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Religious can deny service to gays? I can deny service to religious bigots! SCOTUS conservative majority rules in favor of web designer that denied service to gay couple.
  • Nobody ever asked this "web designer" to design a website for a LGBTQIA+ wedding. This is a created farce, about a "what if". This person creates web templates, and doesn't want LGBTQIA+ to be able to buy them as anyone else could. Conservative donors cherry picked this to ride it up the line to get their time in front of the corrupt, broken SCOTUS.

    This allows a person to say that, if they FEEL that whatever their work is is a demonstration of art or self expression, they can limit who receives it... A.K.A. "I put love into all the food I make at this diner I own, and my religion is for white, Christians only. We don't serve food to none of the other non-whites. You need to leave!"

  • Everyone Watches TV with Subtitles Now. How’d That Happen?
  • IMO, a not-insignificant factor here is attention - most people are doing two things (at least) while watching TV these days. They aren't fully tuned in and actively listening to hear what's being said in English speaking shows, even with heavy regional dialects. You can definitely follow these shows, you just have to "be there".

    Second observation is actually around Neurodivergent people. I find certain people fixate on understanding exact language and meaning in TV shows/movies, when in reality, much of the content speaking to multicultural audiences know that you won't exactly understand every cultural reference or specific phrase - when the Italian mafia boss shouts quickly with angry eyes and runs the back of his hand under his chin at someone... You don't need to know specifically that he said, "your mother is a prostitute who sleeps with goats". You're meant to take the general context of that moment from tone and body language. ESPECIALLY say, is the person he's yelling at in Italian is American for example, that confusion you feel personally adds to you emphasizing with the fear and confusion of that character who doesn't understand what's being said. Many though can't break that fixation on needing to know EXACTLY though, so I know people that keep the subtitles on.

    I think some people should probably just be trained to consume media properly, and they may respond well to that training if it existed somehow. Problem is, all of the networks are owned by huge multinational conglomerates. They don't care at all about the art or the split attention, just that they have captured that diverted attention in both places that you're half focusing on.

  • Judge blocks a Florida law that would punish venues where kids can see drag shows
  • And they do, parents who actually take their kids to story tone or shows aren't the ones that are upset.

    The people who are upset (terrified) are grandma death and uncle Karl. They live in kansas, they've never seen or spoken to an actual trans person, yet they open their trash can lids slowly because they think one is inevitably "gonna jump out and bite 'em!". Ignorance is a plague.

    Trans people are people.

  • Judge blocks a Florida law that would punish venues where kids can see drag shows
  • "Some videos floating around" huh? "I know a guy who saw a thing", "people are saying these things, okay?"

    You're speaking of vapor, that said there are always single sensationalized "examples" that have nothing to do with the common reality for every argument by hollow, frightened, bigots.

    Cling to "your truth" for dear life...

  • Judge blocks a Florida law that would punish venues where kids can see drag shows
  • Where were you complaining about Broadway shows before this right wing talking point came into focus? This isn't pornographic. You've never been to a trash show and you don't know anyone in this community. You're frightened of what you don't know and you scream it with ignorant comments like this.

  • Why do people host Lemmy instances and how do they pay for them?
  • Yes, and I know it's counter to the core motivations of this movement, but probably need a centralized repository for donation that can be a universal door for funds that can then be distributed to vulnerable, but active, instances. Needs to be run by a collective of reps from instances meeting a minimum threshold of support for the community. Also needs to be nimble enough to revoke funding is an instance takes a hard evil turn.

    Or maybe just an app/site that recommends a distribution of a set monthly amount (e.g. 30 bucks) to the instances you use the most as a user?

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • Let's all agree that of its many issues, locking/deleting open threats to targeted minority groups and pro supremacist propaganda meant to hurt or influence vulnerable people was NOT a drawback of the Reddit experience.

    Yes, it's a difficult thing to enforce a subjective line of a basic standard of decency, but it's also what a society is and one of the main reasons we gather as people. The quality of a group is shown in how they accommodate the weakest and most vulnerable among them.

