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Logbook of The World Returns

In just received the following. I went to the login page and it is up:


July 1, 2024

Dear ARRL member,

Effective 12:00pm ET / 16:00 UTC we will be returning Logbook of The World® (LoTW®) to service.

As work progressed on the network, some users encountered LoTW opening briefly during which some 6600 logs were uploaded. The logs were not processed until this weekend as we tested that the interfaces to LoTW were functioning properly.

We are taking steps to help manage what will likely be a huge influx of logs. We are requesting that if you have large uploads, perhaps from contests or from a DXpedition, please wait a week or two before uploading to give LoTW a chance to catch up. We have also implemented a process to reject logs with excessive duplicates. Please do not upload your entire log to “ensure” your contacts are in LoTW as they will be rejected. Lastly, please do not call ARRL Headquarters to report issues you are having with LoTW. You can contact support at [email protected].

Through the end of the year, you may experience planned times when LoTW will be unavailable. We have been using this time to evaluate operational and infrastructure improvements we would like to make to LoTW. Those times will be announced.

We appreciate your patience as we worked through the challenges keeping LoTW from returning to service. We know the importance of LoTW to our members, and to the tens of thousands of LoTW users who are not ARRL members. LoTW, just behind QST, is our second most popular ARRL benefit.

Field Day
  • We ended up besting our last year record. We ran 2B (battery) and it was a little challenging early on making SSB QSOs with 5w but we pulled through. Did a lot of digital this year. Could have done better but we were plagued with bad weather and thunderstorms.

    Worked all bands but 10m wasn't good.

  • Field Day

    Is anyone else doing Field Day? How's it going? In the NE US, it's been very hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms.

    Running a QRP station here and taking a break for the evening. Planning on getting up early tomorrow.

    OSS Weather: An open source weather app for iOS/Android
  • I'll check it out. I've been using Breezy Weather and have been happy with it as well.

  • Interference from power lines?
  • In addition to what @shortwavesurfer has, I would like to add you go through your house and look for noise inside. I found many noisy electronic devices when I did. I suspect you are more likely to find interferences this way. The call is often coming from inside the house.

    I have an OCFD which has the long leg within ~20ft of the neighborhood lines but the don't cross. I don't hear any noise but it is at about a 45° angle to the lines. I have a "kinda ugly" common mode choke I built and put up with the antenna so I can't tell you if it's choking out noise but I would suggest you use one. If you hear interference, you should contract your power company and let them know because the lines aren't supposed to be interfering (at least in the US).

    Depending on your geometry and distance between your antenna and the power lines, there may be impacts on your reception and transmission. I don't know enough about thee physics, though.

  • He quit heading the Pentagon’s UFO office. Now a report of his has shaken up ufology

    Sean Kirkpatrick has faced threats for his work – and a new report concluding no evidence UAPs represented extraterrestrial tech has sent ufology into a tailspin

    He quit heading the Pentagon’s UFO office. Now a report of his has shaken up ufology



    D75 versus FT5

    Do people have thoughts on the newest flagship HT from Kenwood? He brings up some worthwhile observations. I just got a FT5DR and I am not impressed with it's stock battery life when compared to my HTX-202 (greatest rig ever made and will ever be made) or my AnyTone AT878UVII+.

    I also like him pointing out the manufactures not providing drop in chargers for these expensive rigs. It's bullshit.

    [@amateur\_radio]( does anybody know how to unlock an Anytone 878 after shipping? I’ve pressed Menu and \* I have plugged it into the software and the four opti
  • I believe the band error arises when you have a frequency programmed outside the allocation (amateur vs commercial) for the radio. It must be set in the CPS as well but don't remember where but it is one of the first/early settings you should set.

    I would recommend looking it up on the Bridgecom YouTube videos. They can be tedious but they also have some very useful information.

