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TheArstaInventor TheArstaInventor

Car & racing guy, tech saavy, gamer and what else?

Posts 9
Comments 3
If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain to them about life today?
  • Truly a shame, let's hope for all our sakes the blue side wins this election. GTFOAVB (Get the fuck out and vote blue!)

  • What is a clear sign you are getting older?



    What’s a luxury that many people don’t realize is a luxury?



    If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain to them about life today?


    Anyone experienced with graphic designing interested in creating a mascot for m/AskMbin (successor to m/AskKbin) and other Mbin communities?
  • Hey! Thanks for the response and no worries I figured out spam was likely the reason behind he temporarily closure of new sign up's.

    Btw let me know if you are in need of more admins, id gladly contribute to help the server as I have a long experience as mod already on reddit and the fediverse.

  • What is something 99% of people LOVE but you just HATE?



    What might women dislike the most if they were to become men?


    Fedia Discussions TheArstaInventor

    Launching m/AskMbin! A place to ask thought-provoking questions across Mbin and the Fediverse! Join and support our initative there! (Coming from m/AskKbin!) AskMbin - Fedia

    ### About Community...

    AskMbin - Fedia

    What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone do in public that they thought nobody noticed?

    Title basically.

    Fedia Discussions TheArstaInventor

    Anyone experienced with graphic designing interested in creating a mascot for m/AskMbin (successor to m/AskKbin) and other Mbin communities?

    Hello everyone,

    I have long been a moderator over at Kbin and Lemmy, been moderating many huge communities such as m/AskKbin and more there but ever since Kbin's downward trend (slow development, service being down regularly) and attempting to distance myself from Lemmy (thanks to it's controversial developers I personally don't want to be affiliated with or contribute towards), I have been looking to move to Mbin, especially thanks to how community-involved the development is here, and thankfully after a while seems to have opened back it's signups (hence I'm here).

    I am looking to move all my future contributions and communities I have maintained and contributed towards so far here to Mbin from Kbin and Lemmy. To start with, I am planning on bringing m/AskMbin, successor to AskKbin and I was wondering if the community would be interested in collaborating and possibly coming up with a mascot for Mbin?

    I believe Mbin already has an icon/logo that is of a Triangle shape, perhaps a mascot similar to that?

    If anyone is interested feel free to get in touch, I would be interested in working together to create and use community icons for my communities with the mascot.

    Fedia Discussions TheArstaInventor

    Terms of Service needs to be updated? Still says Kbin, when we are using mbin.

    Title pretty much, looks like the ToS is outdated, might be the same for privacy policy.
