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Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail
  • I don't know mate, I wouldn't replace my electric tools–drills, grinders, saw... with gas ones. But these outdoors tools are a different kind of beast. I've only used an electric chainsaw and it was an absolute crap, maybe there are better ones but it was crappier than the smallest and shittiest gas chainsaws I've used, and a cord around you in that setting isn't great either.

  • U.S. Air Force member who set himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in D.C. has died
  • I would very much prefer something clicks in their heads so they can see how horrible their acts are, then find an honest way of living and maybe even try and amend some of the harm they've done to humanity and the world.

    Oh! And you can also add cops, that would be the population of Illinois, for a total of ~42.5 mill or the equivalent of the population of California and Utah combined.

  • U.S. Air Force member who set himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in D.C. has died
  • Now if the other 30 mil military personnel all over the world follow this man's example civilians in Palestine and everywhere could, at last, live in peace

  • Ok.
  • I would guess it's the warmest at first and then it gets cooler overtime.

  • George Carlin AI comedy special is 'ghoulish' and 'creepy,' his daughter says
  • Why is this or should be a crime? You wouldn't call an Elvis impersonator a criminal, why is it different when it comes from a piece of technology?
    I get why his daughter finds it creepy, but I just listened to it and I liked it, they don't seem to be trying to fool anyone and make very clear it's an ai impersonation. I see it more like a kind of homage or something, it's not like they're putting his face on an ad. I don't think you should need permission from the dead person's family for this kind of things.

  • George Carlin AI comedy special is 'ghoulish' and 'creepy,' his daughter says
  • We need but not for this, I would prefer restricting governments and corporations from using it to spy on people.

  • George Carlin AI comedy special is 'ghoulish' and 'creepy,' his daughter says
  • But it's the governments the ones using AI for the most evil things. Impersonating a dead comedian is a pretty benign use in my opinion.

  • We live
  • Not an ancap at all. I would argue the judicial system, police, and military are already in the hands of the wealthy, so aren't they kinda private?

  • The Website vs. Web App Dichotomy Doesn't Exist |
  • I'm using the Kbin pwa on an iPhone and it works much better than I expected it to, I don't know they must have better support now. I think the functionality should be more than enough for many companies and much cheaper than a custom native app

  • The Website vs. Web App Dichotomy Doesn't Exist |
  • I'm right now browsing the fediverse and writing this from the Kbin pwa. It seems to work quite well, with some quirks that I guess could be polished, but overall better experience than most installed apps that should be a website instead

  • We live
  • judicial system, police and military

    Oh! Yeah those are definitely the good parts of the state!

  • My English Breakfast tea states it contains 2g of protein.
  • I was curious so I looked it up but everything I could find said 0% protein for Tazo English breakfast, so I went to my box of tea, another brand English breakfast, and alongside the table with the information for just the tea infusion (calories are specified as less than 4kcal, <4kcal) is another table for a serving with 30ml semi-skimmed milk with 1.2g protein. Could you post maybe a picture of the labeling?

  • Is it actually dangerous to run Firefox as root?
  • I just wanted to add that you can run gui applications through ssh with x11 forwarding, options -X or -Y (untrusted/trusted but at least in Debian back in the day they behaved the same). So if you wanted a gui file manager you run it in the ssh session on the remote server, sudo if you need but NEVER logged as root, and the window will pop on your local DE instead of having to run an entire desktop on each server

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Many of us don't celebrate Jeez's birthday, we just get together, eat, drink, sing... if we couldn't enjoy the little things in life because some horrible war is going on in some part of the globe thousands of miles away there wouldn't be any merriment EVER.
    I'm also a bit confused by your choice of words, who are you talking about when you say 'his people'? His homeland (Judea, under Roman occupation at the time, and arguably occupied by others ever since), is occupied by whom right now?

  • Why do you use the terminal?
  • For me the difference between a cli and a gui is like asking someone to do something speaking in a language they can understand and doing it just by pointing at things and doing gestures. It's enough for ordering at a restaurant, but for more complex tasks it gets ridiculous, even at a restaurant you'll get better results if you can ask for some information and understand what the server says

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • All of those will be most useful in your adult life too, kids

  • [meme] Why do we make it so obscenely hard to build anything?
  • I was trying to not give out many details but I think I've already commented about Madrid in another post so here you go: (in Spanish sorry, but you should be able to make out the numbers, maybe some aid with automatic translation).

    You are right that my case is a bit above the average, but it's not that uncommon as you could think, it's almost the same for all my tradesman friends, I drive more distance but having to go from inside the city to one of the surrounding towns or the other way around is super common.

    From and to populated areas, or even some less populated areas really you can get everywhere by bus, when it's a couple connections most people choose public transports (as I said they all get saturated at rush hours, and I mean packed full. I don't know how you could push the system much further), but when it's a few of them, specially changing from one type to another (bus-train, or even bus-other kind of bus), it adds up. If you happen to work in an industrial area on the outskirts of another town the times can go crazy high, twice or thrice more than by car even with jams and parking.

    As you said you don't understand the pain, but you sure understand that really most people just choose the less hellish option. For many of us that means a car, even with top notch alternatives, most of us hate it but the alternative is even worse.

    I don't know if I'm sounding like a car lover or something, I'm not. I firmly believe if we put all the money we collectively put towards cars into good use we'd have futurama pipes or some shit by now, but we have to work with incremental improvements as you said.

    Planed parking could improve the situation. For example here they've put lots by some metro stations at the limits of the city so people can park there and take the metro and not drive into the city. I must say I was thinking in 'regulated' as in the local government somehow controls and manages it, mandate business to build the lots/spots seems like a very American thing and I see now how it contributes to this necessity for cars over there. But having into account where the people are going to drive and park when approving any development like a residential building/area, or a mall, or anything seems like a good idea, people driving around without going anywhere is the absolute opposite of taking cars out of the roads.

    About leaving it to the free market, I don't know some things that are inherently collective and limited like space and its use within a city/town should be administered more democratically by the people that live there through some rules. The market has shown it doesn't have any problem to fuck a lot of (poor always the poor) people in this regard if it's profitable when left alone.

    I don't think your situation is much greener, but the costs of emissions are all but hidden over here we have a perpetual 'pollution bonnet' and all the children have lots of respiratory illnesses almost unheard of thirty years ago. Everywhere's grey and dangerous here too but not flat, you have to lean backwards to see a small portion of the sky most of the time, and everything's always full. This isn't quite optimal either.

  • [meme] Why do we make it so obscenely hard to build anything?
  • I'm not disabled, parking wouldn't be a problem if I were, there's lots of disabled parking spots, they set one at the person's home and at the workplace if needed and then some randomly (not random, there are rules, like a spot every x shops, restaurants, bars...or something, don't know very well how it works).

    That's another for the list of nice things my city have, but they doesn't solve the problem, they too get saturated just like the streets and roads, we all want to get to places at the same time. There are free spots in my neighborhood when I pick my car in the morning, we go and then come back at the same time to drive around trying to park putting our fumes into the air.

    The problem is the same for cars and public transportation. We need to have enough buses, trains, trams, rails and roads, people to operate them for the rush hour, and then what afterwards? And for cars is the same. Even my car, and I put an insane number of km and hours on the poor thing, is just parked, unused 92% of the time, same for the work van (a bit more use but still at 91%, so not delivery). Think of American school buses, it was really a sight for these European eyes to see one of those massive parking lot full of buses, they take the roads for two short periods five times a week and then back to the lot. There's no obvious solution to this, if you ask me I would say we do too many things, we should slow down the doing things, specially working (it's gonna be a chore to convince bosses and landlords tho).

    You could say it's optional, I could commute (I posted some details in another comment) by metro-train-bus but that would be like five hours and a half round trip on a good day, or I could find another job closer to home, or another place closer to work. I just chose the option that makes my life less miserable, we all do.

    Doing things miserable for drivers is not the best way imho to take cars out of the road, and planing ahead for future use is usually good practice even if it means you have to build more parking lots and lanes, yes I know 'booo lanes', planing public transit, PROPER bike lanes, pedestrian streets etc must be imperative as well. You would not say that by setting those disabled spots you are inciting them to take the car instead of the pretty accesible public transportation, because going to/back from work in those packed to the brim trains/buses can be hell even for an abled body person like me I've done it for many years, I can't imaging doing it in a wheelchair or waiting for another crammed bus or two because the chair spots are all occupied, out of the worst hours though can be a nice bus ride no matter what, wheelchair or not, or blind or whatever but accessibility goes down pretty fast when the conditions worsen.

    So I would not say it's exactly optional for most people, or that there's as much as a transition yet definitely not gonna go smoothly, and you can't just through more trolleys at the problem (sorry) it has to go on many fronts, from wfh, working fewer hours, maybe banning suvs in city's (everywhere?)... but well planned parking can also take cars out of the road, they are literally parked.

    Sorry for the wall of text I just got carried away

  • [meme] Why do we make it so obscenely hard to build anything?
  • That doesn't seem very likely, I already live in a big, dense city where everybody except the very rich live crammed in apartment buildings like sardines. We already have metro, buses, trams, municipal renting bikes, lots of kilometers of bike lane (mostly crap tho). It's all this Lemmy's wet dream, but traffic is still hell