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Steve Steve

I am Steve

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Comments 14
Why do we need to be approved to subscribe to communities?
  • You don't. I'm not even sure that's an option yet.

    Do you mean creating an account on an instance?

  • Testing
  • 456

  • Fuck it
  • The correct answer instead would be: Because I like lemonade. If that's a problem for you, you can fuck off.

  • [@asklemmy](
  • I thought it might have been a schooner.

  • spending money on reddit to protest against it's decisions 🤑
  • That's not how it works though. The awards are money already given to Reddit. It doesn't matter if you use them or not.

    If you don't want to give Reddit money, cancel your subscription and use an ad-blocker.

  • No One Needs That Much Money
  • 2nd wealthiest fictional character? Thats cute! No. Not even close! Forbes needs exposure to more fiction.

    There are a lot of galactic emperors to choose from. All of which would easily beat out a single little mountain of gold.

  • [@asklemmy](
  • See what? I can't see anything

  • Do you have a favorite book or movie that has made a lasting impact on you? If so, what is it and why did it resonate with you?
  • The Ender Series. Specifically Speaker for the Dead.

    The idea that, even the seemingly worst of us, can be motivated by events and feelings we can all understand if we try, has been important to me.

    Especially when combined with the understanding that free will isn't even an illusion, but a comforting lie we tell ourselves.

  • What is your boomer opinion
  • Dating should go back to face to face meetings. People need to get out and see others more, just generally.

  • What's happens if, like mastodon and matrix, 99% of ppl only use the handful of the biggest Lemmy servers?
  • let's address the possibility that like mastodon/matrix 99% of ppl will flock to the biggest handful of servers

    That's just human nature. There might be things to do, but they'll only have a small effect.

    What is the real value of decentralization given that? Outside of like political unrest.

    The ability to easily switch. A protocol to automatically migrate an account could he nice.

    And what role do small servers really do in that landscape?

    They keep the big servers honest.

  • When you call yourself a "Reddit refugee" you take away from the experience of real refugees. Be better Reddit migrants
  • Being a migrant is a real experience that happens to real people in response to real hardship. Not when your favorite website closed down your favorite 3rd party app.

    Being killed is a real experience that happens to real people in response to real violence. Not when some kid 360 no scoped you in fortnight.

    This argument could be made for a lot of of terms. I can't imagine anyone is actually conflating being a Reddit refugee, with being a political refugee.

    Where is this coming from? Are you a political refugee? Have any political refugees asked you to pass on their concern? Are you speaking for political refugees without their consent?

  • Elon Musk Calls to Imprison Therapists Helping Trans Kids
  • There are so many problems on display here.

    1. Musk thinks his medical opinion is informed and important enough to overrule doctors treating individual kids.

    2. This news organization seems to think his uneducated opinion is important enough to report on.

    3. They're misreporting what he said anyway. They're conflating the very broad term of gender affirming care, with his more specific objection to nonreversible treatments.

    4. The lack of informed nuance in both Musk's opinion and the reporting here, is why this shouldn't be spread accept to discredit both the article and Musk.

  • The Apollo dev banned and removed all my comments suggesting Lemmy as an alternative to reddit.
  • It is. Shut down in 2020.

    Voat is a sad story. The site itself was very good. When Reddit purged their worst subs and users, they all went to Voat. Predictably it became extremely toxic.