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TuxOnBike TuxOnBike

Titelbild generiert via von Professor Ed Hawkins (University of Reading). Es zeigt die Temperaturveränderungen in Deutschland seit 1881 und einen deutlichen Anstieg aufgrund der menschengemachten Erderhitzung in den letzten Jahren. Lizensiert unter CC BY 4.0

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Hack of Age Verification Company Shows Privacy Danger of Social Media Laws
  • @peregus @ForgottenFlux

    Education and trust. We should educate children and parents about the web, its advantages, and dangers. Parents need a starting point on what they can and can’t do to protect their children, and we (technical people) can provide them with best practices. We should also improve the mutual trust between children and their parents. If kids see something bad on the internet, they need to feel safe talking to their parents about it to get help instead of blame.

  • How do people plan for their deaths in terms of account & device secrets (passwords, 2fa etc.)?
  • @Whooping_Seal Yes, using a password manager with family sharing and for the self hosted stuff writing a wiki on how to keep it up or export the important data is my way to go.

  • tying to move as far away from google as possible. recommendations?
  • @milkytoast

    @cryptpad for Docs.

    Since you already use Proton Calendar and Mail. Why not Proton Drive as well?