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ToyDork Gadg8eer
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Comments 3
OpenAI reportedly nears breakthrough with “reasoning” AI, reveals progress framework
  • To be fair, it might be too late by then, but it also might be true that it's not just the fairy tales with happy endings that are not realistic. No sense worrying about T-1000s coming for you in real life when that whole movie was mostly special effects, if the world is about to die then I don't see it coming from machines. We don't know where free will comes from or even if it's just a math equation or something truly beyond explanation, but computers don't seem to have it.

    Scarily enough, the Quran (of all the things that implies, I am not saying this is actually reality, only that parallels should not fall into place that way under random chance) points out that this conclusion was engineered in some sense, that electronics were never going to give us godhood due to the limitations of reality. It's kind of blunt in saying it, so I get why the skepticism needs to stay involved, but the idea is that our "household gods" of Siri and Alexa and such are really just basic circuitry compared to a housefly or mosquito, let alone to anything larger or capable of emotional attachment.

    Sorry if this is preachy, I'm a writer who hasn't done enough writing lately and I'm just at a stage where I feel like it's too late for my writing to matter.

  • Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone
  • Unlike Japan in the 80s, I wouldn't trust the CCP more than products made in Democratic nations.

    That being said, I am now VERY glad I switched to Graphene OS the moment I got this phone. Fuck this kind of shit, I bought this phone.