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TheConquestOfBed TheConquestOfBed




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Fight Fascism Wherever it Arises

That's it. That's the post.

Anti-Fascism TheConquestOfBed

DEAD KENNEDYS - Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Ancient wisdom still needs to be repeated, apparently.


DEAD KENNEDYS - Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Ancient wisdom still needs to be repeated, apparently.

She's real 💀
  • Japan secretly built synthetic waifus that no other country can match, and they're not for sale.

  • Quite
    My thoughts on the western online left after some days on Twitter 🤮
  • An interesting take I've seen from some marxists is the idea that "race is class". It more or less functions as its own class system. Gender is also a kind of class. It gets close to the idea of intersectionality but hasn't been co-opted to be toothless yet.

  • My thoughts on the western online left after some days on Twitter 🤮
  • I hope for my ashes to be mixed with the soil of the land my ancestors were stolen to build.

    I would hope that socialists would at least be aware enough of the culture to be open to reparations.

  • Sinophobic garbage on an anti-pornography subreddit of all things
  • Bigots are occasionally good at multitasking.

  • the best izekai ever made.
  • John Brown catgirl revolution

  • Revolutionary Feminism TheConquestOfBed

    when the sex is socialized

    Biden mad when Russians convict person for marijuana possession. Biden seemingly unaware that the US has imposed far harsher sentences for the same crime.
  • Wasn't he rumored to be softening to legalization during his campaign? Funny how that turned out.

  • Revolutionary Feminism TheConquestOfBed

    A Queer/Intersectional Theory for Tankies The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto

    Death to gender! Freedom to the queers! But gender dies through eating its own tail. Gender is dying already. Its death rattle is upon us, but it still has time to save itself. It is on us to hurry it along to its final end. To speed it on. To make it... Accelerate.

    The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto

    The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto

    [Español] [Download]

    I expect this to be a bit controversial. I actually went into this article a bit skeptical of its scope. Intersectional feminism is already pretty heavily written about. But what our authors have done is figure out how to remove the liberalism. In removing liberalism, however, what remains is a proposition far more radical than most people would have ever conceived. We're going to take the "abolish gender" slogan seriously at face value, because doing so is the only way to alleviate the contradictions of gender norms under capitalism. Some choice quotes:

    > Material relations are relations of production. That is, they are the way we relate to the various ways we labor and produce things. All of society is based upon these relations of production and they produce all of our social systems. Gender is no different. > > So where does gender’s material base lie? Gender is produced primarily by the division of reproductive labor. Reproductive labor is any labor that helps to produce the next generation, including sex, birth, childcare, and homemaking, and gender is defined by how this labor is divided up, with the different genders being distinct classes which are expected to perform specific sorts of tasks regarding reproductive labor.

    > Gender is the earliest class systems and, as a result, it precedes the state, even in its earliest most basic form. This means that, unlike capitalism, race, neuronormativity, and the various other class systems, the state is not the primary means by which gender is imposed upon people. This isn’t to say that the state doesn’t impose gender, but it is supplementary, not primary. By the time states were cropping up, gender had already solidified itself and become quite adept at imposing itself upon others.

    > As has been referenced previously, gender is a system of class, and is one defined by the domination of manhood over society. This is why another name for the gender class system is patriarchy. Gender as a social system is patriarchy and patriarchy is the social class system of gender. Within this class system, we find three distinct classes, two accepted and one subversive.

    > This class dynamic of man over woman is the principal dynamic of patriarchy, but they do not comprise the only two classes. Instead, we find that some people relate to reproductive labor differently than how it’s imposed upon the population. This is especially the case with regards to sex, when someone engages in sexual relations that do not fit with the dynamics imposed by patriarchy. This includes people who are sexually attracted to people of the same gender (gay/lesbian people), of multiple genders (bisexual/pansexual people), or no gender (asexual people). In addition, people whose gender is different from the one patriarchy assigns to them can’t be classed as neatly as people who accept the assignment by gender. While they might be personally men or women, they aren’t treated by society in quite the same way so they comprise a distinct social class. Characteristic to this is the detachment of sex and romance from reproducing the next generation. While it’s still possible for all of these groups to reproduce the next generation, it is no longer a necessary part of sex and romance. > > Since this third class is defined by it’s difference from those of the first two classes, it is named queer. Queer people are all those who relate differently to the division of reproductive labor assigned to them by patriarchy. Because of the different relations, queer people are inherently subversive to the class system as a whole and constitute the revolutionary class under patriarchy.

    > Class, class, class. We are dominated and controlled. Sorted and divided. But where do we factor into all this? People see class like this as merely imposed, but that fails to account for the ways we actually interact with it. It isn’t simply imposed upon us. We are active participants within it, we perform it.

    > This is hardly done freely. The violence of the system is inherent and systemic. We perform these acts surrounded by the violence of gender. But we still perform them. Gender isn’t content with forcing itself upon us. Instead, it forces us to say “yes” to it. > > This serves as a method of control and reproduction. Gender isn’t inherent, but it spreads by assigning us to a class and forcing us to say yes to that class. “Yes, I am a man. It is who I am and who I always have been. I cannot escape it or deny it. I am a man.” This is nothing but a lie we are forced to repeat. But by repeating it enough, we come to believe it. Gender becomes natural, inescapable, eternal. It ceases to be an imposed identity and becomes an eternal part of who we are. By objecting to my gender, you are objecting to that which is inherently me. > > Here lies one of gender’s greatest defense mechanisms: Ourselves. We insist upon it and reject those who turn away from it. It becomes an unholy act for those who turn from the path. Indeed, it seems to us as if there’s no other option. We say yes because that’s all we can say. It is made inconceivable that it could be any other way.


