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TheDonkerZ TheDonkerZ
Posts 1
Comments 51
The last time you had a panic/anxiety attack, why?
  • Right now. Mostly just cause my brain felt like flying off the rails. Can't afford my meds right now, and yet we need $25k for our wedding still in 4 months, and we can't seem to dig ourselves out of the financial hole I dug us into after leaving my last job for my mental health and be incomeless for 3 months. Fun stuff for sure.

  • Democracy is back on the menu!
  • What's the bad behaviour we're accepting right now though?

    The game was review bombed to hell and back and people stopped playing because of the behaviour. No one accepted it. Sony now doesn't have the account linking they wanted, and people not coming back to the game now punishes the Devs because it's their livelihood too.

    You 100% don't have to play the game again, and it's a 100% understandable choice, fuck the corpos. But like... You get to have fun, and you support the Devs that work hard to make the content, without feeding your account data to Sony. My perspective shows little to no downside, even considering what benefits Sony.

  • Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
  • That's right, I have heard of some of these cases, but thank you very much for the info! I definitely didn't want Sony to have any ground to stand on here, so happy that Valve is able to step up to protect consumers however they can.

  • Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
  • That's why I said I wasn't sure and that I was asking for clarification?

  • Democracy is back on the menu!
  • At the end of the day, you have control over your own actions. You will be the one missing out in HD2, and if you're ok with that, then so be it.

    The funny thing about this is that this community has proven it will not take any bullshit, so you're doing yourself a disservice by not allowing yourself to be a part of it anymore.

    If you enjoy the game, allow yourself to play it again, and if Sony gets up to fuckery, believe in your fellow Divers to drop the bomb on them again.

  • Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
  • Short answer: Yes.

    Longer answer: The access hadn't been removed yet, as the update that would enable account linking wasn't pushed yet. As for the Steam side, I'm pretty sure people who already had the game installed should've had access still, although updates and general unsureness definitely could be obstacles. With this tweet, however, the update is no longer coming, and were just waiting for Sony/Valve to lift the selling/installing restrictions in those countries.

  • Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2
  • Would the publisher not have to request the game not be sold in those countries before Valve restricts the sale of it?

    I believe that Valve may be the ones who do it, but just doing it without permission sounds... Illegal and out of their jurisdiction.

    I know Valve controls their storefront and can absolutely pull games down, just looking for some clarification on whether this could be true or not.

  • 32 per cent of Canadians blame grocery stores for rising food prices, more than any other reason: Nanos
  • One company owns a vast amount of all grocery stores in Canada.

    So sure, it may not be the "grocery stores" individually, it's sure as shit on their holding company.


  • Housing Crisis, Packed Hospitals and Drug Overdoses: What Happened to Canada?
  • You keep saying they missed the point, but you haven't bothered to explain what your point is.

    All you've done is argue that corporations not being taxed as much is not the problem, and then attacked the criticism these people have placed on you shallow point of view.

    If you're gonna be an ignorant twat on the internet, at least know what you're talking about.

  • Rule ⛳
  • hold on, im a communist and i love golf

  • I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it
  • Memes have become a sort of coping mechanism/method of communication, and it just reflects the the broader state of the world around them.

    Places like Lemmy have becomes bastions for people to share their thoughts and opinions, because the overwhelming consensus is the acknowledgment of being helpless and this is a way to vent and share (what should be) obvious solutions to the problems we're facing.

    Sure, we go out and vote and talk to friends and family about the things we can do to make change, but we're not in the class of people to make that change happen.

    So I say fuck it, post away the neo-nilhism memes, I'll upvote em and laugh away the enormous issues the world has.

  • Google suspends Gemini from making AI images of people after a backlash complaining it was 'woke'
  • There was an article posted here yesterday that said this was the problem.

    Now that Google has taken action to help alleviate the issue, we now have the problem of "wokeness".

    Any and all issues calling out wokeness as part of any problem immediately loses all credibility to me. If wanting to include other ethnicities in something, even if it's just to make the people with the money look better, I'm all for it.

    Being inclusive in any way is league's better than the alternatives.

  • Borderlands players - what is your opinion about the new movie trailer?
  • It definitely has potential. People gotta remember that when they reach for castings like Kevin Hart as Roland; these are professional actors. If they want something a bit different from that person, they can probably achieve it.

    I think we'll be pleasantly surprised, so long as you keep an open mind that it's not supposed to be a beat for beat recreation of the games.

  • Mark Zuckerberg: Tech layoffs in 2024 have been a natural response to pandemic-era over hiring
  • It really depends on where you worked I guess. My company was understaffed and worked us to the bone before, during, and after the pandemic.

    I'd like to have that number of people working to keep the workloads lower, but costs are costs and they gotta cut from keeping going under.

    And God forbid the CEOs take a paycut and make up the pay of 20 people themselves.

    /s, just in case.

  • Mark Zuckerberg: Tech layoffs in 2024 have been a natural response to pandemic-era over hiring
  • I find it funny that the natural response here is to immediately vilify Zuck and call all these CEOs morons for over hiring in the first place, which is 100% correct.

