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SuperSloth SuperSloth
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Advice for troubleshooting frequent random iPhone resprings?
  • I had this issue with my iPhone 12 mini and I contacted Apple about it. They ended up taking it in for a free repair and if memory serves it had something to do with a faulty Bluetooth or LTE radio.

  • Retro game emulators on iOS that dont require jailbreak
  • Amazing write-up! I immediately went to Afterplay and added it to my home screen! Now I just need to find a solid place to grab ROMs and I’ll be set! Thanks!

  • What book did you push through despite wanting to put it down/rage quit/bail on?
  • Fucking “IT” by Stephen King. That book started so good, but it’s about 400 pages longer than it needed to be and the child orgy at the end really didn’t help me cross the finish line. That book became a chore to get through.

  • my boy Merlin
  • Awe! He’s doing what me and my SO call “shelfing”. It’s when your cat sits in a way that makes their back have a perfect 90 degree angle, this making a cute little shelf.

  • He really knows how to tug at the heartstrings with those tiny feet.
  • Send a picture of him being petted right now or I swear I’m calling CPS to your house!

  • me_irl
  • My two chats: “The Bros” and “The Real Bros”

  • me_irl
  • We initiate conversations only to notify next of kin, everything else is just being thirsty.

  • And thus the problem of Global Warming was solved once and for all
  • I think letting freon leak into the atmosphere was actually reversing global warming so Big Air Conditioner started making up lies about “CFCs”.

  • Hmm yes
  • Now all we need is a boat that does tourism for the sunken submarine to eventually sink and the cycle will begin anew.

  • How do I change YouTube?
  • Are you using an adblocker? If so, it’s probably removing the sponsored content and reformatting the thumbnails to fit the page without them.

  • Snoozerule
  • Reminds me of the New Girl episode where Nick is pretending he’s gay and one of the types of men he’s attracted to is “sleepy guys, we call them drowzers”

  • My powers have doubled since the last we met.
  • NNN is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

  • Wireless HDMI For Gaming
  • Personally I’ve never used one, but your biggest issue with those devices is going to input delay. The wireless connection between those devices is probably going to add a good 30-40 ms delay at minimum. With a slow game you might not notice, but with a fast paced shooter you’ll definitely feel it. You’re best bet for a long range HDMI connection might be HDbaseT which is basically HDMI over Ethernet. It’s a bit pricey, but so is that device you just showed, so it could be worth it to you. You basically run an Ethernet cable and then plug a box into ether end that translates the HDMI signal for you.

  • Electric type Pokémon
  • It’s like an Eevee! Give it a bath and it’ll be a water type! It rolls in mud, rock type!

  • Reddit CEO praises Elon Musk’s cost-cutting as protests rock platform
  • Oh god, how many companies will we see crumble because they are trying to copy the all-mighty Elon? When will everyone wake up and find out his secret ingredient was always just human suffering?

  • Reddit is down again
  • Imagine trying to be a profitable company but can’t keep the lights on.

  • empire today rule
  • Me and my homies in study hall

  • Redefining Physics
  • I just called my local McDonalds to see if they would add AI to my burger. They were pretty rude considering I just turned their whole business model on it’s head. I guess being a tortured genius really does have its drawbacks.

  • Shamelessly stolen from reddit
  • Me while packing - “What if I shit my pants every day I’m there?”

  • Frontlights Explained – Why eBook Readers Don’t Have Backlights | The eBook Reader Blog
  • Been reading on a Kindle paper-white for years and didn’t realize it was top-lit and not back-lit. Pretty cool to know the reason why I get much less eye strain compared to reading on my phone.

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals SuperSloth

    Livin on easy mode

    My furbaby Lilith soaking up some sun
