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SirBoostALot SirBoostALot

I tend to boost a lot of content, in three categories:

Technical - mostly computer related stuff, mostly Linux or MacOS related. I particularly like things that make life easier for users.

Political - Mostly USA/Canada related although I may occasionally boost posts from other areas of the world. I oppose fascism and the politics of the extreme right.

Religious extremism - Particularly Christofascism and similar attempts to co-opt religion as a tool to advance fascism, hate and intolerance.

Posts 0
Comments 5
PSA: Bartender Mac App Under New Ownership, But Lack of Transparency Raises Concerns
  • @MacNCheezus Hidden Bar definitely looks interesting. Unfortunately, as with Ice it also does not include a way to change the spacing between the icons, so you would still have to use the terminal commands to do that, but I do appreciate the fact that it doesn't require those permissions. I have no idea why a program that only manipulates the visibility of items in the menu bar would need those permissions.

  • Solar project to destroy thousands of Joshua trees in the Mojave Desert
  • @fathermcgruder @usa

    - Fukushima
    - Chernobyl
    - Threre Mile Island

    Reasons why a new nuclear power plant within or adjacent to a city is beyond the pale.

    The whole article reads like a few locals had time on their hands and maybe in the case of the high school teacher, needed a cause to make himself feel important (some teachers are like that, they got into teaching just so they could impose their beliefs on others. Everybody talks about the damage bad cops do, but no one talks about teachers unless they have gone the route of certain notorious priests). There has never been a major project of any kind that didn't make someone upset but in the grand scheme of things I think the benefits of this one will outweigh the downsides, however if I lived in the area I might feel differently. But at least a solar project is not going to make the land for hundreds of square miles uninhabitable for years to come.

    Funny thing is that when I went to read that article, a couple artices down was an article about how Japan and Norway are still killing whales ( I would be a whole lot more upset about that that the loss of a few trees in the desert. What I don't get is why if they are so concerned about the trees, the government down there didn't require that they be transplanted rather that simply cut down. There are these big machines called tree spades that can transplant fairly latge trees, roots and all from one place to another. Let the compllaining residents take a tree or two in their yards, then move the rest to another location in the desert.

  • PSA: Bartender Mac App Under New Ownership, But Lack of Transparency Raises Concerns
  • @ASeriesOfPoorChoices @land Just FYI, Ice won't yet let you change the spacing between icons like Bartender does but if that's a concern see

  • PSA: Bartender Mac App Under New Ownership, But Lack of Transparency Raises Concerns
  • @some_guy A few people in Reddit recommended Ice ( If you are concerned that Ice doesn't (yet) allow adjusting the space between icons like Bartender does, see - there the developer says it's on the roadmap but in the meantime there are a couple of links that show how to change it from the terminal.
    #MacOS #Bartender5

  • Finally got my server to work properly. (Routing with custom local domain instead of ports)
  • @Mir @rhymepurple Another place you can get free domain names is - they have been around nearly forever and all you have to do is log into their site and go to any page once every six months (I guess so they know you are still alive) but they will email you a notice a couple weeks before that time is up. And at least for me they have always been very reliable.