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Weekly Discussion - Jun week 4, 2023
  • I think it would make sense to scale down the frewuency for now. Thank you for the effort you are putting in this community

  • Maybe a community-made game?
  • Make it interesting then. No consensus, all commits go straight to master.

  • How to lose your work using Undo Copy in Windows -
  • For example, if you Control+V-d the files into the wrong folder in windows explorer. I've undoed copies many times this way.

    However, the post doesn't mention whether this behavior is present with Ctrl+Z as well. If so, that's even words, because you wouldn't even get to read the action you're about to perform.

  • Godot looks great, but I want to separate game logic and display.
  • I think it is entirely possible in Godot. You don't have to extend any Godot specific class when you create new objects and scripts, just define a new class, and put your game logic there. Then, you can use an instance of that class in your rendering specific logic.

    If you want, you can take a look at my pet project, a match three "game", I made it to learn Godot. I had the same concerns as you, so I tried to separate game logic and animation. What I did was to create separate queue for the animations based on game logic steps.

    The code is not terribly optimized or readable, so sorry. But might give you some ideas.

  • Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Reddit “was never designed to support third-party apps”
  • It is literally the only reason to make an API public

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • True... Hornyposters are a whole different beast, seems to me like a separate "community" within reddit who doesn't really care about other stuff. I'm not a saint, I browse NSFW subreddits as well, but I cannot comprehend why would anybody want to comment under some random nude. The amount of thirsty comments is mind-boggling

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • Thanks for the info and source. I should have figured. I edited my comment to reflect this, I think we see the long tail effect in action, and just goes to show that every subreddit and community should participate in the protest, no matter how small.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • Is this a restriction on bot activity? I guess it would make sense for non-malicious bots using the API, but there's nothing stopping writing a malicious bot just using the website scraping and automation to post anywhere. At least I never had to fill out a captcha, but there's possible there are measure against these kind of bots as well.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • I got the 90% from here: - So this site is only listing the subreddits which declared their participation? In that case, I misunderstood the purpose of this site. I thought that this is a mostly complete subreddit list (granted, I have no idea how many subreddits exists on reddit... I'm not sure you can even get a list or scrape them effectively)

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • How is it possible, that with 90% of subbreddits set to private, the number of posts and comments created on reddit do not decrease according to (EDIT: I might have based this percent on misinterpreted information, see EDIT at end of comment. But I leave the following paragraphs unchanged for history and food for thought.)

    Activity only decreased by 20-30% if I'm being generous looking at the graph. How is this possible, is the graph accurate? How can 10% of subreddits be so active, like nothing happened? That would meanthe remaining 70-80% of activity is happening in 10% of the subreddits which are still open! Which is craaazy.

    I have a theory - maybe we are underestimated the amount of bots on the site and they operating like nothing happened in the open subreddits? If this would be the case (and I'm gonna enter speculation and conspiracy territory here), but what if certain parties have quotas to fulfill for advertisers or propaganda machines, so they have to post (using bots or other means)?

    I struggle to find the cause of this anomaly, of course you wouldn't see 1:1 decrease in subbreddits going dark and activity, because people are subscibed to plethora of subbreddits. But I thought that it'll be at least 50-60% decrease in post activity. Worst case scenario is that these are real users creating real posts and comments, because that would make this protest moot - It would just show reddit management that the community doesn't matter, general public who come to the site will still interact with the remaining slop, advertisers rejoice.

    EDIT: I based the 90% number on this site's statistic: My understanding was that these subreddits makes up for most of all subs on reddit. Turns out, as @[email protected] mentioned in this comment, these are only subreddits that participate in the blackout. Based on the of this reddark fork, it pulls the list of participating subreddits from the threads on r/ModCoord.

    However I still feel the impact of the blackout a little lackluster. If this is the case, this statistic could be explained by another phenomenon: that the distribution of reddit activity by subreddits have an incredibly long tail. Meaning, that a significant portion of comments and posts are created in a very large quantity of small subs, which does not participate in the protest.

    But as @[email protected] mentioned in this comment, it's not only the long tail effect, but there are huge subreddits which does not participate as well, including the largest one /r/AskReddit. Really makes you think about how the blackout is going against the odds.

  • English is a Terrible Programming Language
  • Very good article, I agree with most of the points.

    I also like to think that AI will never replace programmers, because for that to happen, the customer would have to give complete, correct and full requirements and specifications in plain, simple English - we know that almost never happens. Instead, you have to force the requirements out of them with pliers!

  • For everyone new to Lemmy, how are you finding the experience?
  • I'm also a new user and to be honest, it's pretty much the same browsing experience for me. I use Jerboa, and browse all for now, subscribing to subs that I like. I'm on Beehaw, and it federates with a lot of instances, I can pretty much find all the entertainment I would want from reddit.

    Even more so, the community is much more frendly, cozier and there are much less noise and significantly more meaningful conversation which I truly appreciate.

    I won't delete my account on reddit, because even though I loathe their practices, I also dislike removing information - I'm all for archiving discussions and information.

  • Quest Master - The Zelda Maker that Nintendo Won't Make
  • Sounds very similar to Super Dungeon Maker, although I haven't tried that one. However I love Mario Maker and user generated content, so I'll keep this on my radar as well!

  • How the web became unreadable
  • I think it will be a difference in scale. It will be cheaper to pay for AI bots en masse, flooding forums and social media more efficiently.

    But I agree with that federation would help combat this phenomenon.

  • Reddit mods are organizing blackouts to protest against API changes
  • Even more so, I agree with @tangentism's thought in this post "It’s great that subs and users are organising to fight this but maybe Reddit should be allowed to carry out this change and metaphorically shoot itself in the face? This is just the latest in a long horrifying series of policies that the admins have pushed through, actions they have failed to take, or when they finally did, it was long after the horse had bolted."

    If Reddit would backstep from this change somehow, then the rare opportunity of change will close shortly. Reddit just needs to push this through and hopefully it'll burn itself down.

  • What could do to avoid becoming the next Reddit after a decade?
  • I checked, and yes - there are issues helpfully tagged as "good first issue" in the Lemmy Github repo. So if anybody reading this, that could be a good start.

    As nutomic, a maintainer of Lemmy explained in this post, currently the most pressing issue is slow SQL queries which is a performance bottleneck. This might contribute heavily of the overloaded servers, so the project in need of some SQL experts to take a look at optimizing these queries! Link to Github issue

  • What could do to avoid becoming the next Reddit after a decade?
  • Thank you, very well said. For me, although I am a programmer, I'm not sure how much I can contribute (I'm just learning Rust now), but I joined the Patreon supporters. I think this is something everyone can consider who'd like to contribute to Lemmy in a meaningful way.

  • How the web became unreadable
  • Not to mention AI bots using large language models spreading advertisements and misinformation.
    A time will come where you cannot differentiate between real and generated content, the internet will be flooded with noise, and one can either stay in the illusion we call internet, or go offline and only believe their own physical senses.