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ThunderWhiskers ThunderWhiskers
Posts 5
Comments 261
History repeats itself.
  • What a stupid argument.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • If people hate your guts chances are you're not a good manager.

  • Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • Minsc is getting a big punch up for the nostalgia factor. He's a beloved character from the original games and has been featured in other D&D stories.

  • No Diggity
  • Thank you

  • I fucking hate the job search
  • WTF are demonstrable analytical skills?

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • Your post was bordering on irrelevant to the original comment. In light of that the information you provided can really only be interpreted is as pro-fossil fuel.

  • fuck lawns (fuck lawns) fuck them very very much
  • I would wager that the majority of people posting about lawns that require maintenance don't actually own a home with one or are forced to do said maintenance by their parents.

    The native plants that can grow in my lawn are not appealing so if I were to just let it go wild I would have a shitty looking, pest riddled, brown, half-dirt/half sticker mess that my kids can't play on. We have beds where we can make them work but I do not have the time, money, or inclination to make it fence to fence flora. Also the most common bugs we get are mosquitoes and I would rather not encourage them any more.

  • US Supreme Court lifts ban on gun bump stocks
  • It's incredibly fucking stupid to use these things for anything other than indiscriminate area effect, which equates only to spraying into a crowd in any realistic civilian context.

    This is what really pains me is the bump stock is a device whose only real purpose is to hurt a large group of people with no regard to who is in that area. No one is going to be out on the white house lawn mowing down zombie hordes with this thing. Its primary intent is to hurt civilians.

  • Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important
  • Anyway I hope I hope online artists, and authors are able to use this to sue AI companies for stealing their copyrighted works.

    No no no no, this is part of the trickle down economics we've been promised for decades. It only works going down, not punching up.

  • I musket axe you a question
  • I would be really surprised if you could use this as an axe without immediately deforming the barrel.

  • Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?
  • In Texas we have summer heat that even an air conditioned house can't keep up with at times. It can get hot enough that a some home AC systems will run and run and not maintain a comfortable temp.

  • A cool guide Blood Hue Directory
  • I'm sorry, penis worms?

  • It's very inconsiderate of them
  • I haven't been on in a couple weeks but the player base was on a pretty steady decline. The whole PSN debacle really sucked the air out of the room. Otherwise the game was tons of fun despite its issues.

  • How Much Union Dues *Actually* “Cost You”
  • Edit: Yeah my bad guys, I forgot the housing market existed before 2020 lmao.

  • Ubisoft meme
  • Sorry you upset the hive mind buddy. You're absolutely right, but there are tons of people out there that can't even handle literal seconds of inconvenience. It's just not that big of a deal.

  • How Much Union Dues *Actually* “Cost You”
  • How in the hell does this guy have a <$1000 mortgage?

    Edit: Yeah my bad guys. I forgot the housing market existed before 2020 lmao.

  • I just want to play this awesome game.

    Y'all, Helldivers 2 is just so much fun. I would not have assumed at the beginning of 2024, just after completing Baldur's Gate 3, that I would be championing an always online squad shooter - but this game is just so damn enjoyable. Furthermore, the community has been so engaged and invested in the spirit of liberty that it's made me prioritize a style of game that I thought I had mostly left in my past.

    Now we're in the middle of this huge nonsense with PSN and it has completely sucked all the air out of the room. I understand why people are upset and I don't agree with the shit that Sony is trying to pull. I just want to keep this magic going.

    I don't have much to say other than try to maintain some empathy for Arrowhead, as this seems to be out of their hands. They genuinely seem to want to just make a kick-ass game.

    Keep up the good work Helldivers.


    Turns out Helldivers 2 uses a real life game master.

    Arrowhead has been curating the game with a Game Master named Joel. Everyone thank Joel for giving our missions that human touch.


    Father Son Bonding

    No exciting catch pics this time but I wanted to share this beautiful moment I had with my son a few weeks ago.
