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SteveHeist SteveHeist

Friendly computer nerd with a knack for bad homelabs and worse puns.

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Comments 16
The reality of modern tech
  • @MacNCheezus I'm not denying this, just figured I'd bring up that there's a lot that can go towards failing you, privacy-wise.

    Apple has it's own host of problems (third-party repair lockouts being high on the list of them when I think about it) but if privacy is the primary concern they seem pretty good.

  • The reality of modern tech
  • @MacNCheezus @Interstellar_1 Earnest question - do you read the ToS on the apps on your phone? I know Apple recently has gotten on a pseudo-privacy kick as of late (they were having a bit of a public-facing slapfight with Facebook over it) but the apps may be collecting usage data and using the ToS to say they can. Apps like Spotify and GMaps are *bad about this*.

  • May 13, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement
  • @MysticKetchup Legacy TurboMuxxus in absolute shambles xD

  • getting the joke
  • @Mandarbmax Sometimes the examples need found, sometimes they present themselves xD

  • Outlaws of Thunder Junction | Epilogue 1: The Invasion Tree
  • @rigatti @MysticKetchup It's well written and also makes me sad how poorly the recovery was scripted for the others. Nissa, Ajani, and Nahiri basically peeled Phyresis off like an orange by comparison to this.

  • From Innistrad to Outlaws: The Fortnite-ification of MTG
  • @MysticKetchup I've just had a thought. This "Fortnite-ification" of Magic (alongside many other games like, well, Fortnite but also Call of Duty, Minecraft Bedrock & Destiny 2 as of late) with the intense focus on crossover IPs to make quick easy cash with barely-relevant products that are really just tie-ins...

    Does anyone else remember the tie-in shovelware platformers of the early 2000s? Not the good ones, the unforgivably *bad* ones.

    Magic is becoming a vector for that same market.

  • "Twy Edge Pwetty Pwease"
  • @MeDuViNoX @captainlezbian Hello, other weird person heard you from across the bar and decided to interject.

    For gaming it's really 2-3 operating systems that are probably going to have the best results.

    Ubuntu, for all Canonical's faults, has the widest array of online resources for finding problems.

    Pop_OS! is similar to Ubuntu but maintained by System76 and I've seen sometimes said to be better.

    SteamOS 3.0 (the OS on the Steam Deck) has two desktop derivatives in HoloISO & Chimera OS.

  • tumblr reading comprehension: electric boogaloo
  • @fsxylo @Mandarbmax Two of the three direct replies are solid Exhibits A and B of exactly what you're talking about xD

  • Wizards of the Coast admits AI used in marketing assets
  • @CaptObvious @MysticKetchup It's possible... It just requires QC.

    And as my crimped copy of Sylvan Anthem proves, QC at WOTC is *lacking*

  • Former Magic designer Bill Stark's thoughts on Standard's problems [2022]
  • @andrew Why play paper Standard at a shop when you can play Arena Standard in your pajamas? That's the question in need of an answer.

  • Standard No Longer Makes Sense for Magic
  • @MysticKetchup A not-insignificant chunk of this problem is the fact that all of those decks are powered primarily *from* Standard, or at least would-be-Standard-if-not-Banned-ard *cough* Fable *cough*. MH2 doesn't help what with the Beans deck but 5C Beans still plays cards from current Standard to facilitate major parts of the engine (Binding and Beans itself).

    So I dunno. I just find the idea of having a format where the fun ideas of Commander deck cards can run free without FoW sometimes.

  • Standard No Longer Makes Sense for Magic
  • @MysticKetchup I continue to mentally entertain "Chaos Standard" as a format. 60-card, 4-of, constant rotation (ie if a card was released Nov 13, 2020 it wouldn't be legal in this hypothetical format, or date\>=2020-11-14 / today's date as this is read on Scryfall) but any printing with the real card back puts the card into legality again.

    Biggest problem with this would be attempting to onboard people to a 60-card format that's currently just the obnoxious bits of present Modern.

  • Standard No Longer Makes Sense for Magic
  • @Nurgle @Evu For Singleton, there's always #CanadianHighlander - it's a lot closer to singleton Vintage than 1v1 Commander though.

  • Tolarian Community College's Take on Play Boosters -- The End Of Draft And Set Booster Packs
  • @mike @astanix I dunno that having more uncommons versus commons will really affect draft *that* much. Rarity is arbitrary and 21 "commons" getting upshifted doesn't change that much?

  • "Play Boosters" announcement
  • @Fluid @Evu It's overpriced-cardboard shrinkflation, is what it is xD

  • Where do returning players get info now on what goes and what not?
  • @lovestha @Evu @skele_tron Modern "checklist" cards end up looking like this (from ONE) which makes them good for both being checklist cards and also for being sharpie proxies.