Reddit had shadowbanned my comment (EDIT: Nah, they outright suspended me.) about reporting corruption with the DC Police, so I am sharing this information here. It looks like there are two different entities that this act of corruption could possibly be reported to, the Office of Police Complaints and the Internal Affairs Division ( It seems deliberately obtuse which would be better to report to, but I'll provide info to both. (And with reporting to the latter, they seem to accept anonymous complaints.)
Here’s the online form for filing complaints with the Office of Police Complaints:
And here’s a form you can print and send to the Office of Police Complaints through mail, e-mail, or fax (posted below link): of police complaints/publication/attachments/OPC-1 Complaint Form (04.18 - fillable) - English_1.pdf
Office of Police Complaints, 1400 I Street, NW, Ste 700, Washington, DC 20005 Telephone: (202) 727-3838 24-hour hotline: 1-866-588-0569 Fax: (202) 727-9182
From what I follow, the same pdf form is used for the Internal Affairs Division. Here is their contact info:
Internal Affairs Division, 64 New York Ave, NE, Second Floor, Washington, DC 20002 Telephone: (202) 727-4385 TTY: (202) 898-1454 Fax: (202) 727-4858 24-hour hotline: 1-800-298-4006
The form does ask for certain information such as the names of officers (and the page I linked to above goes over what your report should contain, Maybe someone knows how to contact George Moose, Acting President and Chief Executive Officer of the USIP, and could ask him for details, though I’m not sure what he is permitted to share and how willing he’d be to volunteer such information for his own safety. From what I gathered from the Associated Press’ article (, he was present during this. I suspect he or anyone else who was present no longer has access to the inquiries e-mail address that is on his profile for the USIP: (I haven’t tried that address yet, so I can’t say that for certain, but I would be careful about that.) But I would think that he still has some other method of contact floating around out there.
Even if we had certain information, I'm uncertain what good this would do due to how deep police corruption runs. But maybe if enough people say something, it would still send a clear message that the public is pissed and serious about the shit that has been going on. I think it would better than doing nothing.