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StephenTallentyre S. G. Tallentyre

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Posts 1
Comments 15
Wondering if using ProtonVPN in a VPN chain is an issue.
  • —Update, 2024/09/02—

    I still use Mullvad on my phone, first off, so whenever I'm connected to my router at home (that is, almost every time my phone is connected to any network), I'm in effect using the same setup as I described above. Also, I'm now running an AdGuard Home server on my main machine, while also connecting the same machine directly to the tunnel created by the Wireguard client running on my router, which is to say, Proton VPN. I do this through a Wireguard connection with the router's internal IP address as the endpoint (and localhost for the DNS, for obvious reasons), and a Wireguard server with VPN cascading enabled on the router. My AdGuard Home server is set up to use the virtual IP address for DNS lookups already provided by the Proton VPN config. I should be clear that, for this particular application, this is a huge advantage in favor of Proton as opposed to Mullvad; that is, Mullvad's Wireguard configs use, by default, the external IP address of whichever DNS server it intends to use for DNS lookups, and at least to my knowledge, does not make DNS available on any address in the internal space. I'm referring specifically to Proton and Mullvad configs intended to be used on routers, respectively, when I say that. There is at least one method I've been able to figure out, of getting around this in the case of the latter, but I'm not gonna go there because I'm not trying to promote Proton's competition here, if only because said method is significantly slower than my current setup, if only because Mullvad is in my experience significantly slower than Proton. Seriously. I'm not associated with either Proton or Mullvad in any capacity, so I don't benefit from either saying that or not saying it. I was successful in setting up exactly what I'd described when I first made this post, and my current setup using only Proton is way faster. Period. I feel totally comfortable saying that what I'm running currently is AT LEAST secure enough for most normal applications, especially if used with a Secure Core config. I didn't make this post with the intention of eventually updating it long after it'd already been buried, to the effect of personally recommending Proton over Mullvad based on the results of my experiment no one asked for, but that's basically what's happening. Just so we're clear: I do NOT have anything personal against Mullvad. It's just that Proton lends itself so much more easily to my—in all honesty, deliberately, overly complicated—setup, and it's so much faster that there's really no comparison.

    Thank you.

  • Wondering if using ProtonVPN in a VPN chain is an issue.
  • If you are worried about traffic correlation analysis, then yes 2 VPNs will help.

    I am trying to obfuscate my traffic fingerprint as much as possible, yes.

    The outer VPN is the one where you have increased traffic due to 2 VPNs.

    So, does it (roughly) just double the amount of traffic by adding the second one, or…?



    I'm not sure why I was downvoted. Advanced traffic analysis techniques already exist. I can only imagine that as soon as methods sufficient to fingerprint innocuous use of the clearnet at significant scale become feasible, that is exactly what will happen. I see nothing inherently irrational about having a threat model that makes some reasonable attempt to account for that.

  • Wondering if using ProtonVPN in a VPN chain is an issue.

    Pretty much what the title says. I have a subscription to Proton as well as Mullvad. I've ordered a router and I plan on running Proton on the router and Mullvad on the device I'm using, or vice versa. I would just like to know with absolute certainty that doing this won't somehow put my Proton account at risk, before I actually do it; I rely on my Proton account for a lot of things. I know there are automated systems in place that detect abuse, especially with respect to DDoS and whatnot. I do not do anything related to DDoS or anything similar, so my account will never be flagged for anything of that nature correctly. I really can't see how/why daisy chaining with another VPN could reasonably be construed as an abuse of the service, but I actually do worry about that in all honesty, whether or not I should. If there's any way something like that might happen, I'll abandon the idea as it would concern my Proton account and figure some other means of accomplishing this. Thanks.

    The fourth trimester
  • This kind of thing has started making me feel very sad about my decision to never become a father recently.

  • If we had parties
  • Lol…

    I mean, fair enough; also, your use case is entirely unlike that of someone who just uses NixOS normally, I would imagine. It's really not like using NixOS requires a deep understanding of the language itself, or at least that's never been my experience with it, and I've been daily driving it for well over a year at this point. As long as I know enough to keep maintaining the same /etc/nixos/configuration.nix I have now indefinitely, that's as deep of an "understanding" of the language as I will ever need, personally. I'm well aware that there are a lot of things I could be doing if I knew how to, and frankly, I'll probably never learn how to do those things because I'll probably never have to. NixOS is by far the single easiest distro I've ever used, if only because everything's always reproducible and because nothing ever breaks.

  • batman or man bat?
  • Huh. My brain is on fire right now.

  • batman or man bat?
  • Huh. My brain is on fire right now.

  • Lemmy is growing and they are coming
  • Not quite yet, but yeah, probably gonna be "big time" soon if I had to guess. Reddit is inaccessible through a VPN (while logged out) now, so it's basically dead at this point.

  • No, you cannot.
  • Do what, now?

  • No, you cannot.
  • look…

    I feel like everyone keeps forgetting that Reddit not only needs our metadata, but so much so in fact, that they need us to be able to bypass their own censorship in order to reach their servers, and to do so in the most anonymous way possible and without requiring their scripts to run in our browsers:


    This is nothing new, hence why they literally call it old. I can remember all the way back in nineteen ninety eight, when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted sisxteen feet through an announcer's table.

    Always has been.

  • it works! only 99.99$!
  • I have no need for any search engine not specifically designed to be accessed through Tor, at this point; Startpage has an official Onion now: http://startpagel6srwcjlue4zgq3zevrujfaow726kjytqbbjyrswwmjzcqd.onion/

  • What could your distro learn from another distro?
  • Everything from each other. Almost no distro will ever be extremely effective at doing anything that is literally impossible on any other distro.

  • I got hit by a car today!
  • Well, I'm sorry about the travesty called the United States "'healthcare' 'system'" and waiting around, and I'm actually not being at all sarcastic when I say that, sadly. I do a lot of waiting around myself, for the same reason. I have chronic pain and I already rely on acetaminophen and ibuprofen because of that, and if I'd ended up with the exact same injury, I would've needed something stronger than Tylenol III and more than a few of them. I'm really sorry they did that to you; that's literally cruel, I think. You don't have chronic pain; you have acute pain because you got hit by a car. I'd think they'd understand that and/or care.

    EDIT: let me rephrase something, sorry. I don't know if you have chronic pain or not, and I'm not trying to speculate. The point I was trying to make is that you got hit by a car, and that they should treating you with compassion instead of functionally punishing you for everything the driver did wrong. I already know I'm gonna get downvoted for saying that and I already don't care. I'm really sorry this is happening to you.

  • What's a piece of advice you've received that has stuck with you?
  • Here's a rule of life: You don't get to pick what bad things happen to you.

  • I got hit by a car today!
  • How are you doing now, OP?

  • Who said that?
  • I understand this and I hate that, lol.