  • [@amateur\_radio]( does anybody know how to unlock an Anytone 878 after shipping? I’ve pressed Menu and \* I have plugged it into the software and the four opti
  • I think what you're looking for is in the Optional Settings > Key Functions tab of the CPS. After you've saved your codeplug, you need to load it to the radio.

  • Winlink Email?
  • I figured it out.

    In the settings, if you set up an email address to forward you emails, you won't receive them over the air.

  • Winlink Email?

    I don't seem to be receiving emails from the internet despite having the addresses in my whitelist.

    Does anyone know if I'm missing a setting somewhere? I do receive other Winlink emails.

    [@amateur\_radio]( Just passed my Technician test!! Looking into the Anytone 878. Is this a good or bad first unit?
  • I wouldn't recommend the AT-878uvII+ (or the 878uv) as a first rig. It is a good radio (I have one) but it is DMR and uses a Windows-only CPS that isn't user friendly to program the rig. Similarly, it is a bear to program on the rig. Unless you really want to get into DMR (is there activity in your area?), I would suggest the king of all HTs - the Radio Shack HTX-202 (I have one as well). They're easy to program on the rig, true FM, have a superhetrodyne receiver, are a classic, and can be found at reasonable price on eBay. Drawbacks - only 2m, big, squelch seems sensitive to some of my computer monitors, and you'll probably need to buy a wall charger and new battery.

  • Just Updated My QSO map

    Having just completed the ARRL RTTY Roundup, I thought I'd update my QSO map.

    The tool I used is:


    ARRL RTTY Roundup

    The ARRL RTTY Roundup is today. Anyone else planning on participating?

    I like RTTY and would like to use it more often and these events are some of the few times when I know there will be QSOs.

    On the Lineage os keyboard you can get to emojis by holding down the enter button.
  • Don't feel bad. I missed it too and it took forever to figure out. 🤷‍♂️ (see)

  • [Discussion] Pre-emptive Threads defederation
  • I'm for the preemptive de-federation.

  • PEF sues Employee Relations Office over worker classification
  • PEF sues Employee Relations Office over worker classification

    The union said the state is violating the law when "unilaterally" designating workers as management

    By Molly Burke Dec 9, 2023

    The Public Employees Federation filed a lawsuit against the state's Office of Employee Relations over a categorization of employees as "managerial or confidential." The union, whose president Wayne Spence, is shown in March at the Capitol, represents more than 50,000 state workers.

    ALBANY — The Public Employees Federation filed a lawsuit this week against the state’s Office of Employee Relations for deeming employees as management without going through the legal classification process, the union said.

    The union, which represents more than 50,000 state workers, alleges the state is violating the Public Employees' Fair Employment Act, commonly known as the Taylor Law, which requires that a public employer must go through a “detailed process” to classify an employee as managerial or confidential.

    The classification requires the employer to file an application with the Public Employee Relations Board. The employee is notified and — often with PEF’s representation — given a chance to respond. The board then decides whether the position should be designated as “management or confidential” or stay within PEF’s bargaining unit, said Rob Merrill, a spokesman for PEF.

    PEF claims in the lawsuit that the state Office of Employee Relations' designation of positions as “managerial or confidential was done unilaterally and without any authority.”

    The lawsuit names eight employees who PEF claims have been affected by the changed designations since the current collective bargaining agreement was ratified in the summer.

    The union is concerned with the process of changing a position’s designation as “employees lose all benefits of union membership” upon being deemed managerial or confidential in these positions. Merrill said the affected employees lose representation, bargaining power, union benefits including discounts, and a sense of solidarity with their coworkers.

    Merrill said that the union found out about the state’s designations through a Freedom of Information Law request. PEF says the state has not been notifying the union nor, to their knowledge, the affected employees until the designation has already been made.

    The lawsuit, filed in state Supreme Court in Albany, asks the court to overturn the eight named employees' designations and to order the state to follow the Taylor law.