    If we aren't prioritizing a way to send this CHUD and people liked them to the hypothetical edge of town, to be sure they can't bombard the young person struggling with their gender identity with targeted hate at their weakest moment, then what are we doing here?

  • Supreme Court Rejects Right-Wing ‘Theory’ That Would Have Upended American Elections
  • They do one to achieve the other. Always pushing the line as close as they can. Don't pretend they aren't theocratic fascists for a moment.

  • Supreme Court Rejects Right-Wing ‘Theory’ That Would Have Upended American Elections
  • They reject level 10, clearly unconstitutional BS that wouldn't even be taken up by the court in a legitimate SCOTUS all so they can then pass level 7 BS that also wouldn't be taken up by a legitimate court.

  • Help: I'm dealing with hundreds of ripe plums
  • Be advised: the methods given here to make things like wine and jam are missing crucial steps in process. They are going to taste bad at best and at worst... a lot of food borne illnesses in the future of anyone who takes advice here at face value.

    Canning and wine making are very specific processes.

  • Infinity for Reddit's latest update...
  • As others have pointed out, doesn't seem like this will work out well for the dev from business (or integrity) POV - Only thing I can think is maybe devs need to act in good faith now to "attempt" to adapt to API changes to then demonstrate the absolute and tangible harms that Reddit caused their business with this quick and reckless change, so that they can then sue after the fact?

    Otherwise, what are you doing?

  • premium stand
  • If you pour any non-Apple proprietary liquids into the mug (i.e. poor people liquids), the cup turns green to signal to bystanders that you're less worthy of love.

  • /r/pics employing weaponised bureaucracy in the fight against Reddit
  • Also, remember the threat that Reddit presented to capitalism's status quo around the height of antiwork and GME.

    If Reddit falls, it will be on purpose (by the people running/funding Reddit. Same as the 180 of Twitter as a somewhat legitimate forum - Twitter being a key organizing tool during the Arab Spring (with the Saudis being the largest investor in Twitter behind elon of course).

    Billionaires do each other favors to keep the class war in balance.

  • Anyone have a good 100% whole wheat pizza dough recipe or tips?

    Six verified Reddit employees discussing the current atmosphere at the company. Featuring "First the company needs to get rid of Steve", "It's garbage", and actively hoping to be laid off. : r/ModCoor
  • Remember the threat that Reddit presented to capitalism's status quo around the height of antiwork and GME.

    If Reddit falls, it will be on purpose. Same as the 180 of Twitter as a somewhat legitimate forum - Twitter being a key organizing tool during the Arab Spring (with the Saudis being the largest investor in Twitter behind elon of course).

    Billionaires do each other favors to keep the class war in balance.

  • YouTube removes video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Jordan Peterson for vaccine misinformation
  • So to the classics...

    Yelling "fire!!!" in a crowded theater or "bomb!"/"gun!" At a crowded concert where people can be trampled to death or vigilantes carrying can start getting trigger happy with any "suspicious" behavior is cool with you? Those folks should see consequences.

    This action from YouTube is consequence after the fact, same as those situations. It should be regulated carefully, but there is a line where you are actively putting lives at risk. We agree to uphold that subjective standard collectively - that's what a society is.

  • YouTube removes video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Jordan Peterson for vaccine misinformation

    -these two broken chuds probably

  • Why are conversations on Reddit often so hostile and toxic now days?
  • AMAs likely had something to do with it. Simple path in for the masses.

  • Hunter Biden to plead guilty to three federal charges | CNN Politics
  • Remember, the trump sycophants have ZERO capacity for nuance.

    As much as any conviction of trump is downplayed to "not even a big deal" or "nothing burger", every conviction of a perceived "enemy" is automatically on par with them taking full responsibility for perpetrating a mass genocide.

    This will just be seen as ambiguously "guilty" and the cookoos will have all the catharsis and "OMGzzz!" reaction as if he was convicted at a jury trial of multiple crimes against humanity.

  • sdfasdf
  • Mods! This guy is insane!

  • I built a shower.
  • Blood!!! 💉