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Techiemoore TechieMoore
Posts 4
Comments 7
My Cyberdeck
  • I did

  • My Cyberdeck
  • I replaced the screen with a bigger one. The original would not have been compatible.

  • My Cyberdeck
  • It use to be a Smith Corona PWP 9000 LT DS Word Processor. Now its a laptop powered by an Orange Pi 5.

  • CassetteFuturism TechieMoore

    My Cyberdeck

    Hope this is okay to post here. Seems applicable to me!

    Scrapbuilt toy robot
  • Built from scratch - no plans involved. Built from things like printer parts, old video camera parts, other broken toys, and computer keyboard keys. Fill in the blanks with polystyrene sheets.

  • Scrapbuilt toy robot

    scratch built toy robot for my 5 year old son. #scratchbuild #scratchbuilt #modelmaker #scalemodels #scifi #mech #robot #diy

    Why I prefer Linux
  • Oh this is at work - they all use Windows, I dont have a say in that. Multi-billion dollar company.

  • Why I prefer Linux

    Brand new, out of the box. It's been sitting here at 100% for 5 minutes.


    Why I prefer Linux

    Brand new, out of the box. It's been sitting here at 100% for 5 minutes.!
