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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

Man i'm a platypus, what did you expect?

Posts 13
Comments 17
Messaging Layer Security is now an internet standard
  • Agreed. The reason why we are aboe to have the Internet today is because we agree upon a set of standards which make it easier to share and transmit data. I wonder what other standards are in the works.

  • What are the different branches of futurism?

    As the title says, what are all of the different futurisms, or like imaginings of the future?

    So far in my sphere, i know of a few: solarpunk, cyberpunk, retrofuturism, and transhumanism.

    • solarpunk: green new decolonialized future where we use technology, natural systems, and cultual wisdom to live sustainably and in harmony with the Earth and others

    • cyberpunk: dystopia where technology is capable of many things, but is used in all the wrong ways. Megacorps control everything, and tech is ubiquitous

    • transhumanism: future where humans can overcome their linitations through technology, and we also delve into deeper questions of how technology and its use affects people

    • retrofuturism (i'm probably thinking more of atompunk, help me here???): Star Trek-esque, optimistic, 1900s view of the future with the typical flying cars, space hotels, and luxury comforts in a utopic setting

    Can you guys think of any others? And if i'm wrong, please do correct me

    Sustainable Manufacturing and Plastics/Organic Chemistry
  • Hmmm, thanks for bringing up those points and clarifying it for me. Hopefully research will pan out ways to make these functional groups efficiently, but as of now we have yet to see. Maybe in the future we could take advantage of genetic engineering and bacteria to produce the groups we need from the raw components...

  • Sustainable Manufacturing and Plastics/Organic Chemistry

    I was thinking about this a litle bit. If we are enabling bootstrapping, shouldn't we do it in such a way where all the materials are easily acceesible to people?

    I haven't fully thought this out, but could one way to self sufficiency be through organic chemistry and plastics engineering? Likw think about it. Plastics can be made in a variety of ways and styles, woth different properties, not to mention they can easily be formed from carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc, all of which are very easily accessible. I can acknowledge that there are a lot of risks, such as filtering out dangerous plastics or minimizing their use, as well as addressing plastic pollution, but if we can do it in the right way, we could have a viabke path towards common people/bootstrapped l collectives being able to make their own stuff cheaply.

    Please corect me if I am wrong, and thank you for reading!

    3 McMindfulness: When Capitalism Goes Buddhist

    Buddhism is sometimes charged as the ideal religion for upholding unfair systems, encouraging practitioners to meditate ostensibly without acting on injustic...

    McMindfulness: When Capitalism Goes Buddhist

    This video is a look into how the Bhuddist conept of mindfulness was appropriated and commodified by capitalists to solve "mental health problems", only for it to seem more sinister than the name suggests. This Western "mindfulness lite" can actually do more damage by instilling certain attitudes into people, reaffirming biases, and making people docile and subservient.

    Some more actionable notes from the video:

    • [ ] McMindfulness -- the appropriation and watering down of Bhuddist Mindfulness
      • [ ] Appropriated "mindfullness" used to neforce subservience and docility to capitalism -- mindfulness as a technique to get happy, obedient workers
      • [ ] Religion and faith traditions can be powerful, but when tied closely to the state, religion can also be used to militarize
      • [ ] Mindfulness is a more complex topic--not "shutting off your brain and not thinking", but rather thinking critically
      • [ ] Engaged Bhuddism -- similar to liberation theology
        • [ ] Learn about other radical theologies -- I know black radicalism pretty well, but need to learn about other peoples and cultures
    0 McMindfulness: When Capitalism Goes Buddhist

    Buddhism is sometimes charged as the ideal religion for upholding unfair systems, encouraging practitioners to meditate ostensibly without acting on injustic...

    McMindfulness: When Capitalism Goes Buddhist

    This video is a look into how the Bhuddist conept of mindfulness was appropriated and commodified by capitalists to solve "mental health problems", only for it to seem more sinister than the name suggests. This Western "mindfulness lite" can actually do more damage by instilling certain attitudes into people, reaffirming biases, and making people docile and subservient.l, and not solving the problems that cause mental health problems.

