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UID_Zero UID_Zero
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Away from home for months; homelab unreachable; now looking for UPS
  • There are probably newer ones that come with LiPos. But every consumer grade one I've seen is traditional lead acid batteries.

  • Away from home for months; homelab unreachable; now looking for UPS
  • ...(it is kinda like a bomb after all)...

    WAT? I've never heard a UPS referred to as "kinda like a bomb" before.

    Keep your UPS maintained, replace the batteries when they age out, and it will be fine. If your UPS supports automated self-tests, use them.

    My employer has UPS units spread all over the region we operate in, and we don't have any issues, despite leaving them mostly unattended for years. I have several in my house and I've never given them a second thought aside from battery replacements.

  • Got an email from ISP
  • My VPN app took a shit in the middle of a download and I think it exposed my IP to some “anti-piracy” bullshit firm that contacted my ISP.

    I think you answered your own question.

  • Am I old now?
  • The ID on the phone thing is weird. Like I’m gonna give my phone to a cop when they ask for my ID. That’s a nope from me.

    That just seems like a privacy nightmare. No one touches my phone. There’s way too much personal info on there to hand over to anyone, much less cops.

  • How do you backup 2FA setup codes/QR codes?
  • My phone has a passcode, so does my password manager and my MFA app - all different passwords. Those are the only ones I need to remember, so it’s not too bad.

    Probably not ideal, but to break that someone needs to A) physically get my phone, B) unlock my phone, C) unlock my pw vault, and D) unlock my MFA app. I’m fairly confident in my setup.

  • How do you backup 2FA setup codes/QR codes?
  • Same, but my seeds are stored in a separate vault from my passwords. Seems like having MFA and passwords in the same place defeats the purpose. I used to let keepassxc auto fill MFA tokens, but finally changed to a separate app.

  • E-Mail-App for Android with Exchange / Activesync
  • I use it for my work mail. I can’t speak to their privacy, but I think it’s ok. So far as I know they haven’t done anything stupid, and all the connections are only from my device, no cloud intermediary.

    I do like that it allows you to only apply the ActiveSync policies to the app instead of the entire device. If my employer remote wipes my device, it only impacts the app.

  • Emergency First Aid
  • Also that if you’re doing CPR alone don’t bother with the breaths, the chest compressions are more important - only do breaths with a second person so you can keep compressions going uninterrupted.

    I took a class last year that said this. It was "Shock and Compress." The compressions are doing more good than worrying about breaths. And delegate someone to find an AED.

    It felt a little silly taking that class given that I work for a health org, and I'm fully remote. The odds of my needing to know if seem pretty low, but you never know when it might be important.

  • Has anyone here ever tried Linux From Scratch?
  • Yes, back in the early 00s. We toyed with making a net-bootable image with it for our computer labs, but it was really not practical. It definitely taught me a ton about systems, though.

  • Linux Path Cheatsheet
  • /dev is for device files, ie special files that let you communicate directly with a physical piece of hardware

    /etc is for configuration files, ie the comments tell how to setup a device or application

    /var is for variable files, ie files who's content is regularly changing, the primary example is logs, but there are a lot of other files that land in /var (some are moving to /run, though)

  • Gardeners back less frequent lawn mowing, poll finds, as ‘No Mow May’ begins
  • I’m all for cutting less…mostly for my own laziness.

    But I do the same. Less frequent and taller cutting…it’s not perfect but it looks nice in the midst of summer.

  • Systemd wants to expand to include a sudo replacement
  • I admit, I’m not a big fan of putting more functionality into systemd (or just of systemd in general), but that is a well-reasoned argument for having sudo live in the init system.

  • For podcast/audiobook listeners that multitask, do you follow all of what's being discussed/said as you listen & do other stuff?
  • Listening in the car is mostly retained. Basically any other task that requires any amount of real attention or brainpower breaks my ability to retain anything. Mowing, biking, dishes, etc are all fine. But I can’t work, that takes way too much focus. I usually watch twitch streams or movies/shows I’ve already seen when I need to focus on other stuff. Then it’s just background noise.

  • When did you get your first phone? First computer? What was it?
  • Apple ][e, it became “mine” in 90 after we moved. It’s still at my sister’s house, needs anew drive cable (we think). I bought a P2 350MHz a few years later so I could do something useful…those were the days…

    First phone was (I think) a Razr, in 03. My dad was more than happy to buy me a phone so he wasn’t worried about me driving back and forth from college.

  • Nintendo Switch 2 report details magnetic Joy-Con, Pro Controller compatibility
  • I barely used my joycons, but I had drift. I don’t think I was misusing them, I only used them when mobile, and that was infrequent. And yet they drifted.

    I replaced the sticks with Hall effect sticks, and they’ve been fine since.

  • Microsoft is silently installing Copilot onto Windows Server 2022
  • I did see another report that it's just a component in Edge. Unfortunately I don't have that link handy right now.

  • Broadcom execs say VMware price, subscription complaints are unwarranted
  • We've heard about some companies being charged 67x their previous years prices to renew. How is that not an unwarranted complaint?

    We're looking at a 3 to 4x increase in price, and while that's not horrible, that's still a lot. We're looking at alternatives, because at the end of the day, those prices are too high. And they're not the only ones raising prices by exorbitant amounts.

  • Google Podcasts service shuts down in the US next week
  • Same, and agreed. I don't listen to much, but it's been very nice.

  • How can I run something that needs sudo at every login without having to do so manually?
  • It's only as insecure as you make it. It's an option, it needs to be used responsibly.

  • How can I run something that needs sudo at every login without having to do so manually?
  • Look into editing the sudoers file. Add a line that allows you to run openvpn with the NOPASSWD option.

    I strongly recommend not using that for everything, just the specific commands you need to run non-interactively.