    The Communism Button tests your resolve.

  • This is the oldest existing photo of Marx, when he was 43. Much dad energy, and well-earned.

    Marx at 18 on the other hand...

  • Revolutionary Feminism TheConquestOfBed

    Texas Medical Association says hospitals are refusing to treat women with pregnancy complications


    Revolutionary Feminism TheConquestOfBed

    Second Wave Feminism Didn't Go Nearly Far Enough

    Reactionary gender norms hurt men too. Supporting queer rights supports everyone.


    What do you all think of Settlers
  • Tbh, the problem is just that white people are little kids who can't handle criticism. Sakai ends his book by saying:

    The thesis we have advanced about the settleristic and non-proletarian nature of the U.S. oppressor nation is a historic truth, and thereby a key to leading the concrete struggles of today. Self-reliance and building mass institutions and movements of a specific national character, under the leadership of a communist party, are absolute necessities for the oppressed. Without these there can be no national liberation. This thesis is not “anti-white” or “racialist” or “narrow nationalism.” Rather, it is the advocates of oppressor nation hegemony over all struggles of the masses that are promoting the narrowest of nationalisms — that of the U.S. settler nation. When we say that the principal characteristic of imperialism is parasitism, we are also saying that the principal characteristic of settler trade unionism is parasitism, and that the principal characteristic of settler radicalism is parasitism.

    Every nation and people has its own contribution to make to the world revolution. This is true for all of us, and obviously for Euro-Amerikans as well. But this is another discussion, one that can only really take place in the context of breaking up the U.S. Empire and ending the U.S. oppressor nation.

    He EXPLICITLY states that his goal is using historical materialism to understand the failure of American communism, but readers don't like what history says about them and close their ears. This is why I personally don't have faith in them. But Sakai's thesis is not mine. He wants people to break the colonial state, and to do that you're going to need white people to become disillusioned and see it for what it is.

    If you think that that disillusionment is anti-white, then you're basically admitting that white people and imperialism cannot be separated, and that you have to advocate keeping colonialism alive to avoid hurting their feelings.

  • Infrared interviews Professor Grover Furr! They discuss Stalin and the mountain of lies told about him!
  • I think maybe you should chill and consider why you've made me into a caricature in your head. You're punching at shadows.

  • Infrared interviews Professor Grover Furr! They discuss Stalin and the mountain of lies told about him!
  • Maupin and Haz are American and everything about them reeks of American exceptionalism. Why would you even be into that? America is a garbage country.

  • Infrared interviews Professor Grover Furr! They discuss Stalin and the mountain of lies told about him!
  • The problem with Haz and Maupin is that they let their love of Great Men™ eschew internationalist, pro-indigenous, racial, and lower-class solidarity. It's really obvious they have an ideological preference for the middle class, which gives them money-backed visibility but very little real proletarian power. All AES states leveraged serfs/lumpenproles as the bulk of their war economies and soldiers. It doesn't matter how good the appeals to authority are if you fundamentally cannot grasp the social and numerical importance of people living on the boundary between base and superstructure.

    Also Haz is an insecure little incel.

  • Cool two-sided flags!
  • Not an anarchist, but I can respect the minority of them who touch grass and fight cops. They write really good organizing manuals and zines.

  • What Are Women?
  • Just finished this. I'm a bit biased (I've heard a lot of the points she's made already), but I do agree that keeping the definition of "woman" nebulous takes away its usage as a medium of power projection. It's pretty telling that most terfs are white and at least financially comfortable wheras most unprivileged people with gendernormative views trend toward the reactionary aspect rather than preservation of an institution.

    I've seen a some nonbinary people try to redefine gender in terms of fuzzy blobs of tendencies so this would lend some credence to the idea that more people can have degrees of nonbinariness rather than having some arbitrary dividing lines that make enbies feel like a third gender.

  • That feel when you realize how much of your life you wasted on internalized trans/homophobia.

    Source: Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Chapter 16

    (In c/anime cause I had no idea where to put this).

    Yearly reminder that Communist Party of GB ML are transphobic trash.
  • Lol, why is this getting downvoted? This comment basically said what mine said.

  • Yearly reminder that Communist Party of GB ML are transphobic trash.
  • An axiom, sometimes called postulate, is a mathematical statement that is regarded as “self-evident” and accepted without proof. It should be so simple that it is obviously and unquestionably true. Axioms form the foundation of mathematics and can be used to prove other, more complex results.

    What's funny is that the full quote actually negates the screenshot by stating that 'self-evident' common knowledge, institutionalized old theories, or theological dogma about human behavior should be challenged by science and scientific socialism. Queer theory technically falls under a socialist science umbrella, challeging conservative intuition.

    There is a well-known saying that if geometrical axioms affected human interests attempts would certainly be made to refute them. Theories of natural history which conflicted with the old prejudices of theology provoked, and still provoke, the most rabid opposition. No wonder, therefore, that the Marxian doctrine, which directly serves to enlighten and organise the advanced class in modern society, indicates the tasks facing this class and demonstrates the inevitable replacement (by virtue of economic development) of the present system by a new order—no wonder that this doctrine has had to fight for every step forward in the course of its life.

    @[email protected]

  • PeerTube's Content Wasteland
  • Easy, there's no advertising money incentives on peertube. People who put in the most effort aim for sponsorships, and sponsors aren't looking at peertube.

    To succeed, peertube would need to leverage leftist mutual aid networks to get community funded videos and livestreams.