    Some more actionable notes from the video:

    • [ ] McMindfulness -- the appropriation and watering down of Bhuddist Mindfulness
      • [ ] Appropriated "mindfullness" used to neforce subservience and docility to capitalism -- mindfulness as a technique to get happy, obedient workers
      • [ ] Religion and faith traditions can be powerful, but when tied closely to the state, religion can also be used to militarize
      • [ ] Mindfulness is a more complex topic--not "shutting off your brain and not thinking", but rather thinking critically
      • [ ] Engaged Bhuddism -- similar to liberation theology
        • [ ] Learn about other radical theologies -- I know black radicalism pretty well, but need to learn about other peoples and cultures

    How do you self-teach yourself more complex software dev skills>

    What advice would you give to someone who is trying to teach themselves software development skills? I'm doing that right now, and I'm finding it easy to understand, yet difficult to implement in computer code. I want to move onto more advanced stuff, but I feel that I don't have enough experience quite yet. What skills/courses would you recommend I take? How did you get better on your coding journey? Any tips to make the process go faster? Thanks in advance!


    kbin-mod-options; Mod options made easy

    cross-posted from:

    > kbin-mod-options > ========== > > Description > ---------- > > The purpose of this script is to allow mods to more easily implement settings. > > Functionality > ---------- > > ### Header ### > > > kmoAddHeader(<modName>, <{author: 'name', version: 'versionNumber', license: 'licenseType', url: 'modUrl'}>); > > > > * modName - required > * info object - optional > > #### Example #### > > > kmoAddHeader( > 'kbin-mod-options examples', > { > author: 'Ori', > version: '0.1', > license: 'MIT', > url: '' > } > ); > > > > Header Example > > ### Toggle Switch ### > > > kmoAddToggle(<settingLabel>, <settingValue>, <settingDescription>); > > > > * settingLabel - required > * settingValue - required > * settingDescription - optional > > #### Example #### > > > // Create toggle switch > const settingEnabled = kmoAddToggle( > 'Enabled', > true, > 'Turns this mod on or off.' > ); > // Listen for toggle > settingEnabled.addEventListener("click", () => { > // Log enabled state to console. > console.log( kmoGetToggle(settingEnabled) ); > }); > > > > Toggle Switch Example > > ### Drop-Down ### > > > kmoAddDropDown(<settingLabel>, <[{name: 'friendlyName', value: 'backendValue'},{name: 'friendlyNameTwo', value: 'backendValueTwo'}]>, <currentSetting>, <settingDescription>); > > > > * settingLabel - required > * options array - required > * name/value in options array - required > * currentSetting - required > * settingDescription - optional > > #### Example #### > > > // Create drop down > const font = kmoAddDropDown( > 'Font', > [ > { > name: 'Arial', > value: 'font-arial' > },{ > name: 'Consolas', > value: 'font-consolas' > } > ], > 'font-consolas', > 'Choose a font for kbin.' > ); > // Listen for drop down change > font.addEventListener("change", () => { > // Log drop down selection to console. > console.log( kmoGetDropDown(font) ); > }); > > > > Drop-Down Example > > ### Button ### > > > kmoAddButton(<settingLabel>, <buttonLabel>, <settingDescription>); > > > > * settingLabel - required > * buttonLabel - required > * settingDescription - optional > > #### Example #### > > > // Create button const > const resetButton = kmoAddButton( > 'Default Settings', > 'Reset', > 'Resets settings to defaults.' > ); > // Listen for button press. > resetButton.addEventListener("click", () => { > // Log press to console. > console.log( 'button pressed!' ); > }); > > > > Button Example > > ### Color Dropper ### > > > kmoAddColorDropper(<settingLabel>, <currentColor>, <settingDescription>); > > > > * settingLabel - required > * currentColor - required > * settingDescription - optional > > #### Example #### > > > // Create color dropper const > const primaryColor = kmoAddColorDropper( > 'Primary Color', > '#0ff', > 'Select primary theme color' > ); > // Listen for new color change > primaryColor.addEventListener("change", () => { > // Log color selection out to console. > console.log( primaryColor.value ); > }); > > > > Color Dropper Example > > Usage > ---------- > > Simply add kbin-mod-options to your script's requires. > > > // @require > > > > ### Example ### > > > // ==UserScript== > // @name kbin-mod-options-dev > // @namespace > // @version 0.1 > // @description Attempt at standardizing mod options. > // @author 0rito > // @license MIT > // @match* > // @icon > // @grant none > // @require > // ==/UserScript== > > (function() { > 'use strict'; > > // Section header - kmoAddHeader(<modName>, {author: 'name', version: 'versionNumber', license: 'licenseType', url: 'modUrl'}); > // modName - required, author - optional, version - optional, license - optional, url - optional > kmoAddHeader( > 'kbin-mod-options examples', > { > author: 'Ori', > version: '0.1', > license: 'MIT', > url: '' > } > ); > // Toggle switch - kmoAddToggle(<settingLabel>, <settingValue>, <settingDescription>); > // settingLabel - required, settingValue - required, settingDescription - optional > const settingOne = kmoAddToggle( > 'Enabled', > true, > 'Turn this mod on or off.' > ); > // Listener for toggle switch - kmoGetToggle(<toggleSwitchVar>); > // toggleSwitchVar - required > settingOne.addEventListener("click", () => { > console.log(kmoGetToggle(settingOne)); > }); > // Dropdown Menu - kmoAddDropDown(<settingLabel>, [{name: 'name', value: 'value'},{name: 'name2', value: 'value2'}], <currentSetting>, <settingDescription>); > // settingLabel - required, name & value - required, currentSetting - required, settingDescription - optional > const settingTwo = kmoAddDropDown( > 'Font', > [ > { > name: 'Arial', > value: 'font-arial' > },{ > name: 'Consolas', > value: 'font-consolas' > } > ], > 'font-consolas', > 'Choose a site-wide font.'); > // Listener for dropdown menu - kmoGetDropDown(<dropDownVar>); > // dropDownVar - required > settingTwo.addEventListener("change", () => { > console.log(kmoGetDropDown(settingTwo)); > }); > // Button - kmoAddButton(<settingLabel>, <buttonLabel>, <settingDescription>); > // settingLabel - required, buttonLabel - required, settingDescription - optional > const settingThree = kmoAddButton( > 'Default Settings', > 'Reset', > 'Resets settings to defaults.' > ); > // Listener example for buttons. > settingThree.addEventListener("click", () => { > console.log('button pressed'); > }); > // Color Dropper - kmoAddColorDropper(<settingLabel>, <currentColor>, <settingDescription>); > // settingLabel - required, currentColor - required, settingDescription - optional > const settingFour = kmoAddColorDropper( > 'Primary Color', > '#0ff', > 'Select primary color for style.' > ); > // Listener example for color dropper. > settingFour.addEventListener("change", () => { > console.log(settingFour.value); > }); > })(); > >


