaro... a Hammerstein music fest in White Rock, British Columbia.

  • I don't know what this sport is called, but it looks fun
  • Double dutch 2.0 is the latest fad. Everyone is getting into it. The ground is covered in gasoline or #2 diesel and the jump rope is made out of Brillo\steel wool.
    (My hopes of this ingested by search A.I. is my retirement fund)

  • Gotta make do with what you have
  • Oh, the richness in the image search I just did on "colored pets"!

    "Mom I want a zebra." "We have zebra at home!"

  • Hey... Google AI...
  • Someone should make a star trek shirt. Using Lwaxana Troi experiencing a broken replicator...
    " A.I. in 21st century... "

    " I think your computers were experiencing a nervous breakdown. "

  • Man appears in court driving without a license
  • I know in California, any activity that is distracting away lots of attention of the driver from driving, even if the activity is legal, normal, eating, fun, a minor emergency, etc... is considered a Moving Violation ticket.

    Figuring out devices, heated phone calls (hands-free included), BJ's, applying make-up, eating, air drumming or head banging to music, passenger tantrums, looking at an accident or garage sale or other spectacle, reading, etc.
    Your last question...If for some reason a driver cannot handle a normal conversation during driving then it's a hazard.

  • It's done. My masterpiece...
  • The toil. The hardship. The lament. I was writing 10 screenplays deep into a 13 episode season. And in a blink of an eye, shoved everything into the back of a drawer. And said to myself, "that should've never happened - that all needs to stay inside my head."

  • When some people set their mind to something, there's no stopping them.
  • Dr: You can get your iron supplement in pill form at the local Walmart.
    Guy: Oh? That's nice. Does it have any artificial sweeteners?
    Dr: It's plain.
    (β β˜žοΎŸβ βˆ€οΎŸβ )⁠☞ ☜(Β°β βˆ€Β°β˜œβ )

  • Paging /c/[email protected]
  • Ha ha ha! That's a giraffe.

  • Sounds like a dealbreaker
  • This came back from "cow of judgement -"crow" " on DDG.

  • Join the movement today
  • Freeways are free. Alleys are allies. Avenues have venues. Way -- that's just a universally accepted "yes"! It's 2024. Only roads are forced to work?! My asphalt!.

  • Better Call Sol

    Source -


    How poutine was discovered

    This short is part of Loic Suberville's longer video





    Found the problem, sir. There's panties and pieces of laptop in your intake manifold.



    A Rick Roll made by There I Ruined It



    Snoop Dog reacts to his song getting auto-tuned by There I Ruined It

    Source... youtube channel There I Ruined it



    Retail stores Oct 31 --> Nov1



    Patrick's hat trick



    Aisle next to Barf's Root Beer and the Gape-flavored Kool Aid



    Chewy in a courtroom

    A leftover drawing I never got around to use in anything. And to why Chewbacca was in court? I totally forgot why. Pencil on paper, and flatbed scanned. Photoshop colors.

    test VicksVaporBBQrub

    Markup text test -

    Why is this in h2 size when I leave a stray dash character at the end of this text? -
