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Sovem Sovem
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Are AI a good substitute for D&D?
  • I will speak to my experiences with it.

    I love solo roleplaying; I've been doing it for years. I was super excited with the advent of Dungeon AI, ChatGPT, NovelAI, and others. I have tried them all extensively. What I have found is that they are great sounding boards for generating ideas, descriptions, and even, sometimes, dialog.

    However, AI is not quite ready to replace a DM. I've found that the stories it produces are very flat and repetitive. What's more, they become very predictable once you realize that they act a bit like lucid dreams--it's very easy to influence the story, even accidentally, by what you say.

    Used in conjunction with a solo oracle, like Mythic GME, it can be a great asset.

  • Communities are built by those who Sort by New
  • How does one browse All communities, without it taking minutes (hours?) for the browser to stop adding new communities, all the while whizzing past too fast to read?

  • Guessing why his religion is declining, a Christian clings to a beloved fantasy
  • That is interesting. I didn't realize that, even now, I was still operating under the assumption that there had been an "Original Christianity".

  • Tell us about your current character!
  • I have been doing that; and ear bleeds, too, to not make it TOO obvious

  • YSK that is now federating, adding hundreds of communities and ~26k more users content
  • Hm, still nothing comes up if I search for the whole link.

    But, if I search for just "RedditMigration", it shows up.

  • Tell us about your current character!
  • Not yet; we've only had two sessions. I agree, though, once someone calls me Bob or Bobby, the jig will soon be up!

  • YSK that is now federating, adding hundreds of communities and ~26k more users content
  • So, I am on and I go to search communities, and paste and nothing comes up. Am I doing something wrong?

  • Tell us about your current character!
  • My character is an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer, with the Telekinesis Feat. I've tried to take only spells that can be explained as manifestations of psychic power. The character's name? Robert Brün. As in, Bobby Brown. As in, Millie Bobby Brown.

    I haven't told my DM or the other players about the pun, yet. I'm wondering how long it takes until they figure it out 😁

  • What value did you get from Reddit that you hope to realize or expand upon here?
  • Same! I keep searching for a new solo instance, magazine, whatever. I'd start one, myself, but I can still barely figure out how to use this stuff.

  • What value did you get from Reddit that you hope to realize or expand upon here?
  • I'm primarily wanting a place where I can read information for both niche and general topics, as well as read the dissent to that information in the same space.

    Man, you nailed it, here. The thing I valued most about reddit as an information aggregate was the ability to go into the comments and expect that I could hear some different viewpoints, maybe get some additional information about the original article, etc.

  • Reddit Wave and the Threadiverse
  • Case in point: digg still exists.