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Syulang Syulang

Ayfpìlfya ftu Eywa'eveng...Auspol, environmental, social and economic justice, nature, fandom, random stuff. Caution - satire/sarcasm present. Dogs make me smile.

I live on the lands of the Gundungurra and Dharug people.

Pixelfed: @Syulang

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Comments 1
I'm beginning to come around to anarchism, got any reading suggestions?
  • @BarrelAgedBoredom @purahna Those on the left supporting post-soviet Russia tend to fall into two camps, I've noticed:

    1. Nostalgic tankies who love seeing old Soviet military gear parading through central Moscow, and just want the USSR back (I get it but it's a terrie basis on which to stake out a political stance)

    2. Edgelord "brocialists" trying to play the intellectual with the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" card. Probably uses words like "degenerate" and "kulak" and is on their way to being a straight up fascist, but are too far up their own arse to notice.