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\#RememberAaronBushnell #FreePalestine #ActuallyAutistic #LGBTQIAally #SJW #Ally2POC I will happily comment, favourite, boost. 1 partner, 3 sons, 5 g'children, 2 g-g'children. Love learning new things. Annoyingly helpful. Self-realised August 2022. Taurean. Year of Horse. So good at masking, I can even fool myself. \#Novid #reader #Trekkie #history #prehistory #environment #climate #MontyPython #MelBrooks #TheGoons #TheGoodies

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How do you guys remember the early days of the internet? What do you miss about it?
  • @codefolio Thanks to mechanisation, robotics, and AI, there are going to be even more folk doing tutes that can support ad space, because that will be how they earn money to pay bills. #ThankABillionaire @keith @4am @swan_pr

  • How do you guys remember the early days of the internet? What do you miss about it?
  • @bstix Is it due to a higher preponderance of visual learners? There should be both. Text, and video.🤔@Provider