    But I'll be damned, it's the first time I've seen someone of that stature actually acknowledge wtf happened. So I'm inclined to give the least bit of credit to him. Still a dogshit human being, but yeah...

  • White House calls for legislation after ‘alarming’ proliferation of Taylor Swift deepfakes — Social media networks also need to do more to prevent the spread of the images, said press secretary Kar...
  • I said it in another one of my replies, but suffice it to say that I'm a stranger on the internet. You don't know shit about me. Calling me a misogynist and accusing me of trying to hide behind my fancy internet words so I can continue enjoying fake porn of people I've never met in real life is the most insulting thing I've get the pleasure of receiving online.

    I don't like interacting with it much, but here we are now. You can take or leave what I say, but I do everything in my power to check my privledge at the door. I'm not interested in having discussions to convince people that I'm right, I want to have these discussions because I want to learn from others' points of view. I won't ever let one persons Lemmy comment completely change my opinion on theings, but I definitely will always want to have that dialogue to hopefully better inform my opinions. We could all use a dose of active listening, because that's how problems get solved.

  • White House calls for legislation after ‘alarming’ proliferation of Taylor Swift deepfakes — Social media networks also need to do more to prevent the spread of the images, said press secretary Kar...
  • There's no way that the western world can fix these issues at the same time. They can barely keep themselves from infighting, let alone solving these issues that concern the world at large. Obviously this is me making large assumptions about certain things, but it guided by my point of view that the senile class of corrupt politician that runs the majority of Western Civilization will not work on on things they deem as unimportant. Taylor Swift being able to use her platform to catapult this very serious issue to the forefront of national attention is amazing, and I want to see this through... But not at the expense of countless lives lost because society is crumbling away.

    I suppose too that I have a lot of predisposed opinions about the AI discussion at large that cloud this story of any real importance to me. AI, in general, is an excellent tool that can be used to increase productivity, if used responsibly. I'm working on a solo video game project right now, using AI to help me solve logical problems and help creatively kick off some ideas when I struggle to find the right inspiration, and its a fantastic tool. A lot of people tend to dismiss it as a tool that's exclusively used to rip of talented creators and destroy the integrity of the people that do use it in legitimate ways, like myself.

    I'm not blind to the fact that this particular usage of AI is capable of doing real damage to every woman, not just Taylor. But it's a double edged sword to me; now that we have a widespread story centering on Taylor's experience, it's gonna get worse way before it get better now.

  • White House calls for legislation after ‘alarming’ proliferation of Taylor Swift deepfakes — Social media networks also need to do more to prevent the spread of the images, said press secretary Kar...
  • I'm not the one being obtuse, I understand that this is about every woman and respecting the autonomy of every woman's body. Overturning Wade v. Roe was the largest step back in society in the last 50 years of politics. But I like to be selective about what to talk about. I could write entire novels worth of comments on why we should care about every one of these issues. Every single one of these things is important and worth proper discussion and problem solving. My stance is that we should be more focused on not letting the world implode with all of the stupid overseas conflicts than allow the star power of Taylor Swift to distract from a larger issue.

    I don't appreciate being called misogynistic. I'd like to remind you that I'm a stranger on the internet that you don't know shit about. I apologize that my point of view doesn't align with yours, but to assume a horrible stance about someone you don't know a thing about is a part of the reason why this society is so dysfunctional.

    If you'd like to have a constructive conversation about how brutally misogynistic, then I'm happy to. I'm sure I could use a lesson or 2, cause I would never claim to know I have a perfect working knowledge about the issues. Only that I know enough to have intellectual conversations with other people to learn more.

  • White House calls for legislation after ‘alarming’ proliferation of Taylor Swift deepfakes — Social media networks also need to do more to prevent the spread of the images, said press secretary Kar...
  • Absolutely, I understand that. But still, respectfully, I don't agree. The point I'm trying to make is that people care about women, in general, but the system could care less. It's gotten better in years past, but the rights between men, women, and members of any other community that identify as otherwise, are not equal whatsoever.

    However, any fight we put up now to equalize those rights won't mean jack shit unless we prevent the world from turning into a glass garden from a nuclear fallout. There is an order of priority I wish would be established, and this is not the order if we wish to live as a society past the next 5 years.

    I am the furthest thing away from against any "equal rights for all" movement. I want that more than anything. I hate the fact that I have to be a white man because I'd much rather fighting for a change that means something. I just look the part of one of "those people" that wishes to bury others that aren't the same and prioritize my own interest. That's not my game.

    Love and peace for all, fuck straight white men.

  • White House calls for legislation after ‘alarming’ proliferation of Taylor Swift deepfakes — Social media networks also need to do more to prevent the spread of the images, said press secretary Kar...
  • Yeah! Who cares about women, fuck em!


    People care about women, you goon. Realize that there are many more important issues affecting the global landscape, we shouldn't care about some fake naked pictures of a popstar.

    I'd rather them find solutions to things like the 2 active wars happening in the world, the bubbling civil war on the American southern border, and golbel tensions reaching highs only seen at the beginning of the last 2 world wars...

    Lets fix that shit before we allow ourselves the luxury of protecting peoples' shareholders.