  • PEF sues Employee Relations Office over worker classification

    The union, which represents more than 50,000 state workers, said the state is violating the law when "unilaterally" designating workers as management

    PEF sues Employee Relations Office over worker classification

    Amateur Radio Testing Session, 11/18/23 @ 9:30am

    For anyone who is interested in testing for their Technician license or upgrading to General or Amateur Extra:

    The Troy Amateur Radio Association will be holding a VE session this Saturday at the Watervliet Senior Center (1501 Broadway, Watervliet).

    Doors open at 9:30am and the session begins at 10am. Don't be late!

    Bring your FCC-supplied FRN #, current license (if you have one), $15 test fee, and photo ID. Links and more relevant information can be found at

    Voting Records of Republican Speaker Candidates
  • I'm sure they'd vote against a bill for colorblind people too.

  • It seems Gen Z is just fine with parents knowing where they are all the time
  • Not my kid. She only had it on for a specific reason and she only accepts she had to put up with it for now.

    She's more than happy to bring it up as an issue from time to time.

  • ONLYOFFICE 7.5 now features a dedicated PDF editor.
  • Ok. I've put in a SSD, I'm looking to add RAM (I may be already maxed out), and run zswap, etc. I guess I'll be sticking with LibreOffice.

    I use the laptop for ham radio stuff, mostly, and things like an office suite are secondary.

  • ONLYOFFICE 7.5 now features a dedicated PDF editor.
  • How is it on resources? I have a i386 project computer running Debian 12 and I'm looking to make it as "modern" as possible. Right now, my fight is with slow browsers and LibreOffice (I'm trying to avoid the Abiword, etc route).

  • Time-lapse of Solar Cycle 25 displays increasing activity on the Sun

    After having seen some articles of the recent coronal mass ejection and the possibility of a K5 geomagnetic storm, I thought I'd share this time lapse of Solar Cycle 25 thus far from NOAA.

    Hams Worry About Shortwave Proposal - Radio World
  • Increasingly, it really doesn't need to die. Digital modes are available for enhanced AM which could provide shudder stereo and more.

  • Hams Worry About Shortwave Proposal - Radio World
  • It does provide a benefit - but to the very greedy, very few. If there was ever parity, the bands would be filled with their greed noise.

  • Hams Worry About Shortwave Proposal - Radio World
  • Until another company gets a license and does it themselves which will lead to more looking for licenses.... until the band is useless trash filled with interference.

    And we thought the woodpecker was bad.

  • Hams Worry About Shortwave Proposal - Radio World
  • I'm hoping the comments against this terrible are heard over the filthy lucre the "liquidity generators" are throwing at politicians.

    The radio spectrum is a common good and needs to be regulated accordingly.

  • Hams Worry About Shortwave Proposal - Radio World

    Numerous commenters have told the FCC that a proposal to “modernize” the shortwave band is a threat to amateur radio operators in the U.S.

    Hams Worry About Shortwave Proposal - Radio World

    10 Meters was Lit Today!

    Did anyone else get to take advantage of 10 meters opening up today?


    Heathkit HW-101 Back On the Air

    I just got my HW-101 back on the air. When I was a kid, my dad got he, my brother, and me one of these at a Hamfest for $50 after we outgrew our HW-16. This isn't that rig, though. We can't find it.

    I picked this one up and, even though it still has issues, I've been making DX, POTA, Route 66 QSOs with it. Been getting good signal reports too! It's fun but, after tuning and not having any audio filtering, I've really come to appreciate modern radios.

    If you're just getting started in the hobby but are intimidated by tube rigs, don't be. They're worth considering (tube availability might be a challenge though).

    (For those who are curious, that is a real Astatic D-104 mic but the amp has been removed so it can work with the HW-101).

    1 Keep proprietary digital modes off ham radio!

    I firmly contend that digital communications protocols containing proprietary closed-source components such as VARA, ROS, DMR, YSF, etc. a...

    I can't argue.
