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TheFreed TheFreed

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Expat looking for a new place in life

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Comments 19
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  • A weekend at Bernie's thing for the next four years wouldn't be the worst option for US.

  • Would this work?
  • Only if you eat it again

  • Any greenthumbs out there have a humane solution?
  • Just move out, you have already lost the garden

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Sweden, late 40's. Manual since I had my driving license (18). Driven automatic maybe 2-3 times in my life

  • Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
  • I guess that will go with drone from Ukraine or blame the west, maybe a F-16 mysteriously appeared over Russia.

  • What's the consensus on AdGuard?
  • No I know it was 2009, I just really failed with calculation, but the point in the comment still stands. 14 years without credible evidence data is used for anything shady.

  • What's the consensus on AdGuard?
  • If they are "shady" they are in for a very long game. AdGuard has been around for over 20 years and I haven't seen any trustworthy reports they are anything else than what they say they are.

  • I feel sorry for men who have to wear pants
  • There was a summer long ago I regularly wore a Sari going to the bar. Do it for work would be a bit of a stretch.

  • Should we change app names?
  • What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

  • Wow! It actually makes sense!
  • Swede in Oaxaca att the moment. 0 C we would put on a jacket, but something that is often missed is that we later go in and warm up. Many Mexican houses are not built to keep the cold out. I spent a couple of winter weeks in Toluca a few years ago and the nights was freaking cold. The concrete walls store the cold as ice blocks and there's no heaters or radiators.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I hope so too, I tried the wefwef app (pwa) for lemmy and it should 'points', I assume upvotes, really annoying.

  • Aspartame: Sweetener used in Diet Coke possibly causes cancer, WHO set to declare
  • Or you will need extreme quantities for it to be something. But with that said, the few times my daughter get a soda I buy her a regular even if I drink with sweetener.

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • I think this may depend on where you live or are at the moment and what you consider cheap. I am in Mexico right now and start my days with fresh fruit salads, maybe with some yogurt and musli. With my West European economy it's really cheap.

  • Flood Reddit with GDPR / CCPA delete requests
  • I just deleted my account. First I edited my comments then deleted them. If they take the time to restore my comments just to realize they are edited and restore an earlier version they can have my shit posting. I couldn't edit all comments thought with subreddits being dark and rejected edits. I don't post any personal data so for me a GDPR request wouldn't do much.

  • Reminder that this is a thing that could happen.
  • There's a Revanced? I've been clinging on to Vanced hoping YouTube API will not change anytime soon

  • is choosing the instance matter? what if i wanted to switch to another server or something
  • But is Beehaw really defederated? I keep reading that but I can access Beehaw communities.