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SpaceAape SpaceAape
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Comments 38 Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • Nah hes got a point and you dont have a decent rebuttal lol

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • @joe What are you like 12 years old? maybe you should take a class in reading comprehension. You completely twisted what i said to make it seem offensive, like a teenager. There isnt any fallacies in my argument. Just issues with your understanding of my argument. I wasnt calling anyone naive simply because they disagree with me lol idk how you got that from my comment. I did not say, if you disagree with me youre just naive. i specifically said "Anyone wanting threads ro federate for the content is naive" and "naive to meta", as in if youre willing to trust meta threads federation, then youre naive to big corporations. That's just a fact plan and simple. My opinion on the subject is completely objective. If little red riding hood is trusting of the big bad wolf, then shes naive. I cant help you felt defensive, but that alone kinda infers there is truth in what i said.

    Another thing you misunderstood from my original comment(which you incorrectly stated i got "correct" lol), I think threads sympathizers should just join threads. Ill self host if i have too just to get away from threads. But dont turn Lemmy into threads. Thats like turning lemmy into reddit. Go join threads and just let lemmy be lemmy. But honestly I'm at the point if this goes through and Lemmy doesn't do anything to stop it ill just leave social bs altogether. go back to RSS and webscrapers. Its really sad but apparently people cant have a space without corp trying to shit on it and profit from it so im done.

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • Its due to the fragmentation of streaming services content. Its anti consumer and greedy to have to pay for a dozen video subscription services to get all your content. Its also the only way as consumers to protest against content publishers anti consumer practices, otherwise they will continue extorting us for greed. So we fight back with our wallets and refuse to pay until they change. Which they will eventually or the industry forces them to for some tech upgrade and things get better for awhile and piracy goes down, until they get greedy again. Its just the cycle.

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • Yes! Thank you! This needs to be posted so much. Its disappointing how naive people are being to this. You cant trust them. If you want thread's content, join threads. Absolutely no reason to fed & let meta kill Lemmy:(

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • Corporate threads federation will literally kill lemmy. Again EEE. Google killed Xmpp the same way. And if your naive enough to believe otherwise you should just join threads instead.

  • Admin Response to Meta/Threads
  • Anyone who thinks federating with threads for the content is Naive, and should just join threads instead. Unfortunately it seems like Lemmy Worlds instance controller is naive as well based on this post. Looks like its time to instance hop again or self host. Shame too bc I liked what LW had the potential to be, but I'm vehemently disappointed with the instance owners attitude towards corporate coming in, which already has me looking elsewhere for a home. If LW doesn't defed, ill self host and defed with LW and any other meta connected instance. I cant believe so many of yall are so naive to meta and EEE. Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat. One only has to look at xmpp(rip) and google for evidence.

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • My first experience with a pc was Windows 3 also! My parents business computers. I remember playing Jazz Jackrabbit and skifree on it. I was very young. I did get to use bare DOS tho from a hand-me-down computer that only booted into DOS. I'm not afraid of a little Console/Terminal work. I actually prefer it for some tasks. Like Arch's pacman is SO fast.

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • We're the generation that learned to troubleshoot bc we had to. If we wanted to play that shiny new game or app, we had to actually get it running first.

  • Elasticity
  • People who use recreationally are taking way too high a dose and way too often compared to what they are doing with the Vets in PTSD. Its a controlled session with a therapist. They aren't taking so much that they feel the withdrawals from it. The Yt video i mentioned discusses and this, the rave scene, and the negative effects it had on abusers.

  • Elasticity
  • Just doing MDMA isnt gonna help, especially if overdone. You gotta do the actual therapy work. The MDMA sets your brain in the right state, but the therapy and introspection are what helps.

    Ive had personal experiences with mdma and doing introspection, a long time ago. I managed to gain clarity in places i lacked it before. But that wasnt targeted at helping with my Autism struggles.

    For Vets with PTSD, they describe it like, the neural pathways in your brain are like water breaking down a path in a rock. The MDMA allows your brain to break those pathways and create new ones.

  • Truth.
  • Yeah because some asshole thought he needed the cats more than I did 😮‍💨 and gave up not even half way.

  • Elasticity

    I watched a video recently on YouTube, an Adam Conover video about MDMA. How its supposedly going to get FDA clearance next year to help with Veterans PTSD. They discussed how MDMA brings the brain into a state of elasticity similar to children, which is what makes it easier to learn things like another language when your a kid. In a different source I read about how children with Autism can go through therapies that could significantly help, some pages specifically talked about age windows for those kinds of therapy. I believe this is due to the same Elasticity.

    Would it be a stretch then for MDMA to have potential medicinal applications for helping struggling autistic adults? By restoring that elasticity and doing targeted therapy sessions?

    Disclaimer, I am not a neuroscientist, just a struggling adult. Not telling anyone to go out an do anything, wanting thoughtful discussion.

    If Lemmy and Mastodon continues to get popular, we will eventually get Instance wars.
  • This wouldnt be as much of as issue if Lemmy had better support for connecting with other instances and their communities.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • That account still has to be linked to a real person, and not doxing yourself circles back to using social media responsibly. Social media is just that, Social media. You cant swim in the pool and not get wet. The ways in which your describing it being abused are ways in which every facet of every social media can be abused. So if one is so concerned about it, why even bother using social media.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • What stuff? Lol what their profile voted for? Thats not going to dox anything like a location or address. If Seth Rogan did an ama and upvoted a 420 post literally nobody would be surprised. Again, voting opinions aren't a privacy concern. Y'all are making a fuss about nothing.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Well yeah I want people to tie my and accounts to each other, which is why i used the same username, that was intentional. But this username can't trace back to any of my personal information.

    I get what your saying, but I think this boils down to just using social media responsibly. The downvote/upvote system isnt a privacy exposure point. Even with the timed thing, nobody is upvoting the same thing on 2 accounts at the same exact time. And personally if i vote a post or comment on one account I'm not going to bother voting the same with another account.

  • Seen on reddit: Ran out of advertisers. Why? Yes.
  • Are you sure you're looking at the right page? My All feed always shows posts from other instances and never matches my local feed.

    So far so good, since lemmy is decentralized though users can spread out across many servers to help handle the load while maintaining access to the same aggregated content. You could even run your own personal lemmy instance at home to connect to the lemmy-verse. That way you would be responsible for hosting your own account instead, all while still being able to connect, post, and vote in other instances communities.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Okay so say a bad actor gets this information, and wants to use it maliciously. If they goto the users instance and attack the user in posts and comments, then they likely get banned. All this data links back to arbitrary usernames. I dont understand where the actual "threat" is in this data being semi-public.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • Well you're not a product unless a lemmy instance controller figures a way to become profitable from selling your data.

    But realistically i don't see how this is an issue. There isnt any ads on any instance that im aware of, which is what it would be used for, to serve you more personalized ads to your lemmy account. If an instance runner knows that your specific account voted a certain way on any post or comment, how could they even use that information to profit or degrade your experience here. Its just garbage data 🤷‍♂️

  • Thanks, I hate it! (image description inside)
  • They are comparable in the way they are both large archives of information. The thing about reddit is that there was alot of information on obsure topics.

  • issues posting a comment

    Hi i was trying to post a comment in a thread on but everytime it wouldn't post and a toast popup that said "Language not allowed". My comment didnt have any course language in it at all. I reworded it and tried again but still the same thing..
