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Tina Tina
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What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
  • You reminded me that when I was a kid I had a similar weird scale thing happen often, but it was incredibly difficult to describe. It was very unsettling and I never really told anyone. I felt like words in my head were unusually big or everything in my head was really intense and urgent, especially my inner voice. It's like it was shouting at me, but not as simple as just volume. It's something that's seemingly impossible to explain. It was like everything was expanding or growing or like I was thinking louder, or just ... Bigger. I used to get really freaked out by it. Then sometimes it would be the same but in reverse where everything confusingly was small, quiet, and felt almost delicate. Yeah. I dunno.

  • What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
  • You share the tooth thing with Tom Cruise! Random thing I learned the other week.

  • What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
  • Yes, I can focus and unfocus my eyes at will, I too, to razor sharp vision or so blurry that I can't even make out features on anyone's face. (Without going cross eyed, which I can also do with any eye at a time).

    It's a good superpower, as I have glasses that I can wear if I want to which are roughly +3.5, but I rarely bother, because I'll just use my eye muscles to see perfectly well,so I never freak out when I lose my glasses or whatever. I

    It's really handy for zoning tf out, too. Which is mostly a blessing, but sometimes a curse, especially as I have the inattentive ADHD where I just go blank faced and stare into the blurry distance whilst totally disappearing inwards.

  • What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
  • Lol I skipped past the first paragraph after reading the first few words, as it's just a bunch of words to me, and then realised reading the next paragraph that exactly that was your point. Yes I definitely relate to you 😂

  • What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
  • Ha! This happens to me as well! I do have a funny slight extra detail though. I can't really visualise images in my minds eye (almost aphantasia), but when I'm closing my eyes to go to sleep, and a sudden noise happens, I see a flash of white like you, but also usually some random af detailed image flash in my minds eye. It's so weird, always different, always amusing, and the closest I get to visualising. It could be anything, like a old woman in a cowboy hat riding a horse or whatever. Also, I have slight grapheme-colour synesthesia, so it's interesting that you called it wish synesthesia! I wonder if it plays some role!

  • What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
  • How strange! When I have to pee really badly, I feel it in my teeth. Is that weird or normal?! My past partners have never had this uncomfortable tingling sensation from it. I always clench my jaw and wiggle to try and ease the feeling. Obviously also go pee.

  • What some weird stuff your body does?(can be NSFW)
  • Me too! If I'm scratching or picking at my skin, sometimes I feel it somewhere else, so I figured it's normal and just nerve signals being connected somehow, but never spoken about it.

  • What are some old-timey names that you think should make a comeback?
  • Haha yeah, I did worry that would happen! Just to clarify I definitely don't think they were 'old-timey', I just haven't personally seen them around in new generations for some time.....

  • What are some old-timey names that you think should make a comeback?
  • Perhaps not as old as requested but

    Ronald, Marianne, Cynthia, Evangeline, Melinda, Caesar, Magdalena, Betty, Rosetta, Balthazar, Thadeus, Lazarus, Otto, Bartholomew, Miranda