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  • I've got so many layers of adblock it's hard to know which one(s) are responsible for blocking the ads.

  • I merge now!
  • No, this is why you don't pass on the right. Not sure about where this was taken, but lots of places have laws about this. And the ones that don't, it's still a bad idea. The blind spot of the driver is worse on that side.

  • 5 family members found dead in Ohio home in apparent quadruple murder-suicide
  • But you’re not even willing to consider any of that. Because of boats and cars and table saws…

    Sigh. I'm anti-gun, if you couldn't tell from my post. But sure, put words in my mouth.

    BTW, getting a license to drive a car/boat is much more difficult in most states than getting a gun license.

    First of all, I already said I'm for more regulation on guns. Second of all, I'll basically invite further downvotes and say "good". That actually makes sense to me. I've long believed that people don't give driving the respect it deserves. You're literally driving a ton of metal and explosive liquid 70+ miles an hour in the dark with a lot of people around doing the same thing, houses scant yards away, all while you simultaneously talk to your friends, check your phone for messages, and adjust the radio. It's insane when you think about it. Realistically? I'd say the capacity for mass destruction is higher for driving than guns, but I'll accept the fact that's perhaps mostly due to the commonality of vehicles.

  • 5 family members found dead in Ohio home in apparent quadruple murder-suicide
  • Agreed. Handguns are basically for killing people. I don't know why you brought them up though since we have no idea what kind of gun this guy used.

  • Man thrusts American flag through another man’s head at Sonic, Oklahoma cops say
  • Next time a crazed redneck stabs me in the head with a US flag, I'll make sure to put my helmet on first!

  • 5 family members found dead in Ohio home in apparent quadruple murder-suicide
  • Owning a car increases your chance of dying in a car accident too. Owning a table saw increases your chance of losing a finger. Owning a boat increases your chance of drowning. Etc.

    Do I think people should be walking around with military-grade weapons? No. Do I think people should be allowed a shotgun to hunt with or whatever? Sure. Do I think there should be background checks and all that to help make sure they're used in a responsible manner? Hell yes. Do I wish guns had never been invented? Yes.

    But come on. This guy apparently went room to room in his house and systematically murdered everyone in it. It wasn't an accident, which is what generally drives the statistic you mentioned. Who knows what was going through his mind at the time. But I'm guessing that, while the gun probably made the act easier, the gun wasn't the enabler nor catalyst here. Given what happened, I'm guessing he would have found another tool to use if he had no gun on hand. I'm not going to be morbid and name all the things within reach at the average house you could use to murder a 9 year old, but it's a lot of things.

  • Easy and safe linux piracy with jc141
  • Dang, was hoping for the new Doom. I refuse to play it with Denurvo, but I don't trust anything out there.

  • This looks awesome, and plays the original carts: Atari 2600+ - Official Announcement Trailer
  • Fuck them for not even bothering to include two controllers in this purchase price. Those things are basic as can be; we're not talking dual-shock here. They had better be very cheap to buy.

    Also, what's the point of including Combat if you've no ability to play against somebody?

  • Game drms weren't enough and now mods are getting drm as well
  • Legally, you might be right. I don't know; I'm not a lawyer and I don't care enough about this case to learn about it.

    But I'm not talking about legalities here. I'm talking about calling this person's moral character into question because he decided to go this route, which I don't really agree with. I don't care that it is built on top of Rockstar's code. Everything is built on top of somebody else's code. Again, not talking legalities here; but I don't see a difference, and don't agree that Rockstar should even have a say in this. They should sit back and be thankful that somebody created whatever this is which might just sell them a few extra copies of the game through no investment of their own.

    I don't like DRM. I don't like people charging money for what is built on top of FOSS. But I also think it's the creators' right to choose how they distribute their work. /shrug

  • Game drms weren't enough and now mods are getting drm as well
  • Eh, it's his code, his work. I believe he's within his rights to decide how he's compensated.

    I personally think this method is a bad idea but then again I don't pay this game and don't even know what the mod does. Maybe it's the second coming or whatever and he knows his business more than I though. Either way, it's his right.

  • Leaked Zoom all-hands: CEO says employees must return to offices because they can't be as innovative or get to know each other on Zoom
  • Remote-only companies existed before, during, and continue existing after COVID. And those companies have new people as well. Perhaps you're right and that it's harder to ask questions on slack as a newbie (although I believe it's completely up to personal taste) but is that worth all the benefits of remote work?

    I believe it's not.

  • Please stop following in Apple's footsteps
  • Mark my words, this is coming. Once RAM is cheaper than having multiple production lines, you'll buy phones with RAM that is disabled and you'll have the option of enabling it OTA.

  • Forcing Workers Back to the Office Might Not Have Been a Good Idea After All
  • That's also why you encrypt your drives. The average enterprise figured out how to let somebody work from an airport long ago. It's really not a huge deal.

  • Top tier medical advice.
  • Yeah, but their kids don't get to choose not to have shithead parents.

  • Google Fiber Introduces 5Gbps Bundle in Austin
  • I somehow doubt Austin needed this. Meanwhile, I'm posting this via an ancient DSL connection that barely functions.

  • A remarkable day at Fulton County jail as Trump's surrender looms
  • Eh, I kinda doubt this will be his last mugshot. Although I guess the first will still be most famous.

  • Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers in its first 3 days.
  • I thought the advantage of carpooling was saving money on gas and car maintenance. Also, environment.

  • Police in England installed an AI camera system along a major road. It caught almost 300 drivers in its first 3 days.
  • Probably because they wouldn't see a dime of revenue from this. It would be a new law that just says they have to do it. At best, they would be allowed to pass the costs to customers somehow, likely through our plate registrations at the DMV.

    It's basically a no win for the car companies. Lots of ill will, increased chance of litigation, increased costs for building cars, all for nothing.

    In fact, I bet the car companies lobbyists are the reason we don't have this already.

  • Pence Says Trump Shouldn’t Be Disqualified Even If CONVICTED — Says ‘That Needs To Be Left To The American People’
  • Your highschool government class should have covered this. A pure popular vote system is essentially mob rule, and mobs are fucking idiots. The idea is that you vote people into office that are smart, that are trained, that are the best of us.

  • Pence Says Trump Shouldn’t Be Disqualified Even If CONVICTED — Says ‘That Needs To Be Left To The American People’
  • If this actually works, the next step will be abolishing the two-term limit. "Leave it to the will of the people to decide if they want a dictatorship."