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Sunrosa Sunrosa

Love literature

she/they ENFP-T

Retired as an alcoholic

Trans woman

In my 20s

VRChat cat woman

If the situation truly was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary. Resist the coming times.

Peace and love

Posts 1
Comments 142
Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • Ive been using utc personally for over a year and i use it in context of vrchat since it yields one less necessary conversion to other people's timezones because only the offset is needed (as opposed to memorizing both offsets, which is much harder because of that nasty nasty daylight savings and its weird anomalies) but they still hate it and tell me to use a "normal" timezone lol. I had gotten 1 person to switch. And she since switched back. Shit don't work in practicality but I'm still gonna use it out of stubbornness

  • Enhancing the Factorio experience with SAT solvers
  • So this makes balancers from a parameter set?? That's quite something. I wonder if it does lanes too

  • How did you get out of Vim before you knew its hotkeys and commands?
  • Search through output with / and other vi keybinds

  • Ant smell
  • Wow I can't believe other people smell the battery acid too. Maybe im not hallucinating

  • Ant smell
  • It smells kind of sour in my experience and i believe I've been able to smell it in my childhood pet bird as well as my wife

  • How did you get out of Vim before you knew its hotkeys and commands?
  • Why don't you use less? It's great

  • Rule
  • Also it should be a grey border lol

  • Tiddy rule
  • I haven't worn a bra in maybe 6 years. But i also only leave the house once a month lmfao. I'm in PNW

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • :3

  • Taylor Swift needs a glass of water at night too
  • The fuselage looks way too small

  • Progress!
  • This actually happens often for me now. I find that afterward it's almost like coming down from a real psychedelic trip, for the entire day. And i have the clarity to recall memories from my childhood that i once thought lost, lasting the whole day

  • Progress!
  • I'm also kinda scrambled now though

  • Progress!
  • Wait this could maybe be good if used very responsibly. When I had my last shroom trip, i was gone so long that I had to meet every single one of my friends again, but i had so much time to learn and think in that time span (it was also horrible). Dangerous concept for sure though lol

  • Perpetual Energy
  • What a crazy design for a treadmill

  • That's how they rule, baby

  • Emo Bluey 2034 Rule
  • d

  • Bug in my room rule
  • Be nice to moth

  • Rule
  • Zampano?

  • Rule
  • What the fuck

  • Is it possible to export your posts?

    Is it possible to export your own posts to json or anything currently? I like messing with data for archival. If not is it a planned feature? Could I perhaps host an instance just for archival purposes? If so how could I use instance hosting to best export and save data in a machine-processable format.
