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SnokenKeekaGuard SnokenKeekaGuard
Posts 445
Comments 1.2K

The Future of AI Music

That Brian Eno quote was bloody brilliant

The last time you were scared, why?
  • I thought there was a cockroach running at me on my bed.

    Was just a trick of the light.

  • The selfish sky
  • Like tall people being further back at concerts, the clouds should have the courtesy and move underground

  • do humans shed more skin when sunbathing?
  • I'm assuming it has to do with your sunscreen and any other product you applied.

  • I do a bit of mischief
  • Its so easy to do, like stealing candy from a baby

  • Everything old is new again.
  • 2016-17 over here.

  • Everything old is new again.
  • Off topic but the worst effect of uber imo has been in poorer countries with no public transport.

    First uber started and it was a rich kids thing. Then it grew and added uber bike which was cheap and uber became more mainstream.

    Then came the inevitable knock offs, cheap uber alternates that give 0 fucks about quality control, allow anyone to drive on it or what vehicle is registered. Absolutely no standards but cheaper.

    Then uber packs bag and leaves while people are now stuck with these terrible services.

    Like sexual assault complaints by their drivers are ignored. Drivers stealing money is ignored. Uber actually took that stuff seriously.

  • Wordle #1102

  • What's the best dish prepared by your mom/grandma?
  • Across the border mate. You got the wrong country there. Yeah in Punjab here there's no prawns, but you can get em in Sindh which is south, neighbouring Gujarat.

    Although I'm not sure if y'all count Gujarat as western or southern.

  • What's the best dish prepared by your mom/grandma?
  • Jheenga (prawn) biryani. Now y'all might know about biryani as its pretty famous. But might not have heard of it with prawns. Its pretty special and I've had it maybe 5-6 times in my life and it hits every time.

    Yeah frozen is an option but all our food is pretty much farm to table, so we've gotten it from another city a few times but it's not particularly common.

    Its more delicate in flavour and less spicy than mutton, beef or chicken biryani. Also no potatoes (pls don't fight here over this folks).

    But sea food is a winter thing and prawns aren't common here. Also my mom claims to be allergic to fish (she isnt), she's often had seafood and only later found out it included fish and just gone oh. She claims to be allergic after once 30 years ago she got sick after having fish at a wedding....

    So the few times I've had it my grandma cooked it. But she doesn't really cook so it's infrequent and prawn prep is hell too.

    If you can get this somewhere near you, absolutely try it!

  • Top 5 worst pets to have.
  • Also illegal in most countries.

  • Top 5 worst pets to have.

    1. Aliens: Because who needs a pet that can teleport away with your food, communicate with you solely through interpretive dance, and has a home planet to return to (with your car keys and favorite socks)? Not to mention the intergalactic paperwork and visa issues!

    (Also, imagine trying to explain to your neighbors why there's a UFO parked on your lawn... "Oh, it's just my pet Zorvath, don't mind the probing lights!")

    1. Rhino: A pet that can charge through your living room wall, snort snot rockets onto your favorite rug, and eats more than a Costco shopping cart can hold is less than ideal. Not to mention the horn-related holes in your drywall you gotta explain to your landlord. Oh and the constant need for hoof trimming appointments! And good luck fitting them into a cute little pet carrier for vet visits... "Uh, I think I'll just need a forklift and a crane, thanks!"

    2. Cassowary: Basically a mini t-rex (might be a pro idk). Large, loud and loves to kick (A lot like your aunt after a few drinks at ebery family gathering). A temper worse than your teenager while sharing the same hairstyle. Don't forget the potty training requiring a firhose and a sacrificial lawn.

    3. Giraffe: Might get its neck stuck in your chimney which would be a hassle. Constant ceiling damage. And the annoying 'who ate the last acacia tree' arguments are gonna get annoying real quick. Might need a second mortgage to finance his appetite.

    4. Brazilian Wandering Spider: Who needs a pet that's more likely to wander onto your face while you sleep, has a venomous bite that'll make you wish for a peaceful death, and has a habit of hiding in your shoes like a tiny, toxic landmine? Imagine the terror of finding them in your breakfast cereal. Impossible to snuggle too.

    Connections #380 2024-06-25
  • Saw a yt short of the game, tried it now for the first time. That was good, successful after attempt 1

  • We cater any event!
  • Do you think they'd cater a horse funeral?

  • The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman)

    A lil comedy short film I keep coming back to.


    The Gunfighter | A Short Film by Eric Kissack (narrated by Nick Offerman)

    A lil comedy short film I keep coming back to.

    The Zipf Mystery
  • Oh yeah, sometimes I wanna share smth and there's no community for it or I can't find one/ be arsed to find one. This kind of helps me archive a lot of stuff but also share it publicly.

  • Garfield do you smell burnt toast?
  • Randomly started that community and didn't think it would go as well as it has! The comment section is always funny which is my favourite.

  • Short Film “The Dollmaker” | ALTER

    YOU HAVE TO TAKE OUT 10 MINS IF YOUR TIME TO WATCH THIS. Might be the nost beautiful short film I've ever seen. I want a feature film of this asap.

    2 Every Elephant Has Its Own Name, Study Suggests

    An analysis of elephant calls using an artificial intelligence tool suggests that the animals may use and respond to individualized rumbles.

    Every Elephant Has Its Own Name, Study Suggests

    Desk read error occurred.

    What's going on here? A week or so ago this showed up and haven't been able to turn on my laptop since. Some hardware issue?


    Alternate methods to get a screenshot

    Folks my mom bought a phone with the volume and power buttons on the same side and drops the phone every time she tries to get a ss.

    What alternate methods are there to get a ss.

    It is a Samsung A05s I believe. Would appreciate any help, thank you folks.


    "Seeing is forgetting the name of the thing one sees."

    There are some creative content makers/ teachers who really hit the spot. That's mostly bc I love the way they talk about the underlying structures and concepts of artistic ideas rather than shallower techniques (which I'm not trying to knock).

    I don't even paint but I love Ian Roberts videos bc he helps give me the creative spark I need to write. The same goes for Ted Forbes older videos. Or a few masterclass videos I've seen.

    I like to learn the way different people like to think about art. I love this channel and hope you like it too.

    1 Male birth control gel is safe and effective, new trial findings show

    After decades of attempts to develop new birth control medications for men, scientists are more hopeful than ever. With new abortion restrictions, demand is growing, experts say.

    Male birth control gel is safe and effective, new trial findings show

    Need help with an extension GitHub - bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean

    Contribute to bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean

    Folks I downloaded bypass paywall clean d here and am trying to set it up (on android, mull). After I had to remove the old one, yknow.

    I enable the debug menu, click install extension from file but then idk what I'm doing wrong. I did extract the file but nothing seems to work?

    Would appreciate any help, thanks!