    [🚨⚠️Epilepsy Warning⚠️🚨] Aleph-0 (i.e. Your Brain on Math) Aleph-0

    Music:LeaF ( (■BMS is available on the URL below.

    0 Being a Black VTuber feels EMBARASSING

    The cool thing about VTubers, or Virtual Youtubers, is the variety of background and presentations. Any person, no matter their ethnicity, skin color or pres...

    Being a Black VTuber feels EMBARASSING

    I think this video is a pretty interesting look into highlighting larger issues of being a minority in an online space. Oftentimes, we never really get the opportunity to represent ourselves online, and this has a bunch of issues. I know, especially in interacting in online spaces where race is never explicitly brought up...


    Pride colored foxes (by Kacey)

    cross-posted from:

    > An oldie but a goodie. > Artist:

    [Proposal] Algorithm for Lemmy
  • I agree, the experience of searching for a community on Lemmy is really weird--there needs to be a better way of searching for communities that suit your specific interests, and it can get weirded due to the fact that some instances can be more specific than others, or an instance might not be in your federation.

    In addition, the communities bar is nice, but it would be cooler if instances and/or communities were sorted into groups--i feel that would be a lot more approachable than a table of communities.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • i can agree with this. I think the reason why a select few instances are growing bigger is because people don't quite get the concept of federation yet, probably due to the fear of missing out on what others have to say outside of their instance. The main reason I joined beehaw was because it wasn't too big, but now I am starting to realize that as long as your instance is federated to bigger ones, you basically don't need to leave your own instance to view other communities, which is a kind of weird experience, but also kind of refreshing. I basically came into it with the fear that with decentralization I wouldn't have access to everyone else, and everyone would be fragmented into their own communities, and those fears are partially alleviated now. There are some concerns about instances i do want to get to, like lemmygrad, but for now, I am pretty content.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • So far, I've been a Reddit user for like two to three years now, and a Lemmy user for like 3 days. It's definitely a transition, but so far, it seems to have potential. This instance's mod team is doing a good job, and the content is pretty good so far. I just need to let go of older social media habits, I guess lol.

  • ‘Post-scarcity economics: the foundations of life after capitalism’, Aaron Benanav

    This is an academic seminar which takes a look at post-scarcity. I suggest listening when doing something mundane.

    In the talk, Brenanav goes over the main tenets of current post-scarcity research, as well as concerning economic trends over labor productivity and automation. He then gives some suggestions on how we must change our perspective of work, and at the least, start thinking about changing our economy from one of growth.

    Some of the interesting pints I found from the article were that

    1. jobs aren't being destroyed, but job creation is slowing down dramatically

    2. despite automation and productivity increasing, economic growth has been slowing dramatically, and this has resulted in a feedback loop where firms hold onto money more and more, thereby negatively affecting communities by disinvesting in them

    3. There is something called jobless recovery -- in the United States, Brenanav noted that after each economic recession it took longer and longer to get back to the same level of unemployment as in